[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on May 8th, 2013, 1:19 am


"Relax dear, you'll give yourself a headache. You have already applied here with me, just take this form here to which ever tavern or lodge you wish to work and give it to them." She smiled and handed the girl a form with the seal of approval on it, all she would need to do is sign in her name and take it off to her would-be employer.

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Adsila on May 8th, 2013, 1:38 am

Adsila looked at the man, and then grabbed a pen and signed her name at the bottom of the paper. She smiled at the man and thanked him and then ontinued out of the employment doors ...

Now which Tavern did she want to work at.
Adsila sat down on the bench outside of the building and started to think ...

((Thanks Acco :) ))
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Fubuki Kouri on May 8th, 2013, 3:01 am

Fubuki Kouri

OOCThanks, Madame Tr- I mean, Acco! :D

"Weeeee~!" Kour almost literally jumped up in excitement, she did it! Ahaha... phew... I thought I would... I would... For the past few bells, She had been preparing and practicing her employment proposal speech. In her child-like mine, she thought she would be punished if she messed up. This a rather amazing achievement in Kouri's mind.

"Ehehe~ Thank you, Madame~" Kouri bowed rather deeply to Trega and waved her good-bye. "I'll see you again, bye bye~ and oh! Madame Atta said hi~" With that, she spun around and skipped away from the Employment Center with happy steps.

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Oleander on May 8th, 2013, 8:08 pm

Oleander walked through the doors of the ‘Welcome Centre & Employment Office’. It has been a while since his last visit. The first time he visited the place he needed to find a place to live, which was the Traveller’s Row. As Oleander walked in, a queue of people were waiting to be served. Oleander joined the queue because he wanted what everybody else wanted, a job.

Despite his need for a job, Oleander already had one. He worked as an investigator, information broker and completes odd jobs that the knights won’t accept, such as ‘personally’ jobs like severing a relationship, or undermining a person’s pride. However, Oleander wanted to make his job official and that is why he is giving Trega a visit.

It was his turn to be served and Oleander stepped forwards. Oleander hasn’t seen Trega since he was 13. A faint smile grew on his face as he began to speak.

“Hello again, I’m Oleander. Do you remember me? I’ve come for a job this time.” Oleander said.
Oleander could give Trega his real name because she already knew his first name – when he was 13 he didn’t have an alias to go by.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on May 9th, 2013, 2:41 am


Trega remembered this one, he had been such a cute kid, and from time to time, she had wondered what happened to him. "Well hello again. It has been so long since I've seen you." she smiled. "I hope things are going well? and what kind of a job would you like?'

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Oleander on May 9th, 2013, 3:32 am

“Things are going well” Oleander replied. Trega soon asked about what occupation Oleander wanted. However, Oleander didn’t know what the title of his occupation would be. He thought he was a spy, but he also did things that a mercenary would do. He thought it would be best to ask. “I know what I can do Trega... but I don’t know what it’s called... I get jobs from my client that involes various things... things that the knights of Syliras wouldn’t do. Do you know what that is called?”
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Lindel Ward on May 9th, 2013, 5:45 am

The chuckling was a gamble, not that he was much to mind it now. The thought of it all wasn't much to laugh at, the insecurity of a job, advertising like a... at least he would sell his body with a bit more dignity. Lindel made mental notes of her suggestions. He couldn't imagine the knights having much to pass on outside their own ranks. The taverns ought to have supply lists to go around, and had he the patience he might sell the labor too. Nobles seemed as out of reach as knights, but well, maybe they would find him eventually.

"Thank you," he said in bow, and bow again. It was odd to make eye contact for some reason, or maybe it was just more insecurity. "Yes, thank you for your aid. If that will be all, good day," he said, and was bowing once more before turning on his way. Had she any last words now would be the time. Otherwise, he would be off to find work, as if that was not why he came there in the first place. Funny how things work sometimes. He'd make an adventure of it yet.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Klaus on May 9th, 2013, 6:43 am

"Well," he began, "like I said, I do have a bit of training in hand to hand combat, but not much. And I'm sure I could handle some kind of physical labor if I must."

Klaus grimaced at the thought of hard labor. Though he knew it would be good for him in the long run, he really would rather not. But he had to make money somehow, and sometimes that meant doing things you didn't like to do. Klaus sighed softly. I just hope they don't put me in the mines...
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Dragwore on May 9th, 2013, 8:05 am

Timestamp: Spring 65, 513

It had been a few days since entering the city when Dragwore had decided the need of a stable job was necessary for even a meager survival. He was fine with his tent in an out-of-the-way location, but food for himself and his beast were expensive, especially for the good stuff...

Standing outside the doors of the Employment Office, Dragwore readied himself with a deep breath and a slow exhale. When entering, he lowers his hood and peers around the room. For a moment he stood there to take in what he saw, but then he noticed the man not far off, watching him. Dragwore's pale red gaze found that of the man's. Before the stranger could spoke. Dragwore offered what he had all at once.

"A touch of Carpentry and Blacksmithing, but a competent Gadgeteer. I can do repairs well, and build toys. I specialize in movement, if that aids... Is there a job for any of these skills available in the city?" He half expected the man to be shocked by the choice of one of clear Symestran ancestory, but the guard at the gate had seemed calm with it, so there was no telling.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on May 9th, 2013, 6:05 pm


Trega wasn't sure what the boy meant with his curious answer to her question. He said that he was there for a job, and now he spoke of clients, and she wasn't sure if he meant he had them already or needed them? "I'm sorry, but you will need to be more clear?"


"You look the sort to like fighting, would you be interested in work at the Spinning Coin maybe? I hear they are in need of a door guard and people to fight in their cage?"


OOCYou have an intervention on your CS, please take care of it and pm me when it is done and I will reply here.

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