[Verified by Mirage] Cian

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Cian on April 18th, 2013, 11:29 pm



Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Birthday: 33, Winter, 483AV.
Birthplace: City of Zeltiva
Cian does not stand tall for a human, reaching only a meager 5’6 but what he lacks in height he more than makes up for in presence. With light brown, clean cut brown hair and slight bags under his eyes he would be labeled as “passable” by most females of his race. Nothing glamorous but just another fish in the sea.

Cian wears brown robes that look as if they might fall off his meager shoulders if he they were not attached at the top and belted around his waist with a dark leather strip. His thin hands and lips make for a unimposing figure that can easily slip unnoticed in the corner of a social event.

Character Concept
Cian is a materialistic, power seeking human willing to do almost whatever it takes to gain what he wants, he is cunning and politically minded. Although he is power driven, a shadow of his former outlook on life still remains and he often fight battles within himself attempting to justify his actions and the process that he goes through to come to those decisions.

A good kid turned bad that cannot quite shake his moral conscience. A magic user seeking to unleash the ancient power throughout all the earth. A Power seeker willing to put aside all hesitations and friendships to gain strength for himself.

Character History

Cian was born in the outskirts of the city of Zeltiva to two loving, middle class parents. His dad worked as a shipbuilder while his mother cleaned for a richer family to earn their living. Although not glamorous jobs by any stretch of the imagination they put food on the table a roof over their heads. Cian spent much of his younger years exploring the city with his friends and would commonly find himself sitting and watching the scholars of the university debate on the finer topics of life. Cian longed to see inside the university with its towers the sparkled in the sunlight sitting in front of an ocean backdrop. To Cian this was the highest form of life, using their days to discover knowledge and to make themselves and the world around them better.

Cian was so interested in the university, at age 14 he attempted to enroll in some of the universities basic classes that were offered to the general public. Professors laughed as he could barely read and write and he was sent home in shame. But Cian is a persistent person and he showed up the next day. His persistence impressed a professor who offered to tutor him so that he could meet the requirements of the university. He spent the next years of his life pursuing his studies, he learned to love the library and even with constant pressure from his parents to get a job he was convinced the path to a good life was knowledge.

Finally after three years of hard study Cian made the cut and was accepted into the university. He rejoiced, but he went right back into his studies with a renewed intensity. But, the university changed Cian and only the gods can say if is for good. Upon entering the university Cian was introduced to magic for the first time and it shattered his world. He had always heard rumors of this magic; the ability to set fire to the skies and to move mountains was available to anyone who could master the “dark arts”. Cian would quickly find out this was not the case and that magic was full of rules and guidelines that had quite hardly penalties if they were ignored.

The kid who grew up honest and looking for fulfillment was changed over time into a materialistic and power hungry being. Cian studied long hours looking for ways in which he could increase his power and attempting to make money using his skills. Cian diversified his studies to include Voiding, Hypnotism, Summoning, Magecrafting and other things. Anything that could get him ahead of others in the proverbial race of life was on his list of things to learn and master. His craving for knowledge was growing with each passing day and he finally realized that if he truly wanted to be great he need to pick up what remained of his life and move it to the one place in Mizahar that he could truly excel, Sahova.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language:
Poor Language:


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Voiding 25 SP Competent
Magecraft 15 SP Novice
Animation 10 SP Novice
Hypnotism 15 RB # Novice
Skill 5 # SP # Novice
Skill 6 # RB, # SP # Novice


Lore of History of Sahova
Lore of Sahovan Politics


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak or Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas

[b]Heirloom: A leather bound book which binds all of Cians research notes. [/b


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Cash In Housing +500 GM 600 GM

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Posts: 8
Words: 7003
Joined roleplay: April 16th, 2013, 6:34 pm
Race: Human
Character sheet

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