Closed Sick Day (Aidara)

Aidara and Iosha try to cope with illness spreading through the youth section of Wind Reach.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Sick Day (Aidara)

Postby Iosha on February 2nd, 2013, 9:46 am

Time Stamp: 38th of Winter, 512AV, Evening
Location: Infirmary
Who: Aidara

For the last several months, Iosha was starting to wonder if the Inarta people suffered from a epidemic of carelessness since most of her cases were normally self-inflected injuries. The patients injuries were everything from cuts, bruises, bug bites, strange rashes, concussions, over dosing on mushrooms, and accidental shooting ones' foot with a arrow. It was a long list of self-inflected injuries, and Iosha heard every excuse in the book. Iosha remembered the brilliant excuse from the Avora, “I heard from a friend the red berries in the forest tasted like blue berries; however, they didn't taste like blueberries. Now I have this rash, and I think it spreading to my throat.” Iosha wasn't sure what red berry he ingested, so she passed on the Avora to a more experienced healer like Addy. However, her favorite patient's excuse was a young Endal named Sori, and his accident made Iosha wonder about collective sanity of the Inarta, “You have to believe me, Iosha. I didn't realize the tree was there. I had one chance at the moose, so I jumped from Nela my wind eagle companion with my knife in hand. While I was falling, I meant to dodge the branch, but it kind of crept up on me and well.. I sort of hit my head on the branch, and I lost my knife on the way down. Anyways when I came too, Nela was standing by me with the moose in her claw, and I realized I found my knife. Unfortunately, I found the knife in my leg...hey Iosha do girls like scars because if they do make sure it scars, so I can impress Keah.” Iosha didn't want to stand in the way of true love, so she asked for assistance with courageous hunter. Keah was not amused with Endal's consent flirting and his epic stories of hunting in the Unforgiving. Unfortunately, Iosha got the brunt of Keah frustration and for the last week, she got the silent treatment from the young healer.

When Iosha arrived in Wind Reach, she always envisioned the Inarta as hearty people with the ability to with stand anything the elements could throw at them. However, Today the Inarta were enduring a different type of storm, and this storm wasn't the kind of storm that brought heavy snow and strong winds. This storm started with a runny nose, sore throat and fever, and unfortunately for the Inarta it was spreading through the youth section of the city like wildfire. Today, Iosha started to wonder if Rak'Keli was losing the battle with Vayt in Wind Reach. Vayt inflicted his wraith down across the future of the Inarta people, and Iosha couldn't understand why it was spread quickly through the Yasi. Unfortunately, the illness went from a common cold to a killer claiming the life of three children. After the deaths of the children, Iosha could noticed the tensions were beginning to raise between the healers, and the stress of the epidemic was taking a toll both Keah Lessan and even the untouchable Miqual D'hanna.

Being the least experience healer, Iosha was chosen to take care of sanitation, moral, and general needs of the patients. Iosha's duties consisted on providing water, food, and a hand to hold when the children got to scared. While Iosha was handing the basket of used cloth snot rags to the Dek runners, Iosha overheard Keah and Miqual getting into a heated discussion in Nari. Iosha couldn't understand anything both of them were saying, but she could tell from the children eyes that the young patients were getting scared by the simmering discussion between the two adults. Keeping a eye on the argument Iosha smiled at the Dek and said to her with a smile, “By the way, you are doing wonderful job Malla. Just make sure you keep the mask on and do not touch the rags. I don't need the best runner in Wind Reach getting sick.” The Dek woman smiled at Iosha and said softly before running down the warrens to the baths, “You are too kind, Pale Lady.”

Iosha enjoyed the nickname the Deks have given her during her stay in Wind Reach. When she heard the argument get louder, Iosha shot a annoyed look at the two of them, but they weren't paying attention to the young Konti healer. Suddenly, she felt a small hand reach out and grabbed her wrist. Iosha turned and smiled down at her favorite patient named Lilly. Iosha gave the young girl a warm smile and she knelt down next to her patient. The girl had long thick red hair and her blood shot eyes were deep gold. She was adorable child with a bright future ahead of her. When Iosha looked at the girl, she can't help noticed a resemblance to her daughter, Lutes. If Lutes was in Wind Reach, she would be the same age as Lilly. Iosha has been doting the child the whole day, and what made her heartache was the child's condition had gotten worse. Once Iosha adjusted her mask, Iosha reached down, stroked her hair, and said softly, “What can I get you Little One?” Iosha was fond of nicknames, and the child smiled up at her and started to cough. Iosha took her hand and squeezed it gently, “It OK will pass...” Iosha waited a couple minutes till the coughing fit subsided and Lilly smiled up at Iosha with blood staining her teeth. Iosha knew it was a bad sign, and she needed to tell Aidara.

