[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on May 13th, 2013, 7:14 pm


"A spy? I see...think you've got the stones for it hmm? Well I'm sure that you can find work as a spy in the city. I remember hearing there was a lad working at the Rearing Stallion who was into intell and that sort of thing. There is also the Illythian District. I'm sure those fancy nobles could use a spy, but good luck getting a pass to go there." she smiled at him, feeling for the boy. "I wish there was more that I could do, but there isn't a form for such a thing in this office."

Quinn Harpe

Trega smiled to Quinn and welcomed him back. "You seem to have an idea of what jobs are in the city, that is a good thing. But you must understand I do not know you or what you can do. Maybe you should search around more and see what is available and to your liking. I can suggest many jobs, but it will work a lot faster if you have some clue as to what you want to do."


Trega nodded the woman over and listened to what she had to say. The woman was always grateful when a person came into the office with a job already in mind. It made things so much easier, and she didn't have to worry about playing 20 questions with people who had no idea what they were trying to do. "There are three places I can think of that could use help in that department. Do you have any experience?" OOCKaie you must posses the leadership skill to be a bartender.

Scarlet Evony

Trega smiled and clapped her hands together. "Ah yes, you surely can have a job as a hunter, and don't forget that you can sell your kills in the market. Good luck out there!"

Johan Barnaby

Trega combed her hair back and fixed the ball that had come loose in the turn of the day. She returned to the counter to speak with the next person who had arrived. "Hello there, well you can find work in Metalsmithing I'm sure, the others maybe not."

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Johan Barnaby on May 13th, 2013, 9:02 pm

"Then set me to a forge and I will steady my hands with the labor." Metalsmithing, a skill he had learned for mere education and fun. It possessed no chance of Overgiving, and promised safe, fair earned wages where Magic may have earned only displeasure of the people. Lifting a hand almost in habit to fix the band of cloth binding his hair from his brow, he smoothed out the material just enough to be noticable, but not fully. "I am still learning the Metalsmithing Trade, but I can craft nails as well as bars for the smiths."

He acknowledged his skill was weak, but still for a smith of equal experience his metal would be cheap than a purer metal of an expert smith, and nails sold by the pound, there would be experience in shaping the metal there. "My alloy knowledge includes Copper and Brass. I am familiar with Sand and Clay casting, the latter to a smaller extent."

Having given a list of literally everything he had learned, it left out a great deal, but hopefully it would be enough to earn him a job. Johan had dedication in his tone and despite having to squint to see the woman he bore a casual smile. "If there are none who would take me directly, I would be pleased to work in the Ironworks, if a position is available for gruntwork smithing."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Kaie on May 13th, 2013, 10:00 pm


The Myrian woman watched Trega with her deep brown eyes. Her brow arched for a moment listening to her words carefully. Though it wasn't her first language, Kaie had spent enough time in the city to become well versed in the Common tongue. The wheels in her mind turned rather quickly and she formulated a response without wasting a moment. She felt the urge to loosen herself up for just a second, to let her elbow lean upon the table. She chose not to do so out of common sense. Humans seemed to enjoy respect almost as much as Myrians did. Instead, she kept her straight posture and flashed a quick smile just before lips parted to speak brightly.

"Not on that side of the counter, but my visits have taught me the importance of quick service and free flowing ale. Both, I am capable of. I am happy to go where my skills are needed." She said casually, her confidence never seeming to fall from her demeanor. Fighting for her position was something she had become accustomed to, but this woman's inquiries seemed more routine. A necessity for the position. There was no need for her to overkill, but creating a visibly warmer attitude was something she had to remind herself to do. The culture was different here and it was imperative she still managed to behave accordingly.


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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on May 14th, 2013, 6:35 am


Trega smiled and folded her arms. The woman was confident, and that was something one would need if they wanted a job that put them around drunks and a loud and busy crowd. "Good to know, you can take work at the Rearing Stallion as a helper, they already have a bartender. But the Herald's Arms is still in need of one as well as the White Stallion."

Johan Barnaby

Trega nodded, the man had the skills at basic, he just need a place to let them grow and work to make coin. "I would think the Iron Works is the best place to go, you can start as an apprentice and work your way through."

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Johan Barnaby on May 14th, 2013, 8:20 am

Johan nodded in understanding. It was a relief this had been so easy. With a hand rising to brush against the cloth over his brow he showed his gratefulness with a small smile. "Thank you. When shall I start?" His voice held enthusiasm. Not only did he have a job, but he would be put under the tutelage of what he hoped would be a master, or if luck was on his side an expert. "And is there any specific name I should report to when I arrive?"
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Kaie on May 14th, 2013, 8:18 pm


Kaie thought over her options carefully. Three choices, each with a very different reputation. Decisions, decisions. The displaced Myrian seemed to think rather quickly, finding a path within moments. She knew Syliras well by now, but the Rearing Stallion had become a place of familiarity. She was no alcoholic, but she knew the regulars immediately whenever she stopped in. Not to mention she knew how the establishment liked to run itself. Kaie wasn't too worried about a rowdy crowd. She'd let them have their fun until they overstayed their welcome and killed her patience. Loud and boisterous is one thing, violent and bottle breaking is another.
"If you don't mind, I'd like to try the Rearing Stallion. Please." She answered easily, mentally reminding herself to add the polite phrase at the end for good measure. She was ready to go.


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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on May 19th, 2013, 6:22 am

Johan Barnaby

"Report to Ros Vizerian as soon as you can. He will get you started." she waved the man good bye and returned to her seat to write down his information.


"Wonderful." Trega answered and smiled kindly to the young woman. "I'll send a letter of recommendation over for you this evening. You'll likely be helping Seth, he is the owners son. Good lad too. Off you go."

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Des on May 20th, 2013, 2:50 am

513 Av Day 1

Des has been to the employment office many of times for freelance work. Their the best at what they do. he walked over to a nearby chair sat down with one leg over the other and waited for one of the employees to call him over.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Edreina on May 21st, 2013, 9:53 pm

81st of Spring, 513 AV

Confidence and curiosity utterly visible in her bouncing stride, a red-haired Svefra made her way over to the secretary. "Hi there! My name is Edreina Whitewave and I will be here for a season or two. I have been a Bar Maiden in the past and thought that I would stop by to see if you know any positions available?" It all came out in a grinning rush as Edreina's excitement once more got the better of her.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Coud Von Voltaire on May 22nd, 2013, 6:19 am

Coud Van Voltaire

After three days of consideration, Cou decided to take up a job at The Flower Stand. Being surrounded by nature’s beauty has been an idea floating around his head for a long time. Cou walking in the employment centre and joined the short queue, waiting to be served. Ten chimes pasted and it was Cou’s turn to be served. When he arrived at the desk, he was met with a woman who looked like she was almost in her golden years. Cou cleared his throat a little and began speaking in his standard formal tone.

“Greetings Madam, I’m Coud Von Voltaire. Please feel free to call me Cou. I’m here today to apply for a job. Preferably at The Flower Stand. I would like to serve as a Clerk.” Cou said, bowing slightly.
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