Location [Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Vassarka Oleander on May 26th, 2013, 11:47 am

Vassarka watched as Zaed strode confidently through the city gates. She wasn't sure that she could do the same. She had allowed herself to believe that when she had left the city, she was leaving it for good, but clearly Syliras was just going to keep on dragging her back into its enclosed, tight grasp. Taking a deep breath, Vassarka nudged the horse forward, and towards one of the guards. Bracing herself, Vassarka pushed her hair back and put on her most confident smirk, so as to appear more human. She had always found that she got the least hassle that way. But it clearly hadn't worked. "oi, you." the guard nearest to her said. "state your name, business and race." Smiling nervously Vassarka said "Vassarka oleander, looking for work, symenestra." begrudgingly, the guard let her pass. She was back in Syliras.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Zaed Martel on May 26th, 2013, 12:01 pm

Zaed glanced back towards Vassarka, "Are you alright?" He asked, seeing that she seemed somewhat shaken. Still holding Ally's reins, he held her still and waited for Vassarka to catch up. As he waited for her, Zaed turned towards his saddle and checked on his ferret. The ferret; he had not yet given him a name, appeared somewhat disgruntled at being kept in the cage. With the business on the road and the fast pace Vassarka had set to reach Syliras, Zaed had no yet had time to play properly with the ferret. Carefully poking through the bars a strip of jerked beef, Zaed swore to both name and play with his pet before the day ended.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Vassarka Oleander on May 26th, 2013, 12:09 pm

Vassarka moved towards Zaed and gave him another smile, but this one was genuine. She watched in coy amusement as he played with his little pet, a scrawny animal that looked as though it had been sorely neglected by its previous owner. "So...where to now?" Vassarka said, glancing around at the city she hated. Suddenly, she spied a brightly coloured building proclaiming to be a welcome centre for visitors. "Why don't we go in there?" she said. "After we've found lodgings of courssse. That will probably be where we find work..."
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Zaed Martel on May 26th, 2013, 12:20 pm

Zaed nodded, chewing on a piece of jerked beef himself, "when I was here before I stayed at Travellers Row. We should head there first, stable the horses, and then figure out what to do. The lodging is pretty cheap." As Zaed finished the sentence he held out a piece of jerked beef to Vassarka, offering it to her. He realised what he was doing though, and quickly withdrew his hand. He gave Vassarka an apologetic look, "Sorry, I'm not used to travelling with people who don't eat normal..well...I'm not used to travelling with Symenestra."
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Vassarka Oleander on May 26th, 2013, 12:24 pm

"Yesss, well, what may seem normal to you would probably seem like eating rocksss to me." Vassarka said acidly. But she smiled, and wheeled her horse around."Come on then, let'ssss get thessse horssess ssstabled then." She gave Flash a sharp nudge with her heels and began to trot in the direction of Traveller's Row.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Des on May 27th, 2013, 3:19 am

513 Av Day 81

Exhausted from running back from the bandit camp Des finally reaches the gates. Heavily breathing and his legs shaking from the trip. Walks over to one of the knights stationed at the gates and asks " Ser Knight - i need your help to bring back stolen items from a bandit camp ". slides down to the ground and starts to rest while waiting for the knight to respond.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Davin Jusik on May 27th, 2013, 10:43 pm

513 Av Day 81

Davin Jusik approached the large gates with a look of restrained awe. In the desert he'd never seen such large walls or sprawling towers, the sights and smells of the place amazed him to no end. He never thought of what a sight he must have been with his pale skin and Brenshira clothing. When he spoke he seemed to have a hint of an accent which came from years of mixing Common and Benshira.

He strolled up to the gate with a large smile and approached an armed man who had the city's sigil stamped across his breastplate. A man was resting next to the knight as he spoke to him.

"Hello good sir, how does one to about becoming a knight of this fair city?"
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Enys on May 30th, 2013, 2:50 pm

Winter Day 11, 512 AV

Mud oozed through the gaping holes of Enys' boots, squishing between blistered toes and yellowed nails, to produce an exasperated squelch with every step. Such was the muffled noise that begrudged her arrival at Stormhold's gates, amid a mulling crowd of merchants and travelers, vagrants and soldiers. Wary glances slid over her, avoiding the questions her squalid presence posed. Gaunt cheeks, sunken eyes, dried lips, fair skin smothered under a film of grime. Soiled clothes that clung to an emaciated frame, barely concealed by a threadbare cloak knotted at the neck. She imparted a wholly disquieting impression, the type of impression that made merchant's covet their wares with accusatory eyes.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Des on May 30th, 2013, 7:45 pm

513 Av Day 81

The knight replies to Des [ i cannot leave my post please take your query to the Recruitment Office ]. Des nods at the knight and slides up to his feet standing right next to the traveler wanting to be a knight. The knight then asks Des [ as a favor to a knight and a prospecting knight could you take this traveler with you ]?

Looks over to the prospecting knight [ the knight has asked me to guide you to the Recruitment Office, if you don't mind travelling in poor company ]. He was not kidding about poor company he was wounded on his right shoulder and his clothes were stained with blood. The smell of blood almost danced around such a small harmless looking boy or man it is hard to judge his age.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Solin on June 1st, 2013, 6:06 am


1st of Summer, 513AV

Approaching the main gate, Solin waited in line for his inspection before entering the city. He watched as the line grew as the foriegner and residents waited their turn for their inspection from the Knights of Syliras.
“The line is moving slower than usual today even for the Knight of Syliras. It might be a bell before I even get to the front of the gate, “ Solin thought to himself as he tapped the sword hilt impatiently in the early summer sun. The weather was moderately warm in Syliras today, and the horses were starting to emitting a strong odor in the midday sun as he waited for the line to move.

Eventually the line started to move and it only took about thirty chimes to get to the knights in charge of the gate. The closest knight a human female walked over to him and stated in a rather unemotional voice, “Welcome to Syliras, and what is your purpose for coming to Syliras?” Solin blew a blond piece of hair from his eyes and said with a smile,“I am a hunter, and I tend to hunt the Bronze Wood and the Colbalt Mountains for game and sell my kills to your butcher for money.” Simple and straight to the point theire was no need to rouse suspicion of the authority. The human female seemed to appreciate his directness and ask with a smile, “Are you ill, or do you have anything you want to declare before entering our city?” Solin tapped his chin and thought about it for a moment and said with a shake of his head,“No, I haven't felt sick since my bout of seasickness on the boat from Riverfall, and everything you see on me is all I own.” The Knight seemed fully satisfied with his answers and waved him through before calling up the next person.
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