[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Castor on April 26th, 2013, 6:43 am


“The Spinning Coin?” Castor repeated.

Castor has never been to that place before. However, just from the name, he knew that it was some sort of place where people gambled their mizas. He assumed that he would be catching cheaters, thieves and cut-purses. However, he wasn’t too sure.

“I’d accept the job, but can you tell me… What is it am I getting myself into?” he asked the woman, ready to accept the job.

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Caesarion on April 29th, 2013, 12:47 am

Ugh, seriously. What was it with all of this official business? Couldn't he just kill a deer and sell it off to some vicious little trollop, like he always would back at home? He received a note earlier, "not licensed". Not licensed? Not licensed for what? "Yo," He muttered that one simple word. Obviously, he didn't like the fact that he was even here. Caesarion just didn't like to exit the man-cave very often, especially not because it was essential for his survival or anything like that. Why couldn't he just shoot himself in the leg and collect disability payments, or something? "I'm here because I want to 'officially' perform an 'official' job for payment. My name is Caesarion Maenies. I want to be a hunter. I plan on staying here for five to ten years. That's about it." Well, he lied about his last name, but that was what he'd been registered as, ever since he came to Syliras. He doubt it'd be a problem now. He couldn't go ahead and say Panthos, or he'd be burned at the stake.
Last edited by Caesarion on May 1st, 2013, 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on April 29th, 2013, 7:37 pm

Lindel Ward

Treg was glad to see that the man had finally made up his mind. She nodded to his question and addressed him gladly. "Courier work is on the independent side of things, you'll have to seek work were you can find it."


"You are to work as a guard. The Spinning Coin is a place for gamblers or the sort, and the place can and does get out of hand."


Trega greeted the next to come in and listened to what he had to say. He was the talkative sort, and he did seem a bit irritated, but she answered him. "If you want to be a hunter that is fine, you are more than welcomed to sell your meats in the market for coin."

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Alisha on April 30th, 2013, 9:26 am

"...for the city, for the knights, for the government of Syliras?..."
She thought at first the question was absurd but after awhile realized the sense of it.
"For the knights, of course, who else should I work for?"
Note: The player behind Alisha was still adjusting to Mizahar life, please bear with her.

(Assist her if it needs...)
PS: I dislike long threads. 2 to 3 pages, more than that? too risky...
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Caesarion on April 30th, 2013, 2:58 pm

She gave him the job? That was easier than he thought; he assumed they were going to force him to run laps or go through a mountain of paperwork before anything was considered. "I am so pleased to have your approval," he thanked the old hag, probably a bit too graciously, and then ducked out of the office. Welp, that was settled, back to life. Stepping out through the door, he started to laugh outrageously. "So pleased to have your approval," he repeated, sarcastically. Jeez, he'd never grow up.

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Adsila on May 2nd, 2013, 3:46 am

Adsila walks into the Employment office and looks around. Adsila was getting dirty looks her way already. So what she was a Myrian. There were Myrian knights here and they were okay. So why should they view her any different.

Adsila patiently waited until it was her turn.

"My name is Adsila, and I don't have very many skills, but I can trap fairly decently I guess, I am pretty good at tracking, and my body building isn't bad. Other than that I am not sure what skills I am really good at, and at this moment, I don't care what the job is as long as I have a job."
Adsila said with a smile, hoping that what she told the lady would help her find her a job.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Castor on May 2nd, 2013, 4:32 pm


"I see, well I guess I'll take the job" castor said with a slight smile on his face. Castor will serve as a guard at the Spinning coin.

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on May 3rd, 2013, 9:19 pm


Trega still wasn't sure what to make of the woman, but the job that she was asking for wasn't something that she could help with. "If you want to be..a spy, you will need to speak with the Knights about that. But really, you don't seem the sort for the work in my opinion."

OOCYou must have the skill intelligence to gain excess to the job spy.


Trega smiled with a curious nod to the woman as she entered. Just the last season she had met another of her shade of bronze. It seemed that Syliras was attracting far and wide as of late. "It sounds like you're a hunter? You could easily hunt nearby and sell your game in the market and shops."

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Oleander on May 4th, 2013, 11:31 am

OOCflashback sort of posting here

Oleander is 14 yeas old in this.

Spring 20th, 511AV

Oleander just arrived at Syliras. His parents just left him by himself and a guard directed him welcome centre. Oleander followed one of the kind guards to the build. Upon entering there was a lot of people trying to get jobs.

When it was Oleander's turn, he looked at the woman as she asked him what needed.
“Hi, I’m new to the city. I was left by my parents and a guard told me to come here.” He informed the woman.
“My parents told me I should find an apartment I should stay at, do you know where one it?” Oleander asked.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Alisha on May 6th, 2013, 7:34 am

If that's the case, she should contact a knight. Nevermind, perhaps she was bound to be a thief forever. She would not asked how to be a barmaid. There was a lot of other buildings and influential nobles out there to work for.
"Thank you, ma'am. I guess I need to go now."

I'd just attempted to have a different career path rather than selecting what's goes with my starter skills. I believe being a thief suits my PC. I don't need to apply for that job. If I'm right, I'll just have to write solo job threads about it thrice or more every season. Is Alisha an official thief now, or should I still look for someone, or be in a quest for that? :)
Note: The player behind Alisha was still adjusting to Mizahar life, please bear with her.

(Assist her if it needs...)
PS: I dislike long threads. 2 to 3 pages, more than that? too risky...
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