Kalinor is the floating home of the Symenestra formed from the ceiling of a great cavern. Buldings are fashioned from massive stalactites into cocoon like shapes that drip downward. Dwellings often have reams of soft fabric on the floor and niches in the walls for sleeping and storage. A table and chairs are usually the only pieces of true furniture in a Symenestran structure.
Little natural light wanders into the cavern, so most illumination is by fire or phosphorous stones commonly called opalgloams for the moon like glow they cast. Due to their ability to see in the dim, the perpetual twilight does not bother the Symenestra.
Streets are a weaving of cords of silk, thick and sturdy as ropes, hung with decorative flourish from one structure to another or to each other. A marvelous lace has resulted from the streets almost haphazard construction. Red cords serve as the main streets and will take a traveler to the most common destinations. Heavy goods are transported on especially thick black cords by carrier guards who operate large baskets that use a simplistic system of wheels and gears to move along the ropes. One guard turns the gears by hand while the other defends the goods. This is also a common way for non-Symenestra to be moved about.
Drinkable water enters homes through an elevated aqueduct system that flows into the roofs of cocoons. Gravity and ingenuity moves subterranean and above ground streams into a massive cistern from which all water flows. Waste and trash is either dropped into endless gorges that marble the floor beneath the city or burned in the mire-pit deeper in the cavern. Hideous creeping things and insects inhabit the deepest chasms, feeding off the refuse in a strange symbiosis.
Due to the complexity of roads and water systems, Kalinor was vastly overbuilt in anticipation of the city eventually being filled. Structures of various tones and sizes lie uninhabited, making a ghost town of half the city.
Little natural light wanders into the cavern, so most illumination is by fire or phosphorous stones commonly called opalgloams for the moon like glow they cast. Due to their ability to see in the dim, the perpetual twilight does not bother the Symenestra.
Streets are a weaving of cords of silk, thick and sturdy as ropes, hung with decorative flourish from one structure to another or to each other. A marvelous lace has resulted from the streets almost haphazard construction. Red cords serve as the main streets and will take a traveler to the most common destinations. Heavy goods are transported on especially thick black cords by carrier guards who operate large baskets that use a simplistic system of wheels and gears to move along the ropes. One guard turns the gears by hand while the other defends the goods. This is also a common way for non-Symenestra to be moved about.
Drinkable water enters homes through an elevated aqueduct system that flows into the roofs of cocoons. Gravity and ingenuity moves subterranean and above ground streams into a massive cistern from which all water flows. Waste and trash is either dropped into endless gorges that marble the floor beneath the city or burned in the mire-pit deeper in the cavern. Hideous creeping things and insects inhabit the deepest chasms, feeding off the refuse in a strange symbiosis.
Due to the complexity of roads and water systems, Kalinor was vastly overbuilt in anticipation of the city eventually being filled. Structures of various tones and sizes lie uninhabited, making a ghost town of half the city.