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Postby Chaelnomyl on August 7th, 2009, 3:45 am



"It was as if the sea itself and the infinite sky stood watch over their cradle." -Codex of Xalz


"I stood by the shore at the death of day,
As the sun sank flaming red;
And the face of the waters that spread away
Was as gray as the face of the dead."

Race: Akvatari
Birthday & Age : Season of Winter, Day 77, 477 AV. 32 Years Old.
Gender: Female
Family: Dranquay, older brother.

Roughly five feet, six inches in height, Chaelnomyl is a on the shorter end of the spectrum for those of the Akvatari, and consequently tends to be more light-weighted than most of the Children of the Sea and Sky as well.

Human from the waist up, she has a thin frame that gives way to auburn hair which extends down her back to her shoulder blades. Her deep blue eyes contrast her pale skin in concert with the furred exterior of her body below her waist. The furred tail that Chaelnomyl possesses is of a mostly a light brown, sand color but also has dark brownish-grey spots, much like a leopard. The tail is rather muscular, finally ending in a leathery, slate-colored pair of tail flippers. It is always obscenely well taken care of, as Chaelnomyl is one to pride herself in the unlikely beauty of her own fur in some sort of cat-like manner. Not that she'd ever admit to it, though.

On her back, Chaelnomyl has a pair of butterfly shaped, translucent wings that are both durable and strong despite the assumptions that could be made on their appearance. They are predominately sky blue in color, but this fades to black near the top and bottom tips and spills into a rough outline in the outer edges of the rest of the wing. They span just over the length of her own arm span, and are much wider towards the bottom than they are at the top, in the typical butterfly fashion that is the norm amongst her race.

Like all Akvatari, Chaelnomyl wears nothing but a band of dark blue cloth around her upper mid-section.

"And I heard the cry of the wanton sea
And the moan of the wailing wind;
For love's sweet pain in his heart had he,
But the gray old sea had sinned."


"The wind was young and the sea was old,
But their cries went up together;
The wind was warm and the sea was cold,
For age makes wintry weather."

To those that do not know or understand Chaelnomyl, she often appears cold or distant, but in reality tends to be simply lost in the deep thoughts that constantly fill her mind. She is not overly kind, though is also never cruel, merely indifferent unless provoked into either extreme. Her speech is calm, collected and almost whimsical, though tend to come slower than most would appreciate... which in turn gives the notion, occasionally, that she is either not paying attention or not knowledgeable on the subject. Both ideas are very contrary to the case in most instances.

It could be said that Chaelnomyl's pensive, almost depressing demeanor contrasts her pursuit of knowledge in the oddest of ways, for despite an overwhelming desire to learn and craft more of the art her race is so well known for, Chaelnomyl's outlook seems to reflect that of her namesake: melancholy, at best. Though she is well enough towards most people, history, trade, lore and knowledge-based discussions, especially those dealing with the Gods and Goddesses, tend to force Chaelnomyl into a state of extreme thoughtfulness, through which it is hard for her to properly escape and can be taxing on those involved in said discussions in turn.

Perhaps the desire to learn despite the extreme melancholy state she is subsequently subjected to is what drives Chaelnomyl to explore and gives her an extreme but outwardly reserved curiosity about unknown objects, tales, and people in general - but even she is not currently sure. The only strong ties that the Akvatari has are to Abura and Akvatar, though she is not so isolated that the notion of friendship is lost on her - Chaelnomyl simply must know a person intricately before she makes such a judgment.

With an apparent disregard for any rule the Akvatari does not deem necessary, Chaelnomyl tends to abide only by her own whims and natural rules, rather than conforming to those of society or social stigmas. She asks pointed questions that are often thought of as tactless, and though it is not out of ignorance, she has a willful desire to purposely cast off any law that does not hold as absolute. Chaelnomyl tends to view herself as above most laws outside of Akvatar, or will carry the laws of Akvatar as the only ones she adheres to - the laws of the rest of the land are merely for those who are ignorant enough to need them. She is slow to fight or quarrel, and is most often provoked to discussion or argument. However, those arguments tend to be calm and collected despite any growing agitation from her fellow debater. If absolutely necessary, Chaelnomyl is not opposed to defending herself, but will exhaust all other options before resorting to violence against anyone or anything else.

"So they cried aloud and they wept amain,
Till the sky grew dark to hear it;
And out of its folds crept the misty rain,
In its shroud, like a troubled spirit."


"For the wind was wild with a hopeless love,
And the sea was sad at heart
At many a crime that he wot of,
Wherein he had played his part."

