Closed The Medic and The Sentinel

(Nai'a) Ricky meets his good friend once more and the two catch up.

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

The Medic and The Sentinel

Postby Ricky Maze on April 18th, 2013, 8:24 am

The Medic and The Sentinel
Spring 3rd, 513 AV; 13th Bell

Ricky was on break from his post now, his post was the route from the Cerulean Pier, to the Fish Market, and finally the Docks. So far nothing major had happened, there were a few people that complained but nothing serious enough to be considered a crime. Zeltiva itself was actually quite calm today compared to the usual busy bustle of the average day. Then again the city was still on the verge of recovery after all, a massive plague that lasts a season can do that to even an empire it seems. Ricky wasn't going to complain though, he was happy things were going to settle down in his home city.

'Wonder how everyone's doin now. There's still a few I've yet to get back in touch with.' His mind wandered on to Valo, then Hadrian, and then on to Sebastian. In a city this large it was difficult to find them most of the time, especially when he hadn't talked to them for almost a season. Ricky felt stupid for not keeping in touch with them, for just shutting himself away from everyone during the time he spent in grief. Even though it was natural for people to react in such a manner, Ricky thought it naturally stupid of him to close off the ties the way he did. Now he heard nothing of them, and even though he'd likely find it difficult to find them he still considered one thing; how much of a friend they all meant to him.

Ricky finally took a seat on a crate near the docks, his mind still wandered while his feet rested. 'Can't forget about Nai'a now, I wouldn't be here without her. Or Synthira either.' Both woman had saved him from near death experiences, likely by sickness until Nai'a took care of him, and nearly drowning himself until Synthira pulled him out. Yes last season was eventful just as this season would be, as he had bought himself a place of his own and now started to see somebody.

Spring was definitely a better pick-me-up then Ricky imagined, a season full of promise and good tidings. Still he couldn't help but admit he missed his friends, he still wanted to see them all again. 'Someday Rick,' he secretly told himself with a smile, 'someday you'll see them again. Ye just gotta have patience.' He felt sure that he'd see them all again, it was only a matter of time. After all his friends were all in his heart, and so long as they remained their he would defend them and their city with his life. Zeltiva was their home as well as his, and he would keep it safe for as long as he drew breath.
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The Medic and The Sentinel

Postby Nai'a on April 28th, 2013, 3:36 pm


Nai’a made her way to the docks, the scent of the salt water, and the delicious grilled fish at the fish market tantalized her senses. She had been to the docks many a times, and it was always to seek out peace in the waves of the water. Especially now since she could not shift into her Kelvic form. Being pregnant was not something that Nai’a had planned on ever happening. She had a short life span, and figured she would just spend her life healing the sick, it seemed boring, but that was what she had planned on doing.

Nai’a sighed, as she weaved her way through the bodies. There was not as many as there used to be at the docks. She supposed the sickness that attacked Zeltiva during the Winter, not only killed a numerous amount of people, but also made them more wary. She supposed that was normal though, but it was something to get used to.

As Nai’a neared the docks, she spotted a familiar Sentinel, Ricky. Nai’a’s face lit up with a bright smile, she had not seen her friend sense the Winter season when he became ill. She wondered many times what had happened to the man, if he finally found himself a woman, and how life was treating him this season. Nai’a picked up the pace and rushed toward Ricky. He seemed to be sitting on a crate pondering to himself. Nai’a chuckled and pounced on her friend with a tight gripped hug, her slight bulge of a pregnant belly pressed up against the side of the man. ”Ricky!! I have missed you my friend!” Nai’a said squeezing the sentinel then letting go to take a step back. He looked well, better than well really, he looked happier. ”You look great.” Nai’a said with a bright smile on her face.

It had been a while since she had seen Ricky, but she would not greet him as if it had been. Nai’a was the type to greet a friend like a friend, not matter how long it had been. And besides that she had missed Ricky dearly, even if they had only encountered each other a few times, he had left a impression on her.

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The Medic and The Sentinel

Postby Ricky Maze on April 29th, 2013, 11:09 am

Ricky would've been caught surprise if it were someone else, but the fact that is was just Nai'a made Ricky laugh as he turned to give her a hug. "Nai'a lass! What a coincidence ye show up! He cheered as he looked down upon her, her warm smile already drew out the better personaltiy of his nature. She always had a positive effect on him since the first day they met, and though they rarely saw one another last season he still considered her a good friend. After all she had taken care of him when he was sick, and was there when he was in with his loss. Now of course he was far better, far more livelier compared to before. "Aye lass, I was wonderin when I'd run into that bubbly charm o' yer's." He enthused with a wink, he meant it as a compliment of course, unaware that it could pass on as a flirt.

