70th Day Of Summer, Late Night.
Flick twitched nervously, flopping over in her shared bed as she slept. Her head rolled and her closed eyes showed rapid eye movement under the lids. To an outsider, she would look distressed, and almost frightened. Tossing again, the kelvic mumbled in her sleep, words garbled and low. More talking and more tossing, the young creature finally awoke with a start, sitting bold right up in the bed. Her naked body was covered in a light sheen of sweat and her long hair clung to her shoulders. The remains of a nightmare, too real and remembered to be just a dream, danced through her head. Her eyes saw blue skinned fists and cold orange eyes. The darkness held secrets and imagined fears. Panting as she looked around the dark room, the kelvic got out of the warmth of the bed and made her way outside and down to the stables where Dyrid had his sleeping spot.
Walking through the straw and hay, she followed her nose. Dyrid smelt distinctly like no one else. He smelt like his animal form. The great white tiger. Flick found herself safe in his vicinity, under his protection. In their first encounter on the beach, the fennec fox had found herself drawn to him. Protection and kinship in what they were, what they went through. Since then she had been almost inseperable with the kelvic - only leaving his side when Kavala needed her elsewhere. Her heart fluttered when Dyrid was around, and she began to feel more. Feelings she had once shared with Reghitaar that had only hurt her. They left her feeling confused and unsure of what she should do. Before, when she'd revealed them, it had hurt her. If she did it again, would Dyrid reject her?
Finding the blue eyed man's bedding, the girl crawled in beside him, cuddling into his form. She wriggled till she was pressed back against him and sighed. Here, she was safe. Even in her dreams. Closing her eyes, she settled in.
"Dyrid, I had a bad dream..." She muttered in the dark, whether he was awake or not.