Iosha took a clean rag from the small basket under the girls sick bed and wiped clean the side of Lilly's mouth. Iosha knew the next step in the illness would be the extremely high fever. Iosha thought process was derailed when Lilly started to talk, “Io... can I have a drink of water?” Iosha swallowed hard trying to stop herself from getting to emotional and she said softly as took the water, “Of course little one! Can you sit up on your own?” Lilly nodded slowly as she prop herself on the head board with the help of the pale healer. Iosha decided to sit next to beside her on the bed as she help the struggling child drink the glass water. When she was done, Iosha could tell her nose was running, so she took the clean snot rag from the table and wiped the girls nose. Lilly looked up at her, and Iosha could see the sweat starting to bead up on her forehead. Lilly smiled up at her and said softly, “You worry too much Io...I'll be better in no time.” Iosha nodded slowly knowing the worst is ahead for the brave young girl. When Lilly got to the infirmary eight hours ago, she was just complaining of a sore throat and headache, but now eight hours later, the girl might not be waking up when the fever started to get worse.

Suddenly, Iosha heard Miqual yell at Keah in common, “I don't care if it causes a panic, Keah! We need to quarantine the youth section of the city before it spreads to the general populace if not the whole city could get sick.” Iosha frowned at Miqual uncharacteristic out burst, and she looked at the now frighten girl who covered her head with the sheet. Lilly said meekly from under the sheet, “Sorry I am sick Io... I didn't mean to make the adults angry.” Trying to control her anger, Iosha lifted the sheet from her head and said jokily with a playful grin on her face, “Nobody mad with you Lilly. The Old Man is just grumpy today. He tends to get that way when he doesn't get his hourly nap time.” Lilly smiled up at her, giggled to herself and started to coughing again. When the coughing fit was over, the little girl looked up and said softy, “You should tell him to sit quietly in the corner and take a time out for being so grumpy.” Iosha messed up the sick girls hair and started to laugh out loud. She hugged the little girl with one arm and said, “You better get some rest, and I'll deal with Mister Grumpy...” Iosha reached down and again wiped the blood from the side of her mouth.

When Iosha tucked the little girl into bed, she adjusted her mask and walked to the two quarreling healers. She was furious at them, but she was trying to keep calm for the sake of the children. When Iosha got to the two healers, Iosha glared at both of them and quietly scolded them, “What is wrong with both of you? If you going to argue, why do you both take it outside in the hallway because you are scaring patients!” Miqual whirled on Iosha and stuck a finger at her, “What is wrong with me? I am doing my job, Iosha. You weren't there when the three of them died because you were too busy doting over a single patient.” Miqual words stung, and Iosha narrowed her eyes and clenched her fists to defend herself as quietly as she could muster, “What? Listen here you arrogant petch! I am the one who is dealing with snot, vomit and other stuff you two are too important to deal with, so don't you ever treat me as less of healer than you!” Iosha never yelled at any of them before, but she was doing the best she could even if the rest of them didn't see it. Iosha wiped the tears now flowing from her eyes and said with venom in her voice, “Thanks Miqual.. I am crying now... By the way, Lilly's condition has worsen, so I hope this revelation puts everything into perspective now...for the both of you.”
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Sick Day (Aidara)

Postby Aidara on February 20th, 2013, 5:00 am

“What in Rek’Keli’s name is going on out here?” The shouting was muffled through the door of the office where Addy had sequestered herself, trying to find a quiet moment to work through the ever-growing stack of papers that no one but her seemed to care enough to do anything about. Left alone, paperwork became a monster, and this monster had a long time to germinate. What started out as a small pile of paper at the corner of her desk had turned into a haphazard sprawl across the entire surface. There was no sense of order or organization, not to mention even a hands-width of space for her to get any kind of work done at all.

Miquel and Keah had kept their shouting in a low enough register that Addy’s ears had skimmed right over the sound, the entirety of her mind focused on the columns of numbers before her; The two had much practice arguing out of Addy’s earshot and the little healer was okay with that. But Iosha’s addition to the argument peaked the healers attention enough that she could no longer ignore it.

Having emerged with a frown, Addy stood just a short distance away with her arms crossed over her chest, her brow furrowed and a frown curling the corners of her lips downward. Clearly not pleased with this development, Addy stood there until one of them answered, her foot tapping a sharp beat on the stone floor while she waited. “We have patients waiting for our expert attentions. What is this accomplishing except getting us all upset?”

