Closed From the Dead, Cries of a Love Long Lost [Jess & Sera]

Two women chance upon a restless soul at the Ice Fields Cemetery.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

From the Dead, Cries of a Love Long Lost [Jess & Sera]

Postby Noblesse on April 2nd, 2013, 1:16 pm

From the Dead, Cries of a Love Long Lost
Timestamp: 37th day of Spring, 513 AV
Eight bell of the day

Grey clouds covered the skies above the Ice Fields Cemetery as piles upon piles of snow fell and covered the graves below. The vast white fields were almost enveloped in a deathly silence. There were not many that ventured into the cemetery to pay their beloved departed a visit. Even fewer were the people who drew their stay for too long.

The freezing winds whistled by the two huddling Vanthas walking past the numerous headstones that marked the cemetery. Above them, the winter blossoms were in full bloom. If one is to take their time and look up, they will truly appreciate the flowers draped over their heads like a delicate canopy hanging on the trees’ dark branches. That is, if one is fortunate enough to see through the mist slowly settling over the graves of the cemetery.

Flower viewing, however, was not the reason for the young women’s visit to Avanthal’s burial grounds. Sera and Jesslyn trudged through the thick snow, seeking a single grave out of the thousands that lay under the ice. The two had not made any progress in locating the latter’s grandfather, and the thickening grey shroud did not make things better. To put it into shorter words, the two were obviously lost.

As they wandered around countless rows of Skyglow headstones, a disconcerting feeling started to gnaw upon the two women. It was as if they were being intensely watched. If they were to look, however, there was no one in immediate sight. A few more chimes of walking around aimlessly, sobs echoed just a few paces in front of them. It was from a young woman, one is easily able to tell. But to whom it belongs, the two did not know. There were no indications of someone ahead, and they can only really see things that were about fifteen feet from them. The continued cries of the unseen woman only made the unpleasant feeling the two were already feeling worse.
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From the Dead, Cries of a Love Long Lost [Jess & Sera]

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on April 2nd, 2013, 5:01 pm


Jesslyn had been to her grandfathers grave before. Many many years ago when she still lived with her parents. But her memory was unreasonably horrible and for the life of her and Sera she couldn't recall where it was.

Jesslyn breathed out of her mouth with sigh as they once again pulled away from the wrong stone. Her face stung from the cold air that seemed to be getting colder and more misty as they went on their search. Jesslyn huffed and tugged on Sera's arm, "Sera. His name was Geanse Whitevine! I'm not originally a Skyglow for the thousandth time."

Jesslyn pulled away from the girl and away from the stone. Sometimes if the bodies weren't buried deep enough she could get glimpses. And she didn't like seeing the dead. Nor did she get the feeling that they liked being seen. "I think we should head back and start looking for the Whitevine area."

As Jesslyn accidentally walked over a shallow, enough, grave she suddenly became very uneasy. More uneasy than she already was with walking over dead peoples graves and actually being able to see some of them. Jesslyn quickly moved back to the vibration that was Sera and clung to her arm, "You know. I don't know how I was able to stand coming here as a child... though I only came once that I remember so maybe its a good thing."

As the two girls started walking again a sudden shrill sob started. Jesslyn clung to Sera as the sobs continued, "Sera..." Jesslyn didn't like those sobs. They didn't sound right. And they hurt her ears slightly. It wasn't the hurt of them being loud but it hurt from them hitting a certain pitch.

"Sera... what's going on?" Jesslyn didn't want to panic but as they walked from where the sounds were coming from Jesslyn wasn't seeing anything. Other than the body she was currently standing over.

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From the Dead, Cries of a Love Long Lost [Jess & Sera]

Postby Sera on April 5th, 2013, 2:28 am

Stubbornly, Sera walked with her friend through the cemetery. After Jesslyn had repeated herself many times, she let out a sigh. Maybe they were looking in the wrong spot. “Okay, okay! Not a Skyglow, I get it.” She responded, her teeth chattering. Truth was, Sera NEVER visited the cemetery. She knew her brother visited their family that had deceased often, so it wasn't that she didn't have relatives buried in the ice. It was just a sad place. Or at least, she thought it was sad. Death was usually a sad subject. And what is a cemetery filled with? Dead bodies.

