The young warrior did not have to endure patiently awaiting the arrival of his Mentor long, for the azure-skinned Akalak made his entrance into the Park just a few moments following. His first instruction, after waving away the eager, violet-skinned Akalak's greeting, was for him to be seated. Khal'iah obeyed without hesitation, dropping to a cross-legged seating position that mimicked that of his senior; seating himself only a few feet away, facing him. Next, the azure-skinned warrior set about instructing Khal'iah on how to visualize the Res. He suggested seeing it as an extension of himself, much like how Khal'iah was always taught to see a weapon, and to see it within his psyche. He was also told to give it a color, shade, texture, and taste.
Admittedly, the young warrior wasn't exactly the most creative being on the face of Mizahar, but he did not dare open his mouth in protest. Instead, his shimmering eyes lulled to a close and he inhaled a deep breath, focusing upon his Res as was instructed. For the days past his Initiation, Khal'iah could feel his Res within him, brimming with a warmth that was both foreign and comforting altogether: a sensation that was new, but felt as though it was there all along. He attempted to put a "face" to this presence and conceptualized it. A deep violet was the color and shade he had selected to personify this energy, as was his skintone and the hue he was most familiar with. Its texture and form mimicked that of the Res he had seen utilized by his Senior days prior, as he had no idea what other forms Res could take as of yet: it was a gaseous, almost etheral form. Taste...this stumped the young warrior for a moment or two, yet he thought about all the warm, comforting things that were edible.
This segued into a side thought about his mother's amazing ability to cook, and all of her "famous" dishes. His mouth watered at the thought...before he snapped himself out of it and settled on one of his personal favorites. Khal'iah was uncertain as to how selecting a taste for his Res would help...would his enemies taste the sugar in his fireball? But nonetheless, he settled upon the sweet taste of vanilla, the same type that came from the plant his mother would often add to tea in order to bolster its flavor. Once he had finished "fleshing out" his Res, he hearkened once again to the voice of his senior, wondering what in the world could he request him to do next. Yet, the order seemed reasonable to say the least. The young Akalak inhaled a deep breath and attempted to do as his mentor had alluded to: shutting out all outside distractions and focusing solely on the task at hand...
...And so he reached within himself and grasped the enigmatic force within him. Like a stray thread upon a piece of clothing, he gingerly pulled and tugged at it; slowly and cautiously, just as his Mentor had instructed. He took his time, which amounted to several minutes of silence on the part of the young Akalak. Then, after a small eternity had passed...something began to stir in the swordhand of the young warrior. It began as nothing more than a darkening upon the flat of his palm, a barely noticeable change in the grand scheme of things. Khal'iah felt it surfacing, responding to his cautious pulling and urged it onward. Further and further the darkening grew about his palm until the Res escaped his hand altogether, slowly and lazily extending a mere two inches above his palm in the form of deep, violet wisps.
It was at this point that Khal'iah opened his eyes and looked down at his palm, a small grin forming upon his face. "I've done it!" he said in a soft, measured tone. Though elated, he didn't want his pride and eagerness to be too obvious. Now it was only a matter of awaiting further instruction. |