When no one spoke right away, Addy’s frown deepened and those green eyes flashed sharply. “Alright, if you’re all going to act like children, then I’m going to treat you like children. In my office. Now. Sit there and wait while I make sure that everyone is alright.” Dismissing them with a pointed finger behind her and towards the door she just entered through, Addy raised a brow and whispered, “…go

Her staff shuffled into her office and Addy immediately made the rounds while they all got themselves settled, laid the blame on each other before she returned, and otherwise stood crowded and uncomfortably cramped in the small area. Cups of water were delivered, more blankets and another pillow to those children that wanted them; it only took a few chimes for Addy to realize that, since the last time she had walked the sickbay, the children had gotten worse.

“Explain yourself. Those children are sick, and you’re wasting time quarreling? I expected better of you all.” Addy had appeared in the doorway, closing the door softly behind her before taking her place at the desk, facing the offenders while she waited for them to give explanation or excuse.
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Sick Day (Aidara)

Postby Iosha on February 26th, 2013, 3:05 am

When Aidara left, Iosha glared at the other two healers particularly Miqual turned on her heels and matched to the door of the office. When she made it into the room, she took her familiar perch against the wall. She crossed her arms and watched the other two healer file into the room. She looked to the ground and said nothing to them. Besides, she did nothing wrong. All she wanted was to stop the argument before it completely terrified the children. Keah sat down in the chair, and Miqual leaned up against the desk trying not to say anything to angry women. Iosha lifted her head when Aidara appeared in the door way, and she scolded them and waited for them to speak up. Miqual pushed himself off the desk and stated trying to sound as innocent as possible, “Keah and I was having a discussion.” Keah looked up at him and snapped at him, “No, I wouldn't call it a discussion since you did most of the talking Miqual.” Miqual ignored her and continued, “Honestly, I worry about this illness, Aidara. It has already claimed three lives already, and maybe a fourth.” He looked at Iosha as she stared at the ground trying to control her emotions. Miqual looked over at Aidara and said softly, “We are a small community Aidara, and I am worried that if get into the general public. We could have a uncontrolled epidemic, and we don't have enough staff to deal with the whole city getting sick.” Miqual looked at Keah who was shaking her head when he continued, “Aidara, we need to quarantine the yasi sector of the city until the sickness passes.”

At that moment Keah spoke up and shook her head at his suggestion and said with a stern tone of voice, “If we do a quarantine, it was cause unnecessary panic, Aidara. Honestly, I don't want to be the one facing down a angry Endal parent, and having to tell them that they can't see their children because of cold. Also the Inarta had been through a lot this year, and a quarantine would just add to anxiety and fear. We don't need that in these times of doubt, Micqual.” Miqual stared at Keah, shook his head, and said softly, “If we don't act more people will die, we already have a room full of sick children. How many more rooms will their be full before Vayt is done with us, Keah. If it gets worse, and we do nothing than are we really serving Rak'Keli?” Iosha looked at Miqual and Keah and said trying to control her anger, “Honestly, all we can really do is make the patients comfortable and see to the needs of the sick. Last time I checked we are dealing with a common cold or a flu. Honestly, I think we are dealing with a secondary sickness or a complication, but what do I know anyways since I am just the baby healer here.”

Miqual face softened when Iosha called herself the baby healer, and he shook his head and said gently, “I didn't mean it like that Iosha. Your opinion is vaild. I am just a little high strung right now, and I was concerned you putting to much your time on one patient.” Iosha head snapped up, looked at him, and said softly, but their hint of anger in her voice, “Miqual, I have been dealing with snot rags, vomit buckets, and making sure patients are clean after they have a accident. It is a lot of busy work, and I been running around all day. Honestly, Miqual, I am giving Lily extra care because the girl is showing signs of the illness that is killing the children.” Miqual could tell the pale healer was showing more emotion than usual, and he was starting to get concerned for her attachment to Lily, “Iosha your getting too attached to a single patient. I been reading about your kind in the Enclave, Konti, and I know that too much emotion can hurt you mentally.” Iosha violet eyes flared at his comment on her mental condition, and she snapped at him, “You sound like my Grandmother, Miqual! I am fine, and I will always be fine....”Miqual watched her for a moment and asked softly, “What if Lily died, Iosha. Are you going to be able to handle it?” Iosha bit her lip in frustration and looked at the ground for a chime. She looked up at her and said stubbornly, “She won't die.”
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Sick Day (Aidara)

Postby Aidara on April 11th, 2013, 5:44 pm

“Enough.” Addy had stood apart from the other three healers, her arms crossed tightly over her chest, her hip cocked to one side, and her foot tapping her impatience into a staccato rhythm on the stone floor. She had hardly moved while they spoke in turn, those bright green eyes flashing slightly as they shifted from one face to the next as they each fought for their opinion.

