[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon I

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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Coltyn on April 30th, 2013, 2:22 am

This made me think of Mizahar and you. Enjoy!
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Gossamer on April 30th, 2013, 6:54 am

Blast From The Past
And proof, I might add, that I did actively LARP.


Someone threw this gem up on Facebook the other day to horrify and amaze all of the old Nox Imperium (Night Empire) folks from Minds Eye Theater in Longview/Kelso. It was pretty spiffy I might add. I forgot how wonderful the world was back then and how much fun we had. I had just graduated college, had killer job as a Wildlife Biologist for huge timber company (henceforth called a Biostitute - a Biologist who whores themselves out Private Industry), had tons of free time, pocketfulls of disposable income, and no clue what was next in life.

Little did I know life just would get better and better.

Can anyone guess which Vampire is me in that mix? I'll give you a hint. I was anti-goth and probably one of the most laid back people irl you ever would meet. Sorry for the grainy pic... but man it dragged me back down memory lane. The tall dangerous looking guy in the dead center, who is actually the best cook you'll ever eat food from and is a giant teddy bear irl, posted it. Damon, you're awesome for making me smile this much!!!!!
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Vanator on April 30th, 2013, 11:44 am

Do I see a pwincess? White shirt front and center?
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Gossamer on May 1st, 2013, 7:11 pm

Think About It
You really should stop giving people the power to effect your mood and emotions, unless they are the people that use it only for good.

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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Paragon on May 1st, 2013, 11:30 pm

That picture is amazing... I've always had this thing about train tracks running into an endless horizon. Beautiful.
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Phoenix on May 2nd, 2013, 9:52 pm

A Video for Jen
In which Jules makes a fool of herself, but who is really surprised by that?

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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Verilian on May 2nd, 2013, 10:38 pm

She said a dirty word!
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Phoenix on May 2nd, 2013, 10:46 pm

Ron! Shhhhh! You're just trying to get me back for YOU saying the C word in our thread!
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Gossamer on May 8th, 2013, 4:44 pm

The Help Desk
This is a full fledged "I hate you." rant.


I have patiently, and often times singlehandedly, taken care of the Help Desk for years... ever since 2009. I have been gone from Mizahar this month long chunks of time because of my work schedule, which has me gone from home 6 days a week often in ten to twelve hour chunks if not longer. And this weekend I don't see myself being here either. Saturday I have a bee removal starting at 8am and Sunday is Mother's Day and mom needs to get taken out. AND I WILL HAVE TO WORK ALL NIGHT SATURDAY AND PROBABLY ALL DAY AFTER THE BEE REMOVAL.

So to all you folks that have all kinds of disposable time and think everyone else does too hence pushing the issue that you need all kinds of attention - Goodie For You. I do not have disposable time at the moment. I am sorry you folks are not getting the immediate responses you think you deserve.

But screw you rude people that are being pushy as hell, sending me PMs asking if your HD tickets got viewed or were 'alright', but heh no hurry right? Well, I have to READ them to know they are fine. And frankly, the minute I get the HD ticket all caught up, go to work, then get off again and check it again it will often be a full page behind. I'm sick of keeping up. I'm spending all my waking hours on HD tickets that I have Mizahar time for. It's utterly ridiculous.

People don't even read the lore. They don't take the time to properly request an NPC or a gnosis gift. They have no clue what they are really doing or what they really want or need. When a single ticket takes a month to resolve because they need to be asked to revise things or apply the right way wherein I give them a link to the wiki page in question that is pertinent... and they could have found it themselves.

I'm sick to death of it. I've never had burnout this huge before in my life. And the sad thing about it is THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING. Every crybaby and needy person on the game is in the Help Desk being absolutely impossibly frustrating to me.

No, I won't tell you what I will approve for you for a Konti Gift.

No, I won't let you have unique character traits being a human.

No, I won't wipe your bum and ease your butthurt.

