Closed Oh what a headache... [Smithis]

Smithis comes to see Kaili about the quest, all while she had a pounding headache

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Oh what a headache... [Smithis]

Postby Kaili on April 15th, 2013, 11:39 pm

Kaili had a head ache. A big one. Her head was fuzzy, and her brain just didn’t seem to be working. So she sat in the forge with her head in hands, knees curled up, attempting to make it go away. She’d given up on working that day, since she just couldn’t concentrate. As her head throbbed, she attempted to brainstorm ways to make it go away, but the Isur just couldn’t think straight. All her thoughts were muddled, and the simplest things escaped her mental grip. Did she have any major work today? Did she eat breakfast? She couldn’t really remember. Did she eat breakfast? She couldn’t remember doing it, but she didn’t feel hungry, so it must have.

”Kaili, what are you doing there? You should be in bed!” Someone called from next to her, in a concerned voice. Looking to the side, she spotted Jelian, her older sister, crouching beside her with a worried look on her face. She was holding a glass of water, which looked cold and refreshing. That’s what was supposed to help with headaches… not minding that she was being rude, Kaili instantly grabbed the cup from her sibling’s hand, and began to drink.

”Mmmm I like it here…” She replied between a gulp, then finished the glass. It was true, she felt much more comfortable in the forge than anywhere else in their house, so wanted to stay here. She didn’t mind sitting on the hard cold floor, since the constant fire in the room warmed her. Her head felt slightly clearer after the water, but not by much. She handed the glass back to her sister, and returned her head to its position between her hands. The older Isur sighed lightly, and left the room for Kaili to be alone.
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Oh what a headache... [Smithis]

Postby Smithis on April 17th, 2013, 9:27 am

80th of Spring, a couple dozen chimes after last speaking with Viametran

It wasn't hard for Smithis to find his way to Kaili's forge. He had been there so many times that he started to fear he'd turn into a no-nonsense smith like his master. He was suprised though when he came into the forge and saw Kaili sitting down on the floor. She seemed sick.... if there even was such a thing to stop her from working. He'd knock on the side of the wall as he entered.

„Hello?“ he could see her, but wouldn't figure out just why was she curled up like this. He wouldn't wait for her to get up though. Instead he'd simply point to the ground a step or two across from her and ask „May I?“ he still needed to talk to someone rational, even if that someone wasn't in her best shape from what he could observe. Well, hopefully she'd recover soon enough.
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Oh what a headache... [Smithis]

Postby Kaili on April 17th, 2013, 4:04 pm

Kaili raised her eyes to see Smithis at the door. What was he doing there? She didn't realize they had a lesson that day... funny. What day was it? Her head was so fuzzy that she didn't feel like trying to figure that out. Anyways... no matter what, she was certainly not in a fit state to teach today. She considered telling him that, then realized that it was possibly not the reason he was there for. She heaved herself up, and leaned against the wall, her head swimming for the movement.

"Not doing that again..." The smith muttered quietly to herself. Then, finally noticing Smithis was waiting for a reply, she continued "Please, come in. What did you want?" Her left hand lay heavily on the desk, supporting most of her weight. She tried to keep upright, and put up a good face for her pupil, but that took so much effort...

Kaili shook her head slightly, in a failed attempt to clear her mind, and bring herself back to her senses. All it did was increase the throbbing pain in her head for a few moments, which was annoying. Feeling slightly out of it, she gave Smithis an apologetic smile, before deciding it was probably best to sit down again.

Unbalanced, she grabbed onto the top of the chair and heaved it out, causing it to spin slightly. She plopped her weak body into the seat and relaxed slightly. The whole movement had been very sloppy and un-coordinated, like she cared. It felt much better to be sitting again. She rubbed her forehead slightly, in attempt to relieve some of the pain, but to no use. This was not just a headache, it was a full blown migraine...
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Oh what a headache... [Smithis]

Postby Smithis on April 20th, 2013, 7:54 pm

Smithis would observe her struggle getting up, but he wouldn't offer assistance unless it was asked for. A student meddling in his master's business wasn't quite... polite? He'd wait for her to get up fully, or as close to that as she could and he'd ask again. He was clearly intruding after all – besides, like Viametran said, there was plenty of time.