"I've been great me self, and ya sure look fantastic like before. Somethin's different though, ye like ya carry yerself higher. Stronger in a sense." He observed with a friendly smile, the humble part in full effect. He was happy to see Nai'a again, and the fact it'd been a while hardly mattered to him. It still felt like yesterday when they last saw one another, and even though they both had a busy schedule to keep he made sure he'd try and visit her more often. "How ya been though?! Hadn't talked with ya in like a spell." His attitude was light and cheery, a sign that he was completely being himself in front of his friend.
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The Medic and The Sentinel

Postby Nai'a on April 29th, 2013, 9:55 pm


Ricky’s smile, it lit up his face, slowly traveling to his eyes, and permeating a warm and welcoming glow. She had never seen him so happy before, sure he smiled and laughed last season, but at times it seemed force, nothing like this. Her handsome friend radiated, radiated a beautiful aura that made Nai’a’s smile grow wider. She chuckled softly at his words of her bubbly charm, and winked back. Nothing wrong with a flirtatious gesture between friends. At least they were able to joke around, and not be so serious around one another.

Ricky was right, there was something different about her. Although she wouldn’t have said she was carrying herself higher, or even felt stronger, but was happy to hear that she looked that way. In reality she was terrified, weak, constantly questioning herself and utterly confused about the situation she had suddenly found herself in. But she gave Ricky a smile either way, ”Well thank you Ricky. You look yourself look confidant and strong, and filled with true happiness” Nai’a said in a warm tone, patting her friend’s shoulder, ”Bout time. You find yourself a woman?” Nai’a asked boldly, giving a light hearted laugh.

How had she been? Well, she did not want to share her negative views of how she had been with her friend. He had, had enough negativity last season. She wanted to stand and bask in his warm glow, proud to see the man so happy. But he did ask her a question, and it deserved an honest answer, ”Well… Ricky, do you know Valo? Tall, striking, red head?” Nai’a asked in a soft, whisper like voice, waiting for her friend’s reply. When he replied she continued, ”Well.. I am carrying his child. I have not seen him in such a long time though.” It was true, she had yet to see her Valo. And in honesty, she was afraid to tell the man she was carrying his child. She felt as if he would reject her, turn her down, let her deal with it alone. Another part of her, wanted to see her Valo so dearly, wanted to hug him, let him tell her everything was going to be alright, for him to tell her… He loved her.

But, was this all just wonderments of a misguided soul? Sweet thoughts of a child like woman? Nai’a thought so, reality was cold and cruel, even though the pink haired woman tried desperately to ignore such a thing.

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The Medic and The Sentinel

Postby Ricky Maze on May 1st, 2013, 8:36 pm

"Ha! I may have actually, can't say were a couple just yet." He cheered with a grin. He was surprised when he heard her say she was pregnant with Valo's child, Ricky hadn't really spoke with Valo since before the new year. "By Laviku! The both of ya-" He was estatic to hear it, Valo being a future daddy was something he never expected. "Just, wow! Just wow! Congrats Nai'a!" He brought her in for a gentle hug, his hands rested on her shoulders as he looked down to her with ease. "I've not seen Valo yet as I've been a bit busy, but we spoke on good terms last time when I did see him." He decided to give Nai'a back some personal space, seeing as how his size could be a bit overwhelming.

His smile was still bright as daylight though when he looked down to her, eyes filled with wonder as the news of her being pregnant lifted his spirit further. Ricky always wanted to have a family of his own of course, but that woulf be when he had a house all to himself, a house he could share with someone he felt deeply about. Which would take a while of course, but he wouldn't stop until he lived his dream.

"I'm sure Valo will be happy knowin he's gonna be a father, he has the potential after all." He assured her warmly, his positive outlook now matched with her bubbly personality. It was the same as before, something about her just made Ricky feel better when he was down. Now that he was out of his little hole and working on getting his life together he had a better outlook on things, and Nai'a just somehow brought the best out of him. "How far along are ya by the way, got a nice bump on yer belly there." He pointed out after a minor observation, he probably would've noticed it sooner if he wasn't as excited to see her again.
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The Medic and The Sentinel

Postby Paragon on June 20th, 2013, 10:28 pm


Skill XP Earned
Philosophy 1
Observation 1
Rhetoric 1
Socialisation 1

Lore Earned
Rekindling Friendships
Naia's Pregnancy

Legend Becomes Reality

Let me know if you return and fix your ledger issues Nai'a, and I can release your grade for this. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, please send me a PM and we can work from there.
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