Closed Back to Town

After a small absence, Gaius ventures to town.

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Back to Town

Postby Gaius Sivet on April 25th, 2013, 10:49 pm

Gaius smiled as she tightened her grip on his hand. He really wanted to say something, to tell her how he felt. But he was afraid that doing so, so soon, would cost him the friendship if he were wrong. Besides, what did they really know about each other? He knew the Myrians were cannibals and warriors, but that couldn't be everyone. Just as he was not like most Inartans, perhaps she wasn't like most Myrians.

"Oh, I intend to take it very seriously. And as for the star gazing, I'm quite excited too. It should be wonderful. Well.... we have some time to kill... And..." Gaius hesitated, not sure how to phrase this. How did you ask someone to teach you something you weren't sure they wanted to let you learn? Still, he was always fascinated by other cultures, languages, everything. And this would be a good exchange point.

"I was thinking that, perhaps, we could teach each other some language?" he said hesitantly. "Other cultures and languages always fascinate me, and I'd love to exchange with you, even if just a few phrases. Besides, perhaps we could learn a few jokes and insults that we could exchange without others knowing they're being insulted," he said with a grin.
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Back to Town

Postby Adsila on April 26th, 2013, 3:31 am

Adsila smiled brightly after hearing what Gaius said.
"Why that sounds like a magnificent idea! I love to learn about other cultures and stuff too."

Adsila was getting really excited and with doing so she started to squeeze his hand a little hard and once she realized what she had done, she let go and apologized very quickly.
"Sorry, I sometimes don;t think of my strength when I get excited. I hope I didn't hurt you."
Adsila said while looking like she was going to cry. Adsila didn't want Gaius to run away because she might have just accidentally hurt him.
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Back to Town

Postby Gaius Sivet on April 26th, 2013, 6:35 am

Gaius winced slightly as she squeezed his hand a bit too tight. As she pulled back suddenly, he smiled, hoping to calm her, and gently reached out and took her hand in his again. "I'm fine. You just got excited, that's all. Don't worry about it." He smiled warmly, squeezing her hand a little. "Besides, I like holding your hand."

He blushed lightly and cleared his throat. "So, um, do you want to start or should I?"
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Back to Town

Postby Adsila on April 26th, 2013, 6:47 am

"It has been awhile since I have had to practice the Myrain language but I do remember quite a bit of it I just don't know what would be useful to you and what would just be complete non-sense! But more than the language, I could tell you the lore about our race and stuff like that, but whatever fancies I will try to help you out as much as I can... and you can start if you would like and before you ask me what I would like to know about, tell me whatever you would like, I am always willing to learn about other races heritage no matter what I learn about it, whether it is a little bit or a lot."
Adsila said while smiling at him the whole time.
Adsila seen him blush lightly and that made her blush slightly also.

"So ummm, what are you going to teach me? And how much longer until the stars come out, I really am super excited about this!"
Adsila said to Gaius, and making sure that she didn't squeeze his hand this time.
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Back to Town

Postby Gaius Sivet on April 28th, 2013, 4:06 am

He smiled and saw her blush which made him blush further. "Well, um, the stars should be out in an hour or so. And as for my people's lore... well, we live in Wind Reach. And we have a strong connection with the birds their, falcons mostly. And the glassmaking is amazing. Furnaces and ovens over natural heat vents, making it a nearly costless process with amazing results. Swordplay and archery are prevalent as well, and there's a pretty basic caste system."

Gaius smiled at Adsila, wondering if, when the time seemed right, he should kiss her. He wanted to. She looked so lovely, so beautiful, and her lips seemed so kissable. But he also knew that moving too fast could get him killed, and get their friendship torn apart. And so while he talked, sharing bits of lore and language, teaching phrases here and there and laughing at some of her worse attempts, though not mockingly, just good naturedly, he worried. He worried and fretted and hoped he didn't do anything wrong.

"So, um, what can you tell me about your people?" he finally asked, as the sky was truly darkening, the stars beginning to prepare to come out.
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Back to Town

Postby Adsila on April 30th, 2013, 6:13 am

((sorry had a RL emergency .. my grandmother passed away and I had no internet and it was a last minute call))

Adsila could tell that the stars were finally starting to show, so Adsila looked up at the night sky as she started to speak.

"Well first, could you turn down the fire some, I think that I can see some stars starting to peek through!?"
Adsila said to Gaius with a smile.