Miquel turned to Iosha and watched her with an intensity that Addy had hardly ever seen from the passive man; Keah was the one she would have expected to butt heads with the new addition to their team. But she had seen and heard enough, holding up a hand as the conversation once again derailed back into emotions. They hadn’t listened to her attempt at silencing them the first time, so when Addy spoke again there was a firm snap to the word, a sharp bite of authority. “I said, Enough.”

Waiting for absolute silence from the other healers, it was only a matter of time until Keah and Miquel stood looking at her with their respective expressions of annoyance and subdued remorse. Iosha wasn’t so easy to read as the other two, but Addy suspected it was because she was a new addition to their family. It also didn’t help that she was still looking at the floor. “You need to take emotions out of this, or else you’re really going to get caught up in the wrong aspect of it all. Sometimes, a few have to die to save the many.” Quoting one of the more famous adages, Addy placed a gentle hand on Iosha’s shoulder, squeezing lightly in hopes of bringing her gaze up from the floor.

“What we need to do is figure out which of the symptoms present first. Is it a cough? Sniffles? Vomiting? Fever?” Those green eyes flickered to where Keah stood, and Addy gave her a lopsided smile. “If we can figure out how quickly this sickness progresses, we can then grab anyone out in the City that is showing signs of being sick. If you’re worried about the quarantine causing panic, this is the only other option.” Stepping to the child that had started the argument in the first place, Addy bent over Lily and felt her forehead for a fever, listening closely to her breathing. “If it is just a common cold, it will progress like the ones we have seen in the past. If it is something new, or it moves too fast…”

Leaving the sentence hanging, Addy turned and nodded her head briskly to Keah and Miquel, sending them off to gather the information that she needed and to record what they had already observed. Alone now, the little healer pulled Iosha towards the front of the sickbay, where they would be less likely to be over heard by the others. “Do you need to take a break? Step away from it all and collect yourself?” Speaking softly, Addy let some of the emotion that she had been holding back show onto her face; she knew exactly what Iosha was dealing with, and some of the pain flashed bright in her eyes when she finally caught the Konti’s gaze. “It’s always hardest when the children are involved. So young and mostly innocent, they never deserve it. None of us do, really. But it happens, and we have to deal accordingly.”

“There is another option…” Turning her arm so that the Gnosis mark on the inside of her elbow was visible, Addy continued in a whisper. “We could all see what we can find within, rather than by symptoms. But I didn’t want to say it in front of the others, because I think it should be you to try first, and with Lily, since she seems the worst off…”
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Sick Day (Aidara)

Postby Iosha on April 28th, 2013, 5:25 pm

Iosha jumped a little when the small healer demand them to stop. Iosha still kept her eyes on the ground not wanting to show her emotions to the humans. When Aidara tried to simplify the situation with a famous proverb, Iosha could only shake her head at the callousness of the statement in the situation involving a child. She knew many healer used it to distant themselves from their patients if their situation was going from bad to worse. However, the Inarta used the statement for just about everything, so at the moment, it sound more like a excuse than a helpful solution. Iosha could feel her blood starting to boil, but she bite her lip not to control herself from arguing with her friend. Iosha looked up at the head healer when she tried to comfort her, and all the konti could do was muster up a small small. She wasn't really mad at any of them. She was more angry at the god, Vayt for inflicting the illness on the children.

Iosha followed the head healer to Lily's bed side where the girl was sleeping. She could tell there was blood mixed up with the drool on her pillow. The konti clenched her hand next to her side trying to fight back the emotions building up inside her. Iosha knew it was a common cold and or flu, but the blood was a sign of a complication. She just didn't know what could be causing the complications in the patients. When the other two healers left, Iosha was approached by Aidara. The small human woman finally let herself show emotions, and she could tell the pain in the healers voice. Iosha thought her suggestion was a good one, so she decided to take her advice. Iosha looked up at Aidara and said softly, “I have been running ragged all day, so I might be kind of high strung at the moment. I will take a break in a few chimes, Addy.” Iosha could only stay silent as she listened to Aidara talked about how to deal with sick children, and she could relate to the small healer because Aidara was a mother too. It was harder because lily reminded her of her own daughter. Iosha wiped a tear from her eyes and said softly, “I wish I could turn my emotion off like most of my brethren, Addy. I am sorry. Lily just reminds me of someone close to me, so I might be getting too attached to her.” Iosha took a deep breath and said softly, “I will try to keep a better composure in the future.”

