Timestamp: To be determined by the player.
Players Involved: Deadfang
Reason for Thread: Hiring
Magic was a touchy subject in The Spires. Not everyone was for it, but not everyone was against it either. The Jamoura held the belief that nature should be left alone unless necessary and magic tended to interfere with this. While some magics, such as Auristics, was more accepted than others, many magics did exist in the city. Those who practiced magic were watched carefully by the Hahk'Shatara. A perfect example are Kessan and Davan, the maledictors of The Spires. The Jamoura upheld that it was better to be on good terms with the pair than bad and they are allowed to practice so long as they cause no harm.
A Deacon had been approached by a young Zith, Deadfang, who sought to become a maledictor of the city. The young woman wanted to sell her wares on any petal she chose. The Deacon had instructed her to approach the Memory when they met at the Memorium and plead her case. If the Memory chose to give her permission, she would be allowed to conduct business. Otherwise, the Zith would be denied and told to find a different career.
On this very night at the Memorium, all previous business had been conducted. Deadfang had waited to be the last person to address the Memory because her request was more unusual and may take the longest time. Deadfang would never admit it, but she was a tad nervous as well. One Deacon rose to his feet, wise Jamoura eyes looking out over the small crowd that had gathered. The Jamoura were intelligent individuals and trusted the memory, but many gathered to see the latest news and gather information, along with speak their opinion. "If there are any more topics to be brought to view, please rise and state your name and issue. Please be aware you will only be given one chance to speak unless we require more information. Each individual here is allowed to state his or her opinion on the matter."
A Deacon had been approached by a young Zith, Deadfang, who sought to become a maledictor of the city. The young woman wanted to sell her wares on any petal she chose. The Deacon had instructed her to approach the Memory when they met at the Memorium and plead her case. If the Memory chose to give her permission, she would be allowed to conduct business. Otherwise, the Zith would be denied and told to find a different career.
On this very night at the Memorium, all previous business had been conducted. Deadfang had waited to be the last person to address the Memory because her request was more unusual and may take the longest time. Deadfang would never admit it, but she was a tad nervous as well. One Deacon rose to his feet, wise Jamoura eyes looking out over the small crowd that had gathered. The Jamoura were intelligent individuals and trusted the memory, but many gathered to see the latest news and gather information, along with speak their opinion. "If there are any more topics to be brought to view, please rise and state your name and issue. Please be aware you will only be given one chance to speak unless we require more information. Each individual here is allowed to state his or her opinion on the matter."