[Verified by Nightmare] Ehati

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Postby Ehati on April 29th, 2013, 9:14 am

Sera Ehati
Of Skyinarta.
"A Quote with key word highlighting. Max 76 Characters with spacing."
And another quote for the pile
001. Appearance

Date of Birth: 1st, Winter, 485 AV
Race: Inarta
Gender: Female
Profession: Knight

Fluent: Nari
Poor: Common
Basic: Ekeldi Sign

Hair Colour: Deep red
Eye Colour: Green, gold
Height/Weight: 157 cm/54 kg
With hair like fire and eyes as green as woodland meadows housing leaves carrying golden sunlight, Ehati is nothing short of unusual in appearance. She is short, slender, but carries herself with an air of pride and unwavering confidence nonetheless. She does not walk with a swagger but with a sinuous gait that belies her raucous freedom when she is with her friend. She doesn't often look like much, least of all like a threat, but once she sees someone do something bad, or she is giving a lecture, her voice can pierce through thoughts and she can become very intimidating.

Stronger than she looks, years of training with a bow both in her volcanic home city as well as during her squirehood in Syliras, Ehati has toned shoulders and arms. Her right fist is mottled by scars, a testament to her talent with falcorny, but otherwise they are slim and long. Her skin is pale, freckled only barely, and easily burnt when exposed to the sunlight for prolonged moments.

Her red hair falls in curling waves to the middle of her back. Not many people get the chance to see her with her hair down, however, as she typically wears it in a knotted bun or a braid to keep it out of her face.

In terms of clothing, Ehati dresses sensibly and in tones of browns and greens to compliment her eyes. She wears armour specifically for men and women trained to be stealthy and unnoticed. The ease of movement that comes in this light armour allows her to better pull her bow.

And another quote for the pile
002. Personality

Likes: Birds, fire, archery, falconry, sparring, training, solitary nights
Dislikes: Overwhelming crowds for no reason, unwelcome contact, racism, banditry, and violence
Ethics: Loyal, righteous, honest, and forthright
A relic of a distant city, Ehati is the Inarta stereotype personified. She is forthright, honest, confrontational, proud, arrogant, open, and easily roused. She has a firmly developed principle of what is right and what is wrong and crossing the line is easily the fastest way to earn one a position in her bad graces. She isn't afraid to speak her mind or be heard and relishes a challenge. Leadership roles tend to be wanted because she is likely to hunger for the desire to prove herself, while challenges are made to those she thinks aren't deserving of their power.

For all this, Ehati doesn't have many friends and she doesn't actually want any more than what she has. The only person that matters to her as much as herself is her best friend, Daeva. She isn't willing to speak about her personal life with people she doesn't count as close friends, and she doesn't speak of her past before coming to Syliras with anybody but Daeva at all. Her sudden outbursts and occasional temper keep others at arm length for her so she doesn't have to do so herself.

One of the few ways a person she isn't close to can use to get her to open up is to discuss the dichotomy of good and evil with her, to help her protect somebody from being used, or to not push themselves into her life. Friendship comes slowly when it is Ehati in question, but once one does become her friend they are easily one of Ehati's most precious people in the world.

In terms of religion, Ehati has an outstanding faith for Eywaat, Ivak, Tyveth, Sylir, Priskil, Caiyha, Yahal and Eyris. She absolutely scorns the worship of other gods, especially evil gods.

And another quote for the pile
003. History

Everything you need to know, wrapped up in a little nutshell
Prior to Ehati's arrival in Syliras, she lived in Wind Reach. However, her past life there and the reason why she found Syliras the place to go is often the source of many quiet discussions and rumours, as Ehati is unlikely to share the information. What is known is that once she arrived, she enlisted as a Squire in the Syliran Knights and made her way through the indentured service required with a great amount of passion, judgement, and fearlessness.

Knighthood came five years after her arrival in Syliras but the wait was well worth it. She reveled in the joy her newfound position brought to her and loved that people would look up to her for advice and information. She stood out as peerless for her hospitality, humanity, and honesty, yet she was overshadowed by Knights better than her when it came to their composure and values as well as integrity. She proved to be capable of standing up for the little man, but her outbursts and passion were a fire that burned brightly and consumed ravenously.