Aidara showed her gnosis mark, and she suggested Iosha should ask Rek'Keli for assistance in figuring out a solution for Lily's illness. The konti knew the woman was right, and she said softly, “I think you are right, Addy. I was relying to much on my own abilities, so I forgot about the assistance our goddess could give me. During my break, I will commune with Rek'Keli for assistance, Addy.” Iosha reached out and gave the Inarta woman a hug and whispered, “Thank you..” When she finished thanking Aidara, Iosha walked away from her. She wanted to find a quiet place away from the patients to collect her thoughts, so she poured herself a cup of warm tea, went to a secluded corner of the room, and she sat on the floor leaning her back up against the wall.
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Sick Day (Aidara)

Postby Aidara on May 6th, 2013, 6:19 pm

A puzzled frown eased its way over Addy’s features as the little Konti turned and settled herself in a corner. Clearly, the young woman was more attuned to a gentler healing attitude than what the Inarta just demonstrated; Addy saw the shock slide across the pale woman’s features, quickly replaced by a sad sort of chagrin as exactly what Addy was saying to her sunk in. Iosha was going to need some toughening up, since not everyone could be saved. Not every ending was happy. As healers, they put themselves in the direct line of fire for such disappointment and heartbreak.

Giving Iosha a few moments to herself, Addy turned to the remaining healing attendants; they were a few young healers that hadn’t quite managed to grasp the art firmly enough to be trusted on their own. However, with such a huge potential epidemic, Addy had to use what was available. With her voice lowered to something just above a whisper, she instructed the pair to go out into the city and, as quietly as they could, begin to gather up those individuals that came across as openly ill. “If they are Dek, leave them be but report what you have found. We simply don’t have enough space to include them, too.” It pained her to give the order, but Addy felt it was the right thing to do.

With that taken care of, Addy took a cloth and gently blotted her forehead and cheeks with it, wiping away the slight perspiration that had slid from under her hair during the confrontation between the other healers; Endal though she may be, any sort of argument sent a bit of excess adrenaline shooting through her system. Really, she wasn’t equipped to deal with this right now. Not with all those stresses in her personal life…

But that was the point she had just made, somewhat harshly, to Iosha. Was she not going to take her own advice and set such things aside? Fighting back a sigh, Addy gave herself no quarter, approaching the Konti where she rested with what she hoped was a soft smile on her lips. “Iosha? I think it’s time. I think we need to see to Lilly. All the others are off taking stock of the rest of the city, and until they get back we have nothing else to go off of.” Extending a hand down to her, Addy helped lever the little woman back onto her feet, slinging an arm around her shoulder, and gently guiding her towards the sick little girl.

“I know this is going to be hard, but it is something that we must do. If we are going to find out what is ailing these people we must first figure out where the sickness is located, if it is an infection, or a bacteria or something else entirely. What it is dictates how we deal with it.” As she spoke, Addy had begun to move around and reposition anything that they might need; an extra stool was brought over so that there was now one on either side of the little girls sickbed. The basin was filled with fresh, clean water and a stack of fresh cloth was placed beside it.

Taking the stool on the far side of the bed, Addy hooked her feet around the bottom rung and took one of Lilly’s little hands in her own; so small and fragile, the clamminess of the little girls skin caused the healers stomach to drop just a little further into the pit it had already found. Swallowing her concern so that she could keep her voice light and as nonchalant as possible, Addy gestured for Iosha to do as she did. “I don’t know how you prepare, but I need a moment to quiet myself. I will follow you.” To Lilly, a bright smile paired with those dimples, her green eyes liquid pools of warmth. “It’s going to be okay. Iosha and I are going to take good care of you. Do you think you can lay still while we work? We’re going to get very quiet and act like statues for a little bit… Why don’t we play a game? Lets see who can stay still the longest. And the winner…. The winter gets a pop!” Pulling out the hardened, spun sugar treat that was the prize in question, Addy couldn’t help but laugh at the light of excitement that brightened the sick little girls face. “Not till afterwards, though!”

Nodding her acquiescence, Lilly laid back down and closed her eyes; Addy could hear her labored breathing and frowned as she nodded to Iosha, signaling she was ready, before dipping down into herself and spreading that blanket of calm all around her. Meditation was important for Addy to be able to properly access the power of her Gnosis, though she couldn’t explain why. Shutting out the rest of the world just seemed to help her focus at the problem at hand.