The girl's grasp on Sera's arm loosened. Suddenly, Jesslyn was wandering away.

“Jess!” Sera let out an annoyed growl. “What are you doing?” By the time Sera looked towards her friend, she began to notice that the air was heavier. There seemed to be a misty fog rolling in. The girl shivered and crossed her arms in front of her chest as she glanced around. Something was off, but whatever it was, Sera couldn't place it. But then again, she couldn't place where they were, exactly. They had been walking for so long.

Something did not feel right. Jesslyn seemed to feel it as well, as the girl had taken ahold of her arm again. Sera patted her hand gently. “Jess, this is pointless, it's starting to feel really weird. Can we just go back?” She moved her friend closer, their arms linked, as they began walking again, “Like... home? Cause that would be wonder...” The sound of someone crying startled her.

Jesslyn was holding onto her tighter. “Jess... quiet.” She warned. “Where is it coming from?” The short line of visibility bothered her. The cries sounded feminine. But still, something was wrong about it. Sera narrowed her eyes trying to see further, but it didn't help.

“I don't remember seeing anyone else here, do you?” She asked Jess, her eyes holding separate shades between grey and violet. “She sounds upset...” The cries seemed to be getting louder. Worry tugged at her heart. “Oh Morwen... What if she's hurt! What if she's in trouble!” Sera took Jesslyn's hand and began walking to where the sounds seemed to be coming from, attempting to pull the other girl along with her. The bad feelings that accompanied the cries tightened Sera's chest. The dual sided panic made her heart beat faster. The part of her that always wanted to do good pushed her forward.

“We should help her!” Sera proclaimed as she trudged forward.

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From the Dead, Cries of a Love Long Lost [Jess & Sera]

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on April 24th, 2013, 2:30 am


As much as Jesslyn loved Sera... right now she wanted to trip her and sit on her. Of course Jesslyn didn't see anyone! Jesslyn said as much, "Right Sera. I did see someone, they were 2 feet tall and had pointed ears. Oh and don't forget the bright green outfit!" Sarcasm dripped from every word. Jesslyn was being dragged towards the sound.

As the cry's continued Jesslyn found herself wishing the person would just keel over and pass out. It was hurting her ears and her head was starting to feel like a headache.. a missive one at that. When they were getting too close for Jesslyns' comfort Jesslyn pulled back on Sera, "Sera, as a past Whitevine I've heard a lot of screams and wails and let me tell you." Jesslyn shivered and not from the cold air.

"This is defiantly not usual. Let's just head back like you said." Jesslyn tugged a little on Sera's hold. Jesslyn really didn't like this place anymore. Dead bodies were everywhere. She had just walked over one. And this crying woman was just making things worse, "Maybe we should come back when its warmer..." After a particularly loud wail Jesslyn quickly picked up, "Or not! Let's never come back here. I think I've had my fill of Ancestors!"

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From the Dead, Cries of a Love Long Lost [Jess & Sera]

Postby Sera on May 13th, 2013, 7:48 pm

Sorry guys! I've been sick with a nasty cold and then I had to deal with finals!

Sera chuckled at Jesslyn's remark. "Well, dearie..." She began but was cut off by another wail. It was most definitely a woman and her screams pulled at Sera's heartstrings more than she'd like to admit. "We NEED to do something." Sera urged. "I'm worried, come on..." And then Jesslyn played to Whitevine card. The Vantha shot a deadly glare at her friend.

This again?! "You know I work at the Healing Center, right?" Acid dripped form every word, She was sick of the Whitevine's and their seniority, know everything complex. It didn't matter that Jesslyn wasn't a Whitevine anymore. She still made the comment. "It doesn't matter what it is. There's something wrong. She may be hurt, she may be in pain, or maybe she's very upset about something." Jesslyn made the comment about getting warmer and returning later. Sera let go of her grasp on the girl and folded her arms in front of her chest. "It's Spring, it'll only get colder. It you want to go, then go, I feel like I should help, so I'm staying and finding this woman."

That being said, Sera turned on her heel and began walking. At this point, she didn't care what Jesslyn did. She glanced around nervously, trying to see through the thick fog. "Hello?" She called. The cries were getting closer. "Excuse me?" Her head whipped around carefully, trying to find out what was happening. Why were there the sounds, but she couldn't find the woman? What was going on? Fear settled on the back of her neck.