She occasionally goes on patrols with the members of her Wing in the Bronze Woods. Her falconry comes in hand when she needs to send messages to other Wings that take a patrol with them, although in recent times this has been put on hold as her old falcon died when caught by a bear. Her current falcon, a chick by the name of Otaki, will soon be old enough to fly messages. Ehati looks forward to that day with great excitement.
Last edited by Ehati on March 10th, 2015, 9:49 pm, edited 15 times in total.
Sera Ehati, 3rd Wing, Orange Company, 1st Regiment, Silver Quadron.
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Postby Ehati on April 29th, 2013, 11:05 pm

Sera Ehati
Of FIRE and Passion
"A Quote with key word highlighting. Max 76 Characters with spacing."
And another quote for the pile
004. Skills

This is a tally of my talents; use the knowledge wisely.
Skill ExperienceTotalLevel
Longbow 20SP, 1XP 21 Novice
Talon Sword 10SP 10 Novice
Horse Riding 10SP 10 Novice

Skill ExperienceTotalLevel
Observation 15XP 15 Novice
Investigation 1XP 1 Novice
Stealth 1XP 1 Novice

Skill ExperienceTotalLevel
Leadership 2S, 1XP 3 Novice
Intimidation 6XP 6 Novice
Teaching 1XP 1 Novice
Socialisation 10XP 10 Novice
Persuasion 1XP 1 Novice
Interrogation 1XP 1 Novice
Rhetoric 2XP 2 Novice
Philosophy 1XP 1 Novice

Skill ExperienceTotalLevel
Falconry 10RP, 10SP, 1XP 21 Novice
Tracking 1XP 1 Novice

Skill ExperienceTotalLevel

And another quote for the pile
005. Lore

Knowledge acquired through trial and duty.
Keeping the Peace

Rearing Stallion
Rearing Stallion: Loud, Noisy, and Irritating


Religion: Sylir

Daniel: Vantha Mercenary
Vantha: Colour-Changing Eyes

History: Syliran Knights
Report: Bandit in the Cobalt Mountains
A Ghost's Pranks
Last edited by Ehati on March 10th, 2015, 10:43 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Sera Ehati, 3rd Wing, Orange Company, 1st Regiment, Silver Quadron.
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Postby Ehati on April 29th, 2013, 11:17 pm

Sera Ehati
Child of THE SKY in Another's World.
"A Quote with key word highlighting. Max 76 Characters with spacing."
And another quote for the pile
006. Possessions

Worldly possessions matter in this world, clearly, for without them I would be a pauper, or I wouldn't have even left Skyinarta.
wool cloak starting package
green cotton shirt starting package
brown cotton pants starting package
riding boots starting package
cotton undergarments starting package

backpack starting package
flint and steel starting package
food for a week starting package
waterskin starting package
eating knife starting package
wooden brush starting package
wooden comb starting package
razor starting package
scented soap starting package
greaves borrowed
solarets borrowed
plate poleynes borrowed
leather vambraces borrowed
gardbrace borrowed
full chain mail borrowed
tabard borrowed
longbow borrowed
quiver borrowed
longbow arrows [60] borrowed
small steel shield borrowed
two falconry gloves -001.20 grm
archer's arm guard -001.00 grm
archery glove -001.00 grm
hood -003.00 grm
jesses -002.00 grm
perch -010.00 grm
bird call [desert crow] -000.50 grm
red tailed hawk chick -025.00 grm
mews -015.00 grm

tiaden warhorse (for missions) borrowed
zavian horse (for training) borrowed
five blank books -015.00 grm
indigo ink -004.00 grm
scarlet ink -004.00 grm
green ink -004.00 grm
black ink -004.00 grm
six quills -000.30 grm

Ehati's heirloom is a talon sword, a clear remnant of her home and the bonds she'd left behind. It's story isn't yet grand, but it is a beautiful weapon with coloured glass beads dangling from the pommel and a lovingly crafted blade. She is capable of using the weapon and has since her last day in her beloved home. As a knight, she hopes to do great things with this weapon.