Squeezing lightly to reassure Lilly, Addy slipped completely into that sequestered off world of silence and calm; to Iosha, she just went very still, and her breathing slowed slightly and evened out. She was ready to follow the Konti woman’s lead.
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Sick Day (Aidara)

Postby Iosha on May 8th, 2013, 3:12 am

Sipping her tea, Iosha stared into nothingness as she tried to clear her mind of the all the emotions going through her head. Iosha had a hard time getting Lily's face out her head when she got here eight hours ago. The child was only complaining of a cough, but she was excited because she was going to by her first bird. She was telling her about a white and grey hunting pigeon at the market. She was going to buy it in two day with the money; she was saving. Iosha could only smile to herself as she listened to the ambitious little girl. She noticed that most Inarta children always had a dream or something to strive for in their lives. She just hoped the little girl laying in the bed will be able to live out those dreams someday. Iosha put her head back against the wall, and she looked up at the ceiling, and she had a hard time remembering the last time. She had last death vision. She remembered having them all the time when she arrived in the human city. She was noticing lately that the more time she spent trying to acclimate to the Inarta lifestyle. She had a harder time focusing on her konti gift. Yes, it was a blessing not to seeing how the dead died, but the part of her connected to Avalis yearned for the visions. She looked at Aidara, and she smiled at the crimson haired human woman and asked herself how she was able to handle all the stress in her life.

Iosha finished her tea, and she felt better finding out the reason for her stress. Maybe Aidara could help her though it after they deal with the trouble at hand. Iosha watched Aidara as she walked to toward her, and she immediately knew her break was over. The little healer extended a hand to her and told her it was time to see Lily. Iosha took her hand and got up off the floor. Iosha was a little surprised that the Aidara slung a arm over her shoulder, but she didn't shy away from the friendly gesture. Iosha listened to Aidara talk, and the konti knew Addy was right about the whole thing. Iosha decided to give the little indication that she was feeling better with a joke, “Addy, I have been noticing that you have the uncanny ability to be right most of the time, and I have to say as your friend...” Iosha gave her a half grin and said with wink, “It is rather irritating habit of yours.” Iosha saw the other healer grabbed a stool, so she picks up one herself and sat it down on the other side of the bed. Iosha gave Aidara a warm smile when she started to bride the child with candy. At the moment, she wanted to hug Aidara, but she needed to be professional at the moment. Iosha tried to hide her true feelings behind a smile and said to Lily, “A pop! Well.. if I win Lily, I am a going to eat it!” She could tell the girl was sweating a lot, so she took a wet rag and placed it on the girls forehead. Iosha slid her webbed hand down the girls face, and she wished at the moment. She never said anything, “Lily, I am going to tell you a secret about fish women.” She looked around the room trying to make look secretive, and she leaned over and whispered, so only Aidara and Lily could hear, “Sweet are a my weakness, and if I see one, I have to grab it, so if you win. You will need to hide it, so I don't gobble it up!”

Lily started to laugh, and the quickly the laughing turned into coughing. The coughing lasted for a few chimes, but there was a small puddle of blood on her sheets. After the coughing fit, the little girl head fell back onto the pillow, and she gave Iosha ad Aidara a bloody smile, and she said “...You.. are silly..Iosha, but I don't want to laugh or talk. It is hard to breath right now.” Lily turned her head to Aidara, and said with a ragged voice, “If I win, don't let silly Io eat my pop..” Iosha just sat their staring at the girl, and she thought to herself, “OK, Iosha you need to focus on the task at hand. You need to separate yourself emotionally from child even if you don't want too.” Suddenly, she heard the a hallow voice taunt her in the back of her mind, “You are such a coward, Iosha.” Iosha looked at Lily one last time, and she looked at Aidara who was already mediating. Iosha said in a emotionless voice to Aidara, “Shall we begin?”

Iosha didn't know if it would help, but Lily said she was having trouble breathing, so Iosha reached over the bed took a hold of Aidara hand and placed it on Lily's chest. She took her hand, and she placed her hand on the other side of the young girl's chest. Iosha closed her eyes, and she started to meditate. Being a wizard, she must often close off her mind to the rest of the world, so she envisioned a world of darkness accept for a small flame. Iosha started to put all her worldly distractions into the flame. The flame eagerly too the offering, but it never got bigger with each sacrifice. Eventually, Iosha mind was clear, and she started to seek comfort and guidance from a higher power, the goddess Rak'Keli. She feels a warmness in her heart like a mother holding a child to her breast. Iosha darkness turned into a soft blue light, but the small flame was still present in her mind. Iosha said a prayer to Rak'Keli in Kontinese, “My beloved goddess this child Lily has fallen ill to a dreadful disease, and Aidara and I are trying to determine the cause of the complication. We need your guidance in figuring out the cause of the illness.”

