Undisclosed Desires Of The Heart (Dyrid)

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

Undisclosed Desires Of The Heart (Dyrid)

Postby Flick on June 18th, 2010, 11:03 am


70th Day Of Summer, Late Night.

Flick twitched nervously, flopping over in her shared bed as she slept. Her head rolled and her closed eyes showed rapid eye movement under the lids. To an outsider, she would look distressed, and almost frightened. Tossing again, the kelvic mumbled in her sleep, words garbled and low. More talking and more tossing, the young creature finally awoke with a start, sitting bold right up in the bed. Her naked body was covered in a light sheen of sweat and her long hair clung to her shoulders. The remains of a nightmare, too real and remembered to be just a dream, danced through her head. Her eyes saw blue skinned fists and cold orange eyes. The darkness held secrets and imagined fears. Panting as she looked around the dark room, the kelvic got out of the warmth of the bed and made her way outside and down to the stables where Dyrid had his sleeping spot.

Walking through the straw and hay, she followed her nose. Dyrid smelt distinctly like no one else. He smelt like his animal form. The great white tiger. Flick found herself safe in his vicinity, under his protection. In their first encounter on the beach, the fennec fox had found herself drawn to him. Protection and kinship in what they were, what they went through. Since then she had been almost inseperable with the kelvic - only leaving his side when Kavala needed her elsewhere. Her heart fluttered when Dyrid was around, and she began to feel more. Feelings she had once shared with Reghitaar that had only hurt her. They left her feeling confused and unsure of what she should do. Before, when she'd revealed them, it had hurt her. If she did it again, would Dyrid reject her?

Finding the blue eyed man's bedding, the girl crawled in beside him, cuddling into his form. She wriggled till she was pressed back against him and sighed. Here, she was safe. Even in her dreams. Closing her eyes, she settled in.

"Dyrid, I had a bad dream..." She muttered in the dark, whether he was awake or not.

Last edited by Flick on June 19th, 2010, 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Undisclosed Desires Of The Heart (Dyrid)

Postby Dyrid on June 18th, 2010, 5:49 pm

Dyrid lay fast asleep in the bedding made of several horse blankets on top of a pile of straw and hay. He dreamt of running and chasing gazelle through the endless planes of grass. Flick was there running right beside him in her fennec fox form with the huge ears that Dyrid found so very cute. He has only known her for a short time, but even at their first encounter down by the beach the kelvic felt as if he had known her forever. She equaled the balance that he so very needed, he was very shy and lazy but she was up front and very energetic. She was the yin to his yang and he was quite found of her but feared she didn’t feel the same towards him.

He slept as if the big cat had run to Sylira and back in one day. Dyrid has never been able to sleep well, always keeping one eye open watching for any dangers the world through at him. However here at the Sanctuary he could sleep peacefully throughout the night so long as the dreams of his past kept away. Normally sleeping in his natural form for security, but for some reason tonight he shifted back into his human skin at some point during the night. The sounds of footsteps and the rattling of his stall door opening woke him.

His nose told him that it was Flick, so he was in no danger. What was she doing here in the middle of the night he wondered to himself as she crawled into his bedding. The fennec’s warm body and her scent was so inviting, it could wash away any troubles the kelvic had. She had a bad dream and Dyrid could still smell the fear rolling of her. He knew how bad dreams of the past could be so he wrapped his arms around the other kelvic and pulled her nude body close his own, holding her tight to try and comfort the fennec.

”It’s okay little fox, I’m here now.”He whispered into her ear trying to do his best to take away her fear.
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Undisclosed Desires Of The Heart (Dyrid)

Postby Flick on June 19th, 2010, 7:00 am


Smiling in the dark, Flick relaxed in the kelvic's arms. His voice was enough to make her feel safe, secure. The warmth of his bare skin against her own brought a strange blush to her cheeks. It certainly wasn't modesty, but it wasn't embarrassment either. Dyrid just made her feel, right. Reaching out to play with a piece of straw, the fox sighed heavily.

"It was from before. I think...I was remembering, not dreaming. When I woke up, I thought I could still see him, still hear him. I didn't know what else to do." Lowering her hand to his forearm, Flick ran a finger over the raised scars there. He had so many scars. It made her sad.

"How can they treat us like this?" The blonde whispered, index finger tracing a particularly deep scar. How could this be fair? Be right? She remembered her meeting with the council, and how matter-of-fact things had seemed. It was fair because it was normal here. People like Kavala were rare, and wonderful. Just thinking of the konti brought a little flutter of happiness to her heart. The bond, that instinct to belong, pressed at her eagerly. Now that there was another kelvic to share with, Kavala didn't resist so much.

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Undisclosed Desires Of The Heart (Dyrid)

Postby Dyrid on June 21st, 2010, 12:39 am

Dyrid could feel the tension leaving the fennec. It made the kelvic happy to know that she felt safe here in his arms. Laying here in this wooden box stall with the blonde haired fennec fox kelvic brought him peace. Always feeling alone and rejected this new found calming sensation he felt when ever Flick was around was strange, but not a bad kind of strange just the new feeling that he belonged somewhere and had a purpose.

He understood how Flick felt about remembering the past, also being plagued with flashbacks and dreams of his time with Galdion. ”Always remember that he isn’t here now. I would never let him harm you again, Flick.” He said holding her tight trying his best to comfort the young kelvic. “Sometimes I also see Galdion and can hear his mad cackle even though he no longer lives. It’s important to keep in mind the past is what it is, and all we can do is hope the future will be better.”

As Flick’s fingers traced the scars on his arm he frowned a little. The fur he donned hid the ugly marks he has received over time and he hated that his human skin showed them so clearly. They were permanent marks that even in death Galdion still affected him. ”I doubt that Marcus Kelvic would be pleased to find out that his creations are treated this way. Even though his intentions when he created us were to be servants, I don’t think our mistreatment was in the plan.” He told Flick not really knowing what else to say. That question she asked is one he has spent many sleepless nights thinking about.

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Undisclosed Desires Of The Heart (Dyrid)

Postby Flick on June 21st, 2010, 12:48 pm


Smiling as he spoke, Flick hugged the arm she'd been stroking. He was her protector, and it felt right. Like something that had existed all her life, she just didn't realize it. Shuffling around, she turned onto her back and looked up at his face in the darkness. Reaching out with two hands, she felt his chin, his jaw and his cheeks. It was easy to imagine the feeling of fur between her fingers, so many times since they'd met on the beach she felt.

"I wonder if he's our God." She said curiously, thumbs stroking the slightly rough skin on his cheeks. There were so many things she wanted to know, about their race, about their history. But mostly, she wanted to know more of him.

"Dyrid, what do you think of the sanctuary? Do you like it here?" Gently, her thumbs traced lightly over his jaw, knowing great power lay only a ahimmer away. It warmed her from the inside out.

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