Name Amount Total
Starting Package +100.00 grm 100.00 grm
Starting Purchases -090.00 grm 010.00 grm
Wages (Spring 513) +364.00 grm 374.00 grm
Expenses (Spring 513) -045.00 grm 329.00 grm
Expenses (Summer 513) -045.00 grm 284.00 grm
Expenses (Autumn 513) -045.00 grm 239.00 grm

And another quote for the pile
007. Housing

Location: Syliras

Everything you need to know, wrapped up in a little nutshell
Ehati lives in the depths of Stormhold Castle, down where there are no windows to the outside world. It is the most common form of housing for residents in the citadel and has been outfitted for her habitation with a cot, hearth, table, chair, and chest. An added bonus is the presence of the torches in the corridor, most often used to light the room.
Last edited by Ehati on December 8th, 2014, 11:59 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Sera Ehati, 3rd Wing, Orange Company, 1st Regiment, Silver Quadron.
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Ehati History

Postby Ehati on April 30th, 2013, 12:39 am

First Second
"A Quote with key word highlighting. Max 76 Characters with spacing."
Shield Point Tally: 7
Seasonal Experience: 2 Leadership
008. Threads

Everything you need to know, wrapped up in a little nutshell
513 AV
Date Title Progress Reward
12th Pull. Completed 1 Longbow, 1 Observation ; 1 Shield Point
15th The Trees. In Progress Not Applicable
46th Mine. Completed 3 Intimidation, 1 Observation, 1 Leadership, 1 Teaching ; Location:The Lykolav Iron Mine, Kisetukai: A poor excuse for a Squire ; 3 Shield Points
53rd Intangible Troublemaker. Completed 2 Intimidation ; A Ghost's Pranks, Keeping the Peace
66th Good Night for a Brawl? Completed 1 Observation ; The Rearing Stallion: Loud, Noisy, and Irritating
68th Drinks and More. Completed 1 Observation, 1 Socialisation ; Location: Rearing Stallion, Daniel: Vantha Mercenary, Vantha: Colour-Changing Eyes
81st Ridiculous. Completed 3 Observation, 2 Socialisation, 1 Persuasion, 1 Tracking, 1 Investigation, 1 Intimidation ; Investigation: Following a Lead, Persuasion: Good Cop Approach ; 2 Shield Points

Date Title Progress Reward
1st Out Into the Rain Completed 1 Interrogation, 1 Observation ; Location: The Great Bazaar of Syliras, Rat Stew? not in my City!, Ninus the Rat King, Enys the Inarta half breed ; 1 Shield Point
18th Into the Mountains. Completed 1 Observation ; Report: Bandit in the Cobalt Mountains
23rd To Kill a Deer. Completed 1 Observation, 1 Stealth ; Rodywyn: a Hunter, Rodywyn: a Syliran Knight
25th Out of her Element. Complete 4 Socialization, 3 Observation, 1 Rhetoric ; Matthew: Male Escort
33rd Lifted. Complete 2 Observation, 1 Falconry, 3 Socialization, 2 Rhetoric, 1 Philosophy ; Otaki: Hawk Companion, Alabast: Acquaintance, Akilia: Acquaintance, Leda: "Spirit Of The Trees", Philosophy: The Significance Of Surnames

Date Title Progress Reward
37th Two Worlds Collide. Complete Pending

Date Title Progress Reward

514 AV
Date Title Progress Reward

Date Title Progress Reward

Date Title Progress Reward

Date Title Progress Reward

515 AV
Date Title Progress Reward

Date Title Progress Reward

Date Title Progress Reward

Date Title Progress Reward

Date Title Progress Reward
Last edited by Ehati on December 8th, 2014, 1:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sera Ehati, 3rd Wing, Orange Company, 1st Regiment, Silver Quadron.
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Knighted by the Basilisk.
Posts: 130
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Joined roleplay: April 29th, 2013, 6:57 am
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