Suddenly, the child and the two healers were enveloped in a soft blue light radiating from their gnosis marks. The light stayed with them for only a chime, but in both Aidara's and Iosha's mind, they saw three images. The first woman was a ginger woman breathing normally in the cool winter air. The second image was a campfire warming the weary travelers from a long days hike through the snow. Thirdly, the saw a blood red mushroom slowly growing out of a fallen log. When the blue light fades from the healer, Iosha opened her eyes and gave a Aidara a confused look over the bed.
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Sick Day (Aidara)

Postby Aidara on May 13th, 2013, 2:07 am


“Yes, lets begin.” If Addy noticed the sudden change in Iosha’s tone the little Inarta actively ignored it, keeping a smile dancing around the edges of her lips for Lily’s sake; the little girls cough had subsided into a gentle wheeze after she laid back and fell still. “Lily, why don’t you hold my hand? You need to help me be strong like you while we try to figure out what is making you sick.” Extending her fingers towards the little girl, Addy’s smile widened when small, clammy fingers tightened in a vice grip around her own. Her thumb rubbed gently, almost absently, across the top of the child’s wrist; a subconscious, reassuring gesture. It was one she had used many a time to keep Natalie quiet and calm when it was time to sleep for the night.

Iosha reached for her hand and Addy waited as the Konti healer positioned it where she wanted, silently watching the woman as she spoke softly and slowly in her native language; Though she couldn’t understand Kontinese, Addy could discern the reverence in the other woman’s voice, the quiet sort of urgency to the strange words that often accompanied a prayer. Especially one addressing such exigent need. “Mother, help us.” Short and sweet, Addy sent her own little entreaty to her goddess in her chirping Nari tongue.

“I’m ready.” Switching back to Common, Addy whispered the pair of words before settling in to a quiet trance. The process was simple enough as the little woman worked to find her calm center; the meditation allowed Addy to envision a blanket of calm wrapping around her shoulders like heavy snow, muffling all of the outside noises one by one. People moving and talking in the corridor outside the Infirmary were the first to go, the coughs and rustling of the inpatients next. It took a few chimes of carefully packing away each unwanted distraction into little boxes in her head before Addy was left only with the white noises of the mountain; Ponderous creaking of stone or the trickling of the water through the many cracks in the stone around them, small things that weren’t noticeable until you tried for absolute silence.

These didn’t distract Addy, however, but instead comforted her whenever she needed to access her power, so she left them as she reached for the deep golden coil of power within her. Ahh.. the little woman breathed, silently to herself, when Iosha’s images of themselves invaded her mind. This is new. That was putting it lightly, to be sure. Normally envisioning a thread of power picking its way through the patients system, this full-bodied version of herself was a nice change. When Addy finally managed to access her gnosis power, however, Iosha’s version of her began to glow with a soft, golden nimbus.

But it was the mushroom that drew her attention. Though they couldn’t communicate verbally over this connection of power, Addy swore aloud. What the petch is that. No no, that cannot be good at all… Eyeing Iosha and seeing a smiliar expression of shock and dismay on the Kontis lovely face, Addy decided to make the first move.

Wrangling her power into something akin to a whip, the little redhead lashed out at the mushroom that, to her, manifested as a flare of golden light; she had no idea what Iosha would see, but to Addy the mushroom flinched away from the touch of the gnosis and shriveled slightly where it had been touched. Despite the blackening and apparent dying of that part of the fungus, however, Addy didn’t sense any sort of change within the essence of the….thing. Very, very not good.

A hand was extended to the Konti woman, motioning for her to give it a go before fading back away from the fungus. After Iosha took a stab at whatever that was, the women would reconvene in the real world. “What was that?!”
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Sick Day (Aidara)

Postby Iosha on May 17th, 2013, 5:10 am

Still in the Rak'keli's vision, Iosha stared at the blood red mushroom with a glint of hate in her eyes. This had to be the thing making Lily sick, and it took the lives of four children already. The konti watched Aidara lash out with her power at the mushroom. It withered slightly by the touch of the whip, but it still remained connected to the log. It seemed to be almost laughing at Aidara's vain attempt since it darkened into a deeper shade of red. Iosha knew the vision was a Rak'keli's way of symbolizing the problem as a whole, so the log wasn't actually Lily. Iosha slowly walked to the mushroom, and she put a hand on the surface of the log. As soon as she put her hand on the log, she hand to pull her hand back because of the heat emanating from the wood. Iosha looked at the mushroom, and she could see the stem of the mushroom was either borrowing into the log, or it was sprouting from the log. Iosha took a step back from the log, and she focused her power into a large blue blade. Iosha raised the blue blade of light over her head and with a mighty swing cleaved the log in two. Iosha really hoped it wasn't Lily, but she had faith in Rak'keli that the vision was a teaching moment for both the healers. Iosha motioned Aidara to the log with her hand, and the konti started to move the half of the log without the mushroom away from the other half with the mushroom.