The male wouldn't tell her that she seemed unwell at the moment, she probably knew all too perfectly how she felt and appeared –no, he wouldn't waste time on things so obvious. Instead, he'd ask if she was still willing to hear him out given the state she was in.
„We don't have a lesson today, if that's what you're wondering“ had to start somewhere, so why not there? „I just had the most compelling conversation, one that might propel me into doing reckless things.“ He'd pause. Why was he even telling her this? Ah, that's right, she was the most grounded Isur he knew, if she couldn't convince him to stay, there was little to change his mind on the matter. „I guess your opinion could prove useful on the matter?“ he'd sigh „Actually, why don't you go and weather that ailment for a bit, I could always be back later“ he did want to speak with her, but trying to do so at the expense of her health didn't appeal to him much.
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Oh what a headache... [Smithis]

Postby Kaili on April 20th, 2013, 8:54 pm

Kaili nodded, taking... most... of that in. She'd slightly missed his first statement, something about not lesson, which made sense, and something about... propelling? She wasn't quite sure, so decided it was easiest to ignore it for now. What she did notice was that he was asking for her opinion, something which she could... probably... give.

"Yes? I'm fine... what did you want to ask?" Though she'd heard the last part, she purposely ignored it, slightly annoyed about the comment. She could answer questions even though she had a headache! A small part of her mind whispered that the answers might not be the best, but the Isur ignored that too. She was perfectly fine!

Still, she massaged her temples slightly, attempting to get out the headache that way. It hadn't gotten better, but not much worse either, so that was good.
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Oh what a headache... [Smithis]

Postby Smithis on April 20th, 2013, 9:47 pm

„It's simple really...“ he'd start „I just wanted you to tell me if I should leave Sultros?“ this obviously wasn't the explanation, so he'd continue „There's this man, Viametran. He believes we could undertake an expedition to the Jiathu citadel... And it made me think we could do it. It made me think we just might be able to pull it off! Why not, I mean. If any disease existed it has long since perished along with last members of the clan. I always wanted to have some great tale to spun about the adventures beyond our caves, but I never thought it'd be like this. And then there's you!“ he'd stop then, thinking about how to state his last words and be certain not to offend her.

„My parents would surely tell me to stay. Anvel too... even my silly brother would be against leaving behind any comforts of home, but... you – I believe you'd tell me the truth. You have no personal interest on the matter, and you're a pretty practical person from what I know. And I just needed to tell someone so it didn't feel like running away if I actually ended up going...“ he'd stop there. It was quite enough. He didn't want to start rambling just yet. He'd gulp, swallowing along all the actual reasons he considered going for. His family wasn't really a thing he spoke about openly. All that was left now was to hear the smith's thoughts on the matter.
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Oh what a headache... [Smithis]

Postby Kaili on April 20th, 2013, 10:57 pm

Kaili stared at him in astonishment. He wanted to go on an adventure? The whole notion was absurd to her, and it made her head hurt even more. What was the point of an adventure? And the disease... how did he know it wasn't around? And it would be dangerous... he didn't know how to fight at all, how did he think he could protect himself? In truth, she could find no reason why he would be attacked, but in the smith's mind adventuring and exploring was linked with fighting for your life.

Something nagged at the back of her mind though. She completely understood why Smithis would want to go do this, it just made perfect sense. She couldn't explain why she knew, but just that him discovering new things, learning about their history. So, in truth, she knew he should go, and she couldn't bring herself to tell him no. There was no truly logical reason why not, so...

She shook her head slightly, trying to decide what to do. There was still so much danger, he couldn't go alone, without supervision... it made no sense! Her logic was also impared by her headache, though personally she felt like she was making the right choice. The still sensible part of her got a slight sinking feeling, but the rest of her was content with her decision.