Chaelnomyl comes from Abur, on the island of Akvatar, having left her immediate family's home around the age of fifteen. She is the youngest of two children, and her mother was their caregiver for the entity of her time spent at "home". Her brother, Dranquay, was alwasy quite close to Chael but they were not interested in the same things - Chaelnomyl could relate more with her mother, while Dranquay was more thoughtful than artsy. Though the Akvatari are naturally inclined towards the arts, Chaelnomyl's mother was often found singing a beautiful, melodious and yet terribly sad song. Letnma, her mother, often had Chaelnomyl sing alongside her from a very young age and it was much in this way that the small Akvatari learned to speak the Common tongue. Also, as most songs tend to use metaphors and analogies, it is no wonder that these tendencies for description had spilled over into Chaelnomyl's own everyday speech, even when not lost in song.

Chaelnomyl contrasts her older brother Dranquay in that he was always the more philosophical one, always wanting to know more about where they came from, to the point that Chaelnomyl found him cynical - a feat, considering her own state. However, it has now been approximately twenty years since Chaelnomyl has seen Dranquay - he left their home at age 12, and is two years older than Chaelnomyl. They always got along, though Dranquay did not appreciate his mother's singing as much as his sister did and so their opinions on what was important differed substantially.

"He thought of the gallant ships gone down
By the will of his wicked waves;
And he thought how the church-yard in the town
Held the sea-made widows' graves."

As she grew older and had spent more and more time away from her mother, Chaelnomyl's nature of music changed from spoken words to more of a hum with soft speech intermingled here and there. She can often be found humming along to some deep and slow ballad that is dancing through her mind - a remnant of her mother's influence - whenever she is aloft in the skies.

Chaelnomyl has always been mildly interested in Nysel, the Dreamer in terms of religious affairs. This is largely attributed to her mother, who, while was very adamant about her singing often told Chaelnomyl that Nysel was the one who had been granting the visions that Letnma would sing about. She spoke often of the God's influence in her life and her pursuits, and tended to read deeply into her own dreams, believing that The Dreamer held all the secrets and passions of life. Consequently, Letnma brought both of her children - one son, and one daughter up in high reverence of the God as best as she could. They worked in unison for much of her childhood: Letnma would receive the dreams she attributed to Nysel, and sing about them... then Chaelnomyl would paint them, though Dranquay hardly participated willingly from there. Chaelnomyl began her own form of expressive art at the tender age of ten, and has been an avid appreciator of life's colors and the subtle nuances that make scenes what they are ever since. This probably does not help her distant attitude, but tends to lend itself to her descriptive nature when it comes to speech.

"The wild wind thought of the love he had left
Afar in an eastern land,
And he longed, as long the much bereft,
For the touch of her perfumed hand."

Chaelnomyl does not know much on Nysel, though she has been influenced by her mother's claims to seek out the truth behind the Gods and their heritage: no one had ever been attributed to caring for the Akvatari and this has bothered Chaelnomyl to the point that she desired enough to leave home and seek out the truth behind it all.

"In his winding wail and his deep-heaved sigh,
His aching grief found vent;
While the sea looked up at the bending sky
And murmured: "I repent."
Last edited by Chaelnomyl on January 18th, 2010, 5:12 pm, edited 13 times in total.
In his winding wail and his deep-heaved sigh, his aching grief found vent...
While the sea looked upon the bending sky and murmured,
"I repent..."
User avatar
Orphan of the Sea and Sky
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Joined roleplay: August 6th, 2009, 10:01 pm
Location: Eyktol
Race: Akvatari
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Re: Chaelnomyl

Postby Chaelnomyl on September 25th, 2009, 12:15 am



  • Common

  • Flight (Akvatari)
  • Swimming (Akvatari)
  • Can hold breath for periods exceeding six hours (Akvatari)
  • Can withstand extreme temperatures, especially cold (Akvatari)



  • Lore - Mixing Paints (SP)
  • Lore - God: Nysel (SP)
  • Lore - Basic Recognition of the Fallen (Gillar)
    Secret :
    Knowing how to identify the elusive, Ethaefal, is not an easy task. Those who have seen one and are made aware of what they saw, find that they are more capable of noticing the otherwise invisible signs that give away a disguised Ethaefal's true identity. Such a thing however is not an exact science and thus relying on this knowledge is not always wise for such signs can be different for each Ethaefal. For those attentive enough to detail though, recognizing an Ethaefal does generally come easier than for those who are not.
  • Lore - Codex of Codali Xalz (Liminal; Chaelnomyl's notes)
    Secret :
    Chael took the following notes:
    ”Coldai Xalz was a Suvan. He was 45 years old when the Valterrian occurred, and when the journal was written, it appears he was around 75 years of age. A trader by choice, Xalz appears to have foregone mountainous journeys for the ease of the sea, having purchased a vessel from the Zeltivans approximately five years prior to the Valterrian.

    - He read books by Caurter or Marie Sendlant – who are they?

    Near the end of Winter, 5 years before the Valterrian, Xalz set sail to the southern regions and came upon a place called Sinala. It had spires, towers, wondrous ampitheatres all carved out of white marble and decorated with coral. Sinala rested on the western coast of an island named Aqwittah. Xalz claims Aqwittah was perfection in temperatures of weather. He also says it is the home of the “Aalsi”, a highly developed group of people that wore white shimmering robes and had long hair for both men and women. He also claims they were winged and had an affinity for water. Ironically, Xalz alludes that the Sea and the Sky themselves stood watch over their cradle… and we claim to be children of such a union.

