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[Wind Reach] Community Development and Suggestions

Postby Izuldir on October 6th, 2013, 11:05 pm

Magecrafter's alcove


Found down one of the finger like passages ways of the Arms Gallery, this small little cavern serves as one of the few places in Wind Reach where magecrafting can be practiced. Within it are only two pedestals for crafting, as well as the basics for the magic itself. There is no direct overseer of this little section, however, it is only open for use by those who already know the art of Magecrafting, or are apprenticing beneath someone who does. Due to the dangers of the world magic itself, this area is restricted from public use. Some Dek or Yasi come and go from this area, bring supplies or completed orders as they go.
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[Wind Reach] Community Development and Suggestions

Postby Marrin on October 19th, 2013, 8:27 pm

Came up with a Holiday! The Pinky Hirta (mentioned below) and all of its friends will be added shortly.

White/Red Festival

Frequency: Annual
Length: ~5 Days
Start Date: Spring 35th
Description: A celebration love and passion among the people of Wind Reach, this festival is one of art and adoration. All work, save for absolutely necessary tasks, is called off, and every day is a Market Day with a new theme pertaining to love and the cycle of life. This is the most common rendition of the White Festival, and is a fairly innocent time where Yasi give each other candies and those of other castes traditionally profess love to others within their caste.

Should the pollen of the Pinky Hirta hit Mt. Skyinarta, however, the White Festival soon becomes the Red Festival. Since this festival is placed exactly when the Pinky Hirta is pollinating, if strong winds pick up during this festival a cloud of Love Dust covers Wind Reach, and it is not uncommon for the innocence of the White Festival to turn to the passionate, sex-charged vices of the Red Festival.

History: Originally this festival was sporadic and not actually scheduled, only happening when the cloud of pollen his Wind Reach and made all its citizens have such high sex drive it was impossible to do any work. However, over time the pattern was realized and the festival was set up so that it would not come as a surprise. Work was called off to allow time to recover and participate in the vices it brought. When the pollen cloud started hitting more rarely, the festival evolved into a general romantic holiday, only becoming the Red Festival when the pollen hits the mountain.
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[Wind Reach] Community Development and Suggestions

Postby Marrin on October 25th, 2013, 6:47 am

ImageName: Yellow Caterpillar Daisy
Type: Flower
Location: Near sulfur-rich hot springs
Frequency: Uncommon
Appearance: A long, cylindrical center of a mottled brown-black color gives this flower it’s name by having the appearance of some sort of caterpillar. Out from this center are short yellow petals, sheltering some of the smaller green leaved below that mimic the shape of the petals. At mature size their stalks are about 5-7 inches in length, with a green color and short white hairs.
Purposes: The sap from the center of this flower is a powerful healing slave. If placed upon an open wound the sap will dry, creating a filmy skin over the site and causing the healing process to move at a faster rate. The wound will not scar, no matter how deep, but the skin over where the wound was will eternally be crimson in color.
Dangers: The sap of this plant, when placed upon an open wound, causes a sensation of excruciating pain. Often this pain is immobilizing, causing the one being healed to be able to do nothing but suffer the agony of their wounds. Many have related this feeling to having citrus juice and saltwater ground into the wound with granulated cold iron.

ImageName: Orange Fluff Apple
Type: Flower
Location: Throughout the lowlands and valleys of North Kalea
Frequency: Uncommon
Appearance: The Orange Fluff Apple sits on a tall, sturdy stalk nearly a foot in height, with a large spherical flower crowning the top. Decently sized leaves similar to those of the hackberry sprout from this stem, tipped towards the stem to force water to its shallow root system.
Purposes: The Orange Fluff Apple is an edible flower known to have the density and consistency of an apple, with the flavor similar to an apricot-concord grape hybrid. They’re highly nutritious and can be emergency rations for any lost hunter in a pinch.
Dangers: When removed from the step, it produces a loud noise not unlike a trapped deer screaming for help. This has caused this plant to be notorious for the number of bloodbaths it has caused, bringing together hungry predators and helpful prey alike. Though it is not uncommon for the picker to get caught up in the activity, more often than not all it takes to escape is some quick reflexes and quick thinking.