"You should go... but not without someone you know" She told him with a stern voice, not quite sure what to say next. What was she doing..."So I'm coming with you. To make sure you don't do something stupid" Well, it was done. She'd practically promised to go. If Kaili was anything, she was true to her word. Something inside her was panicking about going off somewhere else, but the rest of her was busy dealing with the headache. It had annoyingly gotten worse, so all she could do was sit there, and massage her temples.

"When is it? She asked, finally realizing this would probably be an important detail. That little frantic piece of her mind was rapidly listing out everything she would need, all the problems, how stupid a decision this was... but it went mostly ignored. She could go over this later, when she got over the pounding in her head...
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Oh what a headache... [Smithis]

Postby Smithis on April 21st, 2013, 12:56 am

Smithis wasn't usually tongue-tied. Yet this was... it was... ah well...
It was stupid! Why for Izurdin's sake would she ever want to come along?! He wouldn't repeat this out loud, but he never wanted her to come. He just wanted honest advice, not a bloody companion. Before he could ever say anything he'd walk left and right for a bit. Not that he'd go anywhere, although he was seriously considering running away just about that point. Leaving without telling her any more sounded so good. Finally he'd raise his hand to say something, but all he got was „Ummmm...“ then he'd go back t walking. The silly sequence repeated itself three more times before he finally settled down a bit and sat down on the floor.

„Even I can see you live for your forge... so why would you ever want to leave it behind. Adventure or no adventure it just sounds... I don't know anything anymore...“ he'd keep looking at her weary figure, but he didn't know what else to say. Why did she even offer partaking? Viametran would probably be rather happy about more people for the cause, but Smithis couldn't quite share the sentiment. It was much easier to go when everyone on the quest was a stranger.

Besides, what was with ther completely approving the quest? Was she that ill? Or was he that wrong in judging her character? He'd never really be certain, would he?
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Oh what a headache... [Smithis]

Postby Kaili on April 21st, 2013, 1:46 pm

Kaili glared at Smithis, slightly unsure what to do. He was right about everything he said, but... he needed to go, and some strange motherly instinct was kicking in telling her that he couldn't go alone. At any other time, this would have been hilarious, since she was less than twenty years older than him, but the Isur still felt responsible for him.

"I said I was coming, no? Stop complaining" She stated, still glaring at him. The tone may have been scolding, angry almost, but it was to cover her lack of an excuse, and awkward emotions. Instead, she just decided to get this over with, and maybe actually go to bed, since the headache still continued. All she needed to know was the date, and she'd come. Let Smithis figure this out for himself...

"Again. When?" She demanded, not caring that she was being impolite. She had decided to go, and that was that. The pounding in her head made her short tempered, and Kaili really didn't feel like discussing things. Hopefully the adventure wouldn't be for a few days, to let her recover. A small voice inside her hoped for never, but she shut it away, with no time for such sarcasm. Smithis wouldn't have come if he knew it wasn't going to happen, and such an idea was just... stupid. Her death glare was now not so much faced at her student, but herself too.
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Oh what a headache... [Smithis]

Postby Smithis on April 30th, 2013, 1:28 am

Not that it was his place, but Smithis was afraid for her. It was easy for him to decide his own fate, perhaps there was a bit of weighing, but it was easy. Why was it easy? Because it was done properly. Her decision on the other hand sounded like pure impulse to him and he couldn't approve of that.

„No!“ he was actually surprised himself that he got a voice loud enough to oppose her if only for a second „You'll go and lie down! Or whatever it is you do to feel better!“ then he'd pause a bit in thought, he didn't really have a solution, but he wouldn't panic. Simple delays were easy enough to produce. „So find me tomorrow if you'd still like to go and I'll tell you when and where. Should give you enough time to consider this properly, no?“ he'd add the last bit a bit spiteful, copying her earlier tone. He wouldn't tell her yet, even if she chose to try and snatch it from him.

„If that's all, I'll see you some other time. I do hope you feel better.“ Unless there was something else, he was leaving.
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