If you have a complaint, post the complaint, give us a log if someone is doing something that you don't like or think shouldn't happen, and move on from there. We'll handle it from that point. Don't spam my inbox with WHATS BEING DONE ABOUT THIS.

If you are a staffer or a staffer wanna be... and no one has responded to your HD Ticket request to join the staff... I'm sorry. It's just because I've not gotten you fixed up yet... and no one else seems to have time or willingness to do so. Nudge me, and if I think you are a great candidate I'll fix you up if you've been overlooked. If I think you are totally unsuitable, I'll let you rot in there forever. Seriously.

And no I don't know why other Founders don't answer their tickets when they are clearly marked for the other Founders. And no I won't read them if they are marked for someone else. I'm glad to see other tags besides Gossamer in there.

But don't PM me, post a help desk ticket, then bitch in chat that no one reads the Help Desk. Someone does. And someone does her best to keep up with it. But the cold hard truth is that half the stuff in there is unnecessary. Retiring pc's after ten posts? REALLY? STOP MAKING THEM THEN. Want your kickass PC to be turned into an NPC because you aren't playing anymore but obviously people love the PC so much they never want to loose them? Forget it. I just advised an ST today instead of turning a PC into an NPC to have the PC fall overboard and be lost with status unknown. No quest is so important that it can't be done without a PC who's player has no time to play. If you designed it that way, that's YOUR FAULT ST, and I'm not correcting your mistake by making more and immortalizing people that aren't worthy of it because they don't want to stick around or weren't here more than a blink of an eye anyhow.

I'm mad as hell over this HD Ticket situation. I'm mad as hell that people keep bugging my PM box that is already full of bullshit to begin with, about HD stuff. Post a HD Ticket already. Just don't come to me on how to post in the HD when you could be posting in the HD and getting your shit all worked out there instead of working it out in my PM box, then having to go through the HD anyhow. I won't circumnavigate the HD and handle stuff FASTER in my PMs. Duh. And don't... for the love of god... post in the HD and ask if you need a SS thingy cause everyone else has one. Seriously. Go read what an SS thingy is about and then figure out - for yourself - that you only need one when you have special storyteller notes about your PC. If you want special storyteller notes on your PC, go out and do stuff with your PC... the SS thingy... I swear I hear that daily... will come in time at that point.

And FYI today I got up at nine, called and made an appointment with the vet, have to take a cat in for some medication, am getting bark dust for the yard, spreading it out some, and then going to work for another ten hours to manage my shift alone. Again, there's no time in there for Mizahar other than a few stolen moments this morning.

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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Verilian on May 8th, 2013, 5:48 pm

I spend a lot of time telling newbies NOT to go to the help desk. I just wish it actually worked.. I feel for you Jen, and I will continue doing what I can to prevent people from posting unnecessary BS in the HD. People don't seem to realize that they can ask us ST's most of the questions they ask you in the help desk.

Granted, if they would just read the lore like you said, then they probably wouldn't have the questions in the first place. But to anyone reading this (and Jen's) post, please, if you absolutely feel you must ask a question, run it by one of us less busy STs before you go bothering Jen in the help desk. A lot of the time we can answer your questions without the need for the help desk. Or just ask in chat! That's what the chat is for, quick answers to your questions. And I recommend only listening to the colored names, or if you know someone is actually a storyteller, you can listen to them. There are plenty of experienced non-STs on the site, sure, but chances are the random guy who instantly answered your question was some newb that has only been here a month and claims to have read ALL of the lore, and is an expert on it.

Also, please, please, please use the Q/A forum. Most of your questions can be answered there, and if not, you will then be directed to the Help Desk or to a specific founder. I even posted an FAQ for you guys to try to stop all this unnecessary question asking. I'm planning on updating it monthly, or maybe bi-monthly, and I'm working to make it more user friendly in my spare time.

Anyway, Jen, I hope that you can find time to actually post one day, instead of all this HD stuff. And hopefully the other founders will step it up as well. Anyway, have fun with your mom, and I hope things look better soon!
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