As she waited for him to put down the fire a little bit, but enough that they could still get heat from it, she started to tell Gaius about the Myrians...

"I am not sure what to tell you about them, because I am sooo very different from them and I don't want you to get any wrong ideas about me, but here it goes anyways."
Adsila said to him with a worried look on her face, she hoped that when he learned about her tribe and the ways of them that he wouldn't get scared off by that, even though she was completely different not like them at all.

"Most Myrains are cannibals, I am not, Most Myrian's live in Tabloba, well that is where they start out, but they have moved many places, as there are even Myrian knights here so I have heard, but have yet to meet any, and Myrian's are high on blood sacrifices, which time to time I do do those."
Adsila said to Gaius and then started to teach him some of the language, and giggled when he would mess up. But Adsila was not making fun of him, it just sounded funny coming from a different race, who couldn't pronouce the words quite right!
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Back to Town

Postby Gaius Sivet on April 30th, 2013, 10:43 am

Gaius smiled and nodded, tamping the fire down slightly so that the light was diminished but there was still heat coming from it. As he sat back down and listened to her, he nodded along thoughtfully. He had heard that the Myrians were cannibalistic warriors, but hadn't believed it. Now, a Myrian was telling him it was true. Though he had to admit, he was quite glad she didn't practice cannibalism herself.

After several minutes of practicing the language and getting a few phrases, and several more colorful insults, memorized, and with much giggling from Adsila at his failures, he smiled warmly, trying to gather his courage to ask the question that he had been wondering for several minutes.

"You said... well, you said that, from time to time, you make blood sacrifices to the gods. Which gods? And, how do you make the sacrifices? Do you just... kill a deer and dedicate the kill to a god?" Gaius asked a bit nervously, hoping he didn't offend her.

(I understand completely. I'm terribly sorry to hear about your loss.)
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Back to Town

Postby Adsila on May 1st, 2013, 3:14 am

Adsila smiled at him.
"Are you sure you want to know about that?"
Adsila asked him.
"Not many people like to hear about the sacrifices we make."

After Adsila had seen him nod his head that he was sure than she started to tell him about the blood sacrifices and what we try to do.

"Well there are human sacrifices and animal sacrifices ... but I shall tell you of the human one as I have done a couple of them but only from when it has came to my own life, and then I would sacrifice the kill to the Myrain Goddess of War & Victory which is Myri." Adsila said.

"This is how I usually do a blood sacrifice: I will immobilize an enemy, then straddle him/her/it, and offer incantations to Myri, supposedly to get her attention. All the while making an... "incision", (is a nice way to put it), just below the ribcage. Then pull out the heart while the victim is alive, offer it skyward, and eat it."
Adsila said while kinda afraid of what he would think.

"It is a little bit different for animals but not very much. And remember I only kill people if it comes to the life of me, my friends or my family."
Adsila said with a smile as she reached over and held his hand.

"Is it time to watch the stars now? Maybe we will see some fast flashing ones."
Adsila said with a smile, as she had never seen them before but she had heard lots about them. Adsila was wanting to change the subject before she scared away her new friend.
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Back to Town

Postby Gaius Sivet on May 1st, 2013, 10:36 am

Gaius listened, nodding when she asked if he were sure he wanted to here this. As he listened to her tell it, he could see her cutting open some enemy and offering up his heart, eating it violently. After a long moment of silence, he nodded and smiled, looking up. "Yes, I think it is time to watch the stars," he said. He had to admit, the images of the sacrifice were strange to him, but that didn't make it wrong. Worship to a god or goddess simply was always a strange thing.

Gaius smile and squeezed her hand, standing and guiding her over to a patch of soft grass and moss. He lay down and looked up at the sky, smiling as the stars began to poke their heads out into the night sky, twinkling down at them.
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Back to Town

Postby Adsila on May 1st, 2013, 9:55 pm

Adsila's mind was put at at ease when Gaius reached for her hand and took her over to a small patch of grass and laid down with her.
Adsila now knew that no matter what her race was, or who she was, that Gaius liked her for who she was on the inside.
Adsila was watching the stars and a bright yellow shooting star streaked across the sky and she giggled and squeezed his hand as she got excited about what was going on.

Adsila looked over at Gaius and kissed him on the lips and then turned away blushing. Adsila was hoping that it wasn't just her that was feelings this way, but if it was she would apologize and walk away.
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