[Alisha's Scraps] Saving Junkies,

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The player scrapbooks forum is literally a place for writers to warm-up, brainstorm, keep little scraps of notes, or just post things to encourage themselves and each other. Each player can feel free to create their own thread - one per account - and use them accordingly.

[Alisha's Scraps] Saving Junkies,

Postby Alisha on April 25th, 2013, 9:10 pm

Code: Select all
[framepic=http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSs3nyVeGnF5_NN8KlVZd8T_KDayfmmgwTCvyMEAOUWIcbJbTQvUw][frame2=#FFFFFF][color=#800000][center][size=200][webfont=Beyond Wonderland][shadow=white]Taming the Princess[/shadow][/webfont][/size][/color][/frame2][/center]
[style=width:250px; height:240px; padding:5px; border:1px solid black; background-color: #660000; float:right;][color=#993366][center]= THE BULLETIN =[/center]
-[url=http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic33601.html]Click[/url] to visit character matchmaking forum and see what I'm looking for...
-Note: Alisha's first week :: 51st to 57th of Spring, 513 AV
[/color][/style][style=width:525px;][tabset=200][tab=Languages,#0000002,white]Common (Fluent)[/tab]
[tab=Master Skills,#000004,white]N/A[/tab]
[tab=Expert Skills,#000006,white]N/A[/tab]
[tab=Competent Skills,#000008,white]N/A[/tab]
[tab=Novice Skills,#000010,white]Auristics    15 SP
Seduction    5 SP
Escape Artist    10 SP
Running    10 SP
Larceny    15 RB
Climbing    10 SP[/tab]
Males are so easy
Cry wolf when you're being chased by.[/i][/tab][/tabset][/style][/framepic]
Note: The player behind Alisha was still adjusting to Mizahar life, please bear with her.

(Assist her if it needs...)
PS: I dislike long threads. 2 to 3 pages, more than that? too risky...
When it comes to writing, 300-800 words per post (less than 1,000). More or less three replies per week...
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Fiercer Lassie
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[Alisha's Scraps] Saving Junkies,

Postby Alisha on April 26th, 2013, 1:02 pm

Code: Select all
[framepic=http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj305/noodels567/abstract_75.jpg][frame2=#FFFFFF][color=#800000][center]Text here[/center][/color][/frame2]

Text here[/googlefont]
Note: The player behind Alisha was still adjusting to Mizahar life, please bear with her.

(Assist her if it needs...)
PS: I dislike long threads. 2 to 3 pages, more than that? too risky...
When it comes to writing, 300-800 words per post (less than 1,000). More or less three replies per week...
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Fiercer Lassie
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[Alisha's Scraps] Saving Junkies,

Postby Alisha on May 2nd, 2013, 5:35 pm

Code: Select all
[framepic=http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj305/noodels567/abstract_75.jpg][frame2=#FA1D2F][color=#800000][center][size=200][webfont=Beyond Wonderland]Timeline I : The Origin
77th Fall of 494 AV[/webfont][/size][/center][/color][/frame2]

Note: The player behind Alisha was still adjusting to Mizahar life, please bear with her.

(Assist her if it needs...)
PS: I dislike long threads. 2 to 3 pages, more than that? too risky...
When it comes to writing, 300-800 words per post (less than 1,000). More or less three replies per week...
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Fiercer Lassie
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[Alisha's Scraps] Saving Junkies,

Postby Alisha on May 2nd, 2013, 5:42 pm

(Note for the author...)

Timeline V: Conflicts arising
[Pm to Join]
Alisha had a fight with her grandma. She discovered they were not really related with each other, plus they got different views. Thus, she sneaked went to a tavern. This thread was also a flashback.

Timeline VI: Blood is Red’s Tragedy (Massacre, moderator needed)
Granny Red and Alisha went to Syliras fields where they both lost their way. In the end, Granny was reported to be killed by a wild wolf. Was it an animal or a beast similar with claws? Nobody knew except for the people who’ll be reading this.
Note: The player behind Alisha was still adjusting to Mizahar life, please bear with her.

(Assist her if it needs...)
PS: I dislike long threads. 2 to 3 pages, more than that? too risky...
When it comes to writing, 300-800 words per post (less than 1,000). More or less three replies per week...
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Fiercer Lassie
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[Alisha's Scraps] Saving Junkies,

Postby Alisha on May 9th, 2013, 4:56 pm


Code: Select all
Note: The player behind Alisha was still adjusting to Mizahar life, please bear with her.

(Assist her if it needs...)
PS: I dislike long threads. 2 to 3 pages, more than that? too risky...
When it comes to writing, 300-800 words per post (less than 1,000). More or less three replies per week...
User avatar
Fiercer Lassie
Posts: 62
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Joined roleplay: April 17th, 2013, 1:49 pm
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