ImageName: Pinky Hirta
Type: Flower
Location: N. Kalean lowlands and midlands
Frequency: Common
Appearance: A small flower with warmly colored petals and a black center. Sprouting in a ring from the center are tiny yellow petals, thicker than the others and shaped like tiny fingers, giving the flower its name. The stems of these plants are short, only about an inch or two long, and they grow in tight clusters, though these clusters are scattered.
Purposes: This flower, during a short 5-day period, produces pollen known for its powerful aphrodisiac effects. It has been collected by hunters looking to make some extra money and sold as Love Dust at the Inclement Weather. This flower is responsible for the creation of the White and Red Festivals, due to its consistent timing of pollen development during Springtime.
Dangers: None, but aside from its short pollen production period, it is merely a pleasant smelling flower.

ImageName: Pink Sword
Type: Weed
Location: All throughout Kalea
Frequency: Abundant in most areas, merely common in highlands
Appearance: The flower of this plant is usually pink, though it is red after it’s had a recent meal. The petals of this plant are thin and sharp, sprouting form a stalk that grows to about 1 ½ feet in height at maturity.
Purposes: Because of the rigidity of its petals and their bladelike nature, makeshift arrowheads can be made from the petals of this plant, thought they are fragile in comparison to stone or metal arrowheads.
Dangers: This weed is highly dangerous to handle and simply to be around. The plant is carnivorous, feeding off the blood of passersby as its razor sharp petals carve papercut-like gashes in any flesh they come into contact with. Though alone the damage is primarily superficial and clothing damage, falling into a field of Pink Sword Weed has been known to cause the occasional death of the unwary hunter. These weeds also have the unusual property of being able to flower in the dead of winter, becoming an invisible danger beneath to snow to anyone who crosses its path.

ImageName: Thin-Lip Rose
Type: Flower
Location: The Valley of the Vyzkal Colony
Frequency: Extremely rare outside the Vyzkal Vally, Uncommon within it
Appearance: This rose gets its name from having primarily white petals, but having thin pink “lips” along the very edges, with the center extending out as if it was searching for a kiss. The petals are veiny, and often curled at angles unpleasing to the eye. However, it makes up for its homeliness with a beautiful, uplifting aroma which it produces in great abundance.
Purposes: This rose has an extremely desirable fragrance, and is quite pungent. When placed in a room, a single one of these roses has been known to make all those in the room to soon forget their troubles. Tea made from the petals of this plant tastes like strongly floral honey, and acts as a powerful anti-depressant.
Dangers: Aside from its most common location, the only real danger comes from overdosing on tea made from this plant. If one drinks too much Thin-Lip Tea, their ability to have negative or neutral emotions about anything is completely negated. They are happy and pleasant no matter what they do, no matter how helpful or sociopathic the actions seem to others. They have no sense of remorse, what evil is, or anything else that could be perceived as negative. To a person at this stage of overdose, everything is fantastic, no matter the circumstance. There is no known way to reverse these effects.
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[Wind Reach] Community Development and Suggestions

Postby Drusilla on February 21st, 2014, 5:24 am

Name: Fringed Tulip, Fringelip
Location: Near Water sources in Plains and Valleys
Frequency: How common is it? Common
Appearance: A flower ranging from purple to light blue on rare occasions pink,with the edges of the petal's tips having a frayed look. The fray/fringe is always white.
Purposes: From floral spreads to perfumes the Fringelip is a sweet smelling flower and are beautiful in floral arrangements.
Dangers: None, just a simple pretty flower.

Name: Spider Fungus
Type: Mushroom/Fungus
Location: Anywhere there are deep deposits of volcanic ash
Frequency: Uncommon, but growing more frequent in sightings after the Djed Storm.
Appearance: Spider fungus looks as though a spider's web has grown out of a mushroom stem. The patterns differ from each other. Some believe no two are ever the same, much like snowflakes.
Purposes: Poisons or anti-venom in small douses
Dangers: Highly toxic and should be handled with extreme care.