"I'm here to help." She whispered as a chill went down her spine.

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From the Dead, Cries of a Love Long Lost [Jess & Sera]

Postby Noblesse on May 29th, 2013, 7:52 pm

Forgive me for my tardiness ladies! This thread took much longer than first anticipated so let's get this continued once more. Hopefully I'll be back in full force! *crosses fingers*

Even as the two women started to lose their tempers, the cries of the unseen woman did not stop. In fact, even as Sera walked closer to where she supposed the source of the voice was, there was not a silhouette of any one within sight. She had to admit that it was indeed unnatural, and this fact did not do much to ease the alarm rising within her.

Unfortunately, Jesslyn is not faring any better than her sighted companion. The fog was making it harder for the blind woman to sense the vibrations around her, and what little she does see did not make her feel any better than she already did.

The wails, however, were not to last long.

As soon as Sera offered to help, the incessant sobs immediately stopped. Suddenly an unnerving silence engulfed the two Vantha, and for a chime that seemed to tick on forever, the sound of their nervous breathing were the only thing that kept each other company.

“…help?” A disembodied voice came from Sera’s immediate right, and if she turned to look she will see a young woman peering at her hopefully through large blue eyes. A quick glance will warrant Sera that there didn’t seem to be anything wrong about the girl aside from the fact that she looked like she was on the verge of tears. However, there was her unusual choice of clothing, too. The young woman was not wearing anything over her sleeveless tunic, and she lalso acked any form of protective covering for her feet. Even to a Vantha, not wearing the proper winter clothes is suicide, most especially on days when snowfall were prolonged and heavy.

A closer look will reveal to Sera that the girl, who looked to be about her age, might be even stranger than how she chose to dress herself. Unnatural, even. The young woman would appear to be translucent, and if Sera looked hard enough she will almost see right through the person, if not for the fog that surrounded the three of them.

Jesslyn, on the other hand, will not be able to see the girl. No matter how hard she tried to focus on the voice, there was not an outline like Sera’s to Jesslyn’s unresponsive eyes. The talking girl was nothing but a voice. For all the blind Vantha knew, Sera could have been talking to herself.

The girl walked towards the pair, her movements soundless amidst the eerie quietness of the graveyard. She inched closer until she was about an arm’s width away from them. In a brittle tone, she asked “You’re… you’re really going to help me? Please, help?” She tilted her head to the side, her long dark hair sliding off her shoulders, as she stared at the two women with even more desperation than her voice held.

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From the Dead, Cries of a Love Long Lost [Jess & Sera]

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on May 30th, 2013, 4:20 am


When Sera let go and walked out of Jesslyns' sight, two things went through her mind. One, You stubborn girl! In all the fairytales people separate and then bad things happen. And Two, There goes my sight.

Slowly Jesslyn vision became even worse without the steady vibration of Sera. Quickly wrapping her arms around herself and taking a few deep breaths Jesslyn trucked on after Sera. Though she couldn't see her, she could hear her breathing and her walking. Though it was a little hard not to mistake it for her own.

Just before Jesslyn was sure she was catching up to Sera a chill ran down her spine and the wails stopped. Feeling especially bad about the situation Jesslyn went to call Sera only to hear a voice. She didn't hear a responce from Sera at the voice but as she got closer, at a slower pace, and finally found the familiar blur. Jesslyn didn't see anyone else.

She heard no moving but the weird feeling felt as if it was getting closer and oh, did Jesslyn not like this. Jesslyn kept her arms around herself and tried not to reach for Sera and drag her away. When the voice spoke again Jesslyn was sure she was going to loose it.

She had never liked not being able to see someone talking to her. And this was worse. She could barley see, the temperature was colder than it should have been, Jesslyn was getting a headache, and this voice didn't belong to a body. Not thinking clearly Jesslyn lost her nerve and latched unto the nearest thing.

Or said 'thing' could be called a Sera. Who was by all of Morwens power, crazy. "Umm, Sera." Jesslyn whispered, "I... I can't..." Jesslyn voice shook a little, "Sera I can't see....." Jesslyn prayed to Morwen that Sera knew what she was talking about because she definitely couldn't get out the words. Her eyes practically weeping the dull pale purple of fear.
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