Kneeling down to get a closer look at the interior of the log, Iosha eyes widened when she saw that the interior of the log was replaced by a red spider web mushroom. The mushroom was hideous mushroom made up of crimson red strands weaving throughout the interior until the mushroom completely engulfed the empty space in the center of the log. The konti could tell the strands were eating away at the log, so it had more room the expand throughout the log. Iosha turned around and looked at the other half, and she could see the mushroom was already starting to eat it way to the surface. In the vision, Iosha stood up, shook her head, and said with a frown to Aidara, “I have seen enough, Aidara if you want to examine it yourself go ahead.” The second part was said with a sneer on her face, “I am sure Vayt must be pleased with his creation.” Iosha closed her eyes in the vision and said softly to Rak' keli, “Thank you my beloved goddess for your insight.”

Iosha opened her eyes and looked down at the little girl. She could hear the girl starting wheeze with each breath. Iosha leaned back in her chair, put both hands behind her head, and stared up at the stained glass ceiling. Iosha heard Aidara exclaim about the mushroom, and she looked at the other healer and said softly trying to control her emotions, “Now we know there ARE monsters in this world, Addy...” Iosha motioned Addy away from the now sleeping child. Iosha didn't want to scare Lily with what she had to say to Aidara. Iosha crossed her arms around her stomach, and she said to Aidara, “I believe the culprit for the children's complication is a fungus. Rak'Keli made it vary clear to us in the vision. When I touched the log in the vision, it seemed to be warm. Almost the temperature a person would get when they had a fever.” Iosha bite her lip as she tried to think about the fungus, and she said softly to Aidara, “The vision tell us nothing about how the fungus is pasted on between person to person. What I don't understand is the other two vision how the woman breathing and the man warming himself by the fire. Has to do with the illness?” Iosha leaned up against the wall and thought about it for a moment. The konti looked at Aidara and continued and started listing off symptoms, “Our symptoms are fever, cough, internal bleeding, shortness of breath, blood shot eyes, and death. Do you think the fungus could be in the lungs?”

Iosha clenched her fist and asked in almost a whisper to Aidara, “Could the fungus be suffocating the victim from the inside?” Iosha looked Aidara in the eyes and said hesitantly, “I am not sure the Inarta's standard procedure with handling the dead, but I think we should remove to remove a lung from one of the dead children and examine a lung for any signs of fungal infection.” The konti didn't like the idea of desecrating the bodies of the dead, but she kept telling herself that it might save the life of many people in the future.
Last edited by Iosha on June 5th, 2013, 11:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Sick Day (Aidara)

Postby Aidara on May 20th, 2013, 8:23 pm


As Iosha rattled off insight after insight, Addy had kept quiet as she clenched the little girls hand, frozen in place on her stool as if she were still deep within the trance of her gnosis. Where Iosha made her jumps aloud, stating each connection that she made, Addy was deep inside her own mind, silently soaking up the Konti’s revelations as she tried to untangle the knot that was this problem.

“I think you’re onto something here.” Her voice was soft when she finally spoke, her eyes still unfocused and cast down and off to the side; The visions that they had been blessed with repeated over and over again in her mind, allowing the little Inarta to slow or further observe different parts. Though she hadn’t paid much attention to them at the time, it was the man and the woman that were the key.

“The fungus is obvious, but I think you’re right about the lungs. Could it be airborne? Perhaps heat is the catalyst for the fungus. They like cool, dark, damp places, and if there was a campfire or body heat… No, that doesn’t sound right. Petch!” They were close. Addy could feel it. They had all the pieces to the puzzle and now they just had to put them together in the right order.

Small, steady fingers brushed stray strands of hair away from Lilly’s face; Luck had shined down upon her and she had managed to fall asleep, even if it was a very light and uneasy slumber. “The coughing has to be key, as well as the fever if it was shown to us…” Only belatedly did Addy realize that Iosha had posed another suggestion that she herself would have never considered. “We don’t have much of a procedure. The elements kill us long before any sort of disease even gets a chance. Those susceptible to such things are either Dek or dead not long out of infanthood.”

Moving away from the pair, Addy strode quickly out into the corridor, flagging down the nearest set of men. It was always men, always in groups, lucky for her. “You. Go find healers Keah and Miquel and have them bring back those succumbed to the illness.” She saw the shock on their faces, but there was nothing she could do about it. They needed the body. “Please, don’t say anything to anyone. Its under control.” Far from convinced, the men inclined their heads and moved away to do her bidding.

“They should be back momentarily. I will go ready the equipment, you show them into the room and we can get started.” Pausing, Addy gave Iosha a strained smile. "I guess we're going to finally get to see how well you do with a scalpel! I want you to take the lead."
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