    According to Xalz, the Aalsi were renowned artists of crafts, metallurgy and literature. Their art fetched high prices in Lisnar and Suva. He claims to have exchanged a gold figurine of “Cheva” (what is Cheva?) for an entire estate. The woman who made the exchange seems to have been named Lidanette. The estate was somewhere far to the north."

    ”Xalz seems to have been recounting a tale upon a frieze… of song from the Aalsi when the journal continues. He speaks of a man and his wife singing with the sweetest voices that everyone wept and was unable to stop listening. Apparently this even charmed Nikali herself (– I believe she is a goddess?) who returned a woman named Volitrix to her parents, which ended a curse (What curse was this?) Nikali appears to have perhaps stolen Volitrix from her parents at the “Plaza of Tears” (later renamed “Plaza of Reunion” when the child was returned) and returned her upon the singing of the song, which the man who was present with Xalz (?) seemed to know. Coldai implies that it was enchanting, and impossible to resist.

    Xalz accounts for the Valterrian and says that he was out to sea when it happened. It seems that he claims to have been saved because he was at sea, and that fire crossed fire, a storm raging and directed at the land. He does not know how much time passed and after it was over, claims the land itself had shifted. His crew reached Zeltiva, only to find it almost destroyed (except for the “Eastern City”) He claims that he and Alton hiked west for three seasons, only to find a lake where their city had been. (Suva’s capital city perhaps?)

    Xalz also claims that Sinala and the Aalsi were gone from Aqwittah when they returned and the vegetation had all but disappeared, leaving only sand and rock behind."

    And these were her notes for investigation:

    • I seem to recall passing a city named Lisnar on my way out of Abura when I initially left home. Is it another Valterrian survivor like Zeltiva, or has the location shifted since the cataclysm?
    • Is there any other mention of Aqwittah in any literature?
    • The story of Volitirix and Nikali – how would one go about trying to figure out how much of a folktale that might have been?
    • Could Coldai have died at sea off the coast of Akvatar? Surely someone would have found something by now, though…
    • Who or what is Cheva?

  • Lore: Drainira (Champion of Sagallius)'s Personality - (Tarot)
  • Lore: Astral coordinates of Saqqria (5810484910103922) - (Tarot)
  • Lore: The Journeymen of Saqqria - (Tarot)
    Secret :
    Journeymen are parasites that know magic. Can summon to worlds with astral coordinates sans Mizahar. Can sense gates and portals, enters lifeforms as seed, crosses when summoners summon its host.
    Mark is like gnosis, allows tab keeping, tells other Journeymen to leave target alone. Only marker can hurt target.


  • 1 Set of "Clothing" - dark blue band of cloth that covers her mid-torso.
  • 1 Waterskin
  • 1 Satchel - 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap), Food for a week,1 eating knife.
  • Old paintbrush she's had since she was a child. (Heirloom)
  • Parchment x400, bound into a journal. (Starting package)
  • Vial of Ink (Starting package)
  • Magecrafted Glove and Clamp - (Tarot) - Can hold small weight; glove moves clamp like hand; functions up to fifty feet away from glove.


DateOriginalCostBalance Link
Beginning600 GM 0 GM 600 GM
Starting Package600 GM-41 GM 559 GM SP
Last edited by Chaelnomyl on July 30th, 2010, 7:39 pm, edited 12 times in total.
In his winding wail and his deep-heaved sigh, his aching grief found vent...
While the sea looked upon the bending sky and murmured,
"I repent..."
User avatar
Orphan of the Sea and Sky
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Joined roleplay: August 6th, 2009, 10:01 pm
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Re: Chaelnomyl

Postby Chaelnomyl on September 25th, 2009, 12:17 am


2nd Summer 509 AV: Night.Souls of LifeThread Death
32nd Summer 509 AVThe Way She'd Paint the WorldOngoing?
35th Summer 509 AV: NightChasing StarlightCompleted. Lore: Basic Recognition of the Fallen
42nd Summer 509 AVA History Between the LinesCompleted. Lore: Codex of Xalz + Personal Notes
70th Summer 509 AVI Think, Therefore I KillCompleted. +1 Writing +3 Interrogation Lores: Drainira's Personality, Astral Coordinates of Saqqria, Journeymen
1st Fall 509 AVLike Humans Do?Completed. +2 Morphing XP.
Early Winter 509 AVLike a Crow Chasing the ButterfliesOngoing
In his winding wail and his deep-heaved sigh, his aching grief found vent...
While the sea looked upon the bending sky and murmured,
"I repent..."
User avatar
Orphan of the Sea and Sky
Posts: 129
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Joined roleplay: August 6th, 2009, 10:01 pm
Location: Eyktol
Race: Akvatari
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