[Verified by Banshee] Klaus

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Klaus on April 30th, 2013, 8:30 pm



Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birthday: 14 Spring, 493
Birthplace: Sunberth

Appearance: If you must know, my appearance is nothing exceptional. I am of average height, standing at five feet and eight inches. I am not, thank the gods, an ugly man. However I am also not terribly handsome either. My hair is black as Akajias night withe eyes as blue as Lavikus oceans. But of course.
My body is lean. I have been blessed with a wonderful metabolism that keeps me healthfully skinny no matter how lazy I get or how much I eat. I do however have a few scars. Mainly across my back and a few on my chest and arms.

Character Concept

You want to know the kind of man I am? Well then, where to begin eh? I am not violent. I would much rather sit back and discuss my issues with my enemies without resorting to using our fists. But of course living in Sunberth most of my life I didn't exactly grow up around people prone to having long conversations. So I have developed a rather cautious attitude about most people and situations. Being cautious has saved my life. I do not trust easily, but should you gain my trust you will have nothing to fear from me.

I am a man who wants peace. That is all. I want to settle down with a beautiful woman whom I love and loves me and have a home with little beautiful children and live a happy, safe, quiet life. But these are only fantasies. A dream of mine that I work towards. I love my work. My creations are my entire life. And often, they have been my only friends. As of late however, living in the relative safety of Syliras as compared to Sunberth, I have been able to make a few human friends. Of that I am quite thankful.

What do I like? Well what does any man like. I enjoy the comforts of home. Of friends and the warm touch of a woman. I enjoy laughter and peace and games. But I rarely encounter these things. No, instead I am surrounded by the darkness of this world. Surrounded by the corruption of businessmen and pointless violence of thugs and criminals.

Character History

Klaus was born and raised in Sunberth. He lived a normal life with his mother, brother, and sister. Being a family of Wizards however, this made life in Sunberth rather difficult. His sister is a Hypnotist and a Summoner. She moved away to live with her husband when Klaus was 10. Around the same time, his brother, a Reimancer and Alchemist began to feel the drawbacks of overgiving and vanished into the night in a frenzy. His mother however, a Shielder and Healer, marked by Rak'keli, raised Klaus alone. His father left when Klaus was about four years old.

After his siblings left home for their own reasons, Klaus and his mother were forced to leave Sunberth, moving to Syliras to live in peace. He has lived there ever since.


Fluent Language: Common
Poor Language: Ancient Tounge


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Animation 30SP 30 Competent
Disquise 5SP 5 Novice
Intelligence 15RB 15 Novice
Auristics 5SP 5 Novice
Carpentry 5SP 5 Novice
Gadgeteering 5SP 5 Novice


Helpful Lores: (Pick 2)
Lore: History of Syliras Knights
Lore: Syliras Law

1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Metal)
-Brush (Metal)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
-1 Manikin
-3 Chalk Sticks
Ropedart (bladed)
1 sq/yd of Leather
1 Nail Hammer

Heirloom: Rapier (Poppenheim handle)


Location: Double Suite at Travelers Row (Full Season Paid-Spring)


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
CIH +500GM 600GM
Manikin -180GM 420GM
RopeDart, Bladed -5GM 415GM
Chalk -3CM 414GM 9SM 97CM
Double Suite -273SM 387GM 6SM 97CM
Leather -1GM 386GM 6SM 97CM
Nails and Hammer -1GM 385GM 6SM 97CM

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Hey everyone, sorry it's taking me so long to post back. My grandparents, who have been away all winter, just got back for the summer. So I will be spending as much time with them as I can. But don't worry. I haven't forgotten about you. I just may not post as often as I have been before. Thank you all for your understanding, and I will post as soon as I can.
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Curious Animator
Posts: 40
Words: 29967
Joined roleplay: April 14th, 2013, 11:08 pm
Race: Human
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