Name: Mourning Dirge
Type: Flower
Location: Secluded patches around Mt. Skynarta
Frequency: Uncommon, only 3 known patches
Appearance: A fanciful looking pure black flower with smaller flowers within the large main one.
Purposes: These flowers are given to families who are in mourning over the loss of a loved one
Dangers: Only found in secluded areas, one must be very motivated and tenacious to retrieve at least one flower

oocFound some cool looking flowers I have more to add but, I'm kinda sleepy let me know if I need to fix something


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[Wind Reach] Community Development and Suggestions

Postby Aranta on August 30th, 2014, 3:51 pm

The Yasi Center

Located near the Enclave

Located near the Enclave for easy access to the writings and books in possession of the Inarta race, the Yasi Center is where most Yasi spend either their lives or most of their days. Consisting of several smaller, inter-connected caverns that function as classrooms as well as three larger caverns-- one for those Yasi who live there, one for cooking and eating, and one for general meetings-- the Center is fairly spacious. A few Inarta are employed there to teach the Yasi about different things, or to help Yasi find a master to apprentice to. A combination of windows and torches bring light into the Center, and the Headmaster is fanatical about torches only being lit when someone is in the room to watch them.

Risks and Benefits:
Benefits: Yasi have a place to stay if needed-- whether to seek refuge from an abusive adult or simply for a home. Yasi are also taught the history of their people and home here
Risks: In-fighting and bullying, as will always happen when young people are gathered together in one place for long periods of time.

Fauna & Flora in the location:
Insects and some moss, although Mikin does a good job of keeping both to a minimum.

Headmaster of the Yasi Center
(Only he and Mikin call him that, though)

Teaching 79
Falconry 56
Socialization 53
Weapon: Dagger 42
History 59
Comedy 22

Bervek used to care for the smaller birds in Wind Reach, until he started caring for the smaller people. He has run the Yasi Center for several years, and cares deeply for his charges-- although he tends to show this affection in poorly-timed and -executed jokes. After a close call with a fire in his mews before coming to the Center, Bervek has developed a phobia of fire. As such he is obsessive over not leaving the torches used to light the inner caverns unattended, and will often drag students back into a cavern by the back of their shirts to make them put out a torch they left behind.

Bervek's lover, resident cleaner for the Center

Cleaning 85
Teaching 43
Floristry 55
Spelunking 45
Birdkeeping 17

Mikin and Bervek have known each other since they were Yasi themselves; Mikin has always been the more outgoing of the two, always eager to explore caves or the Unforgiving in search of unusual and pretty plants. Before working with Bervek at the Center, Mikin was a florist who worked with glass from her glassworker father and the flowers that she herself gathered to create beautiful displays meant to grace the homes of the Inarta. Mikin has never been able to stand a mess, which is good for Bervek(the man constantly leaves things lying around just to annoy her, Mikin swears.) who would otherwise live in a hovel. Mikin has a soft spot for the children of the Inarta, just as her lover does, and has zero tolerance for bullying.
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[Wind Reach] Community Development and Suggestions

Postby Zhol on September 7th, 2014, 10:33 pm

Thought to have originally some sort of dandelion or lily - or perhaps both - this flower was transformed by the Djed Storm into something both hideous and wonderful. Through spring and summer, the Featherwind looks like an ugly, discoloured, wilted rose; but when the temperature begins to drop and the first winds of autumn blow, the Featherwind unfurls to reveal it's seeds, each one topped with a cotton-like plume that resembles a tiny feather, allowing the seed to be lifted and carried along by the breeze. The nature of these flowers' djed transformation is such that, if picked before the seed pot had opened, one can still cause the Featherwind to unfurl and release it's seeds, simply by blowing gently upon it.

Image Name: Pippit Owl
Location: Low to Medium Elevations
Appearance: Uncommon
Description: Only a few inches tall when fully grown, these sparrow-sized birds of prey will eat anything, from insects and worms to small rodents, food scraps, and even the odd finger that gets too close to comfort. Though owls are often solitary creatures, Pippit Owls are often seen in small flocks of three or so, hopping around on rocks or perched in the sporadic trees that litter Kalea's mountains and foothills. They have evolved particularly well to living alongside humans, and will often attempt to coax the inhabitants of Wind Reach and the surrounding area into feeding them by acting cute or, if necessary, outright harassing errant picnickers until the birds are fed. They are a pest but, given the Inartan's love for birds, a tolerated one.
Behavior: Unusually friendly towards humans, especially if there is a possibility of food.
Purpose: Pest, Pets (occasionally)

ImageName: Rock Crabs
Location: Coastal Areas, Caves
Appearance: Uncommon
Description: No one is sure if these creatures were originally crabs turned to stone, or stones brought to life; but all agree that magic is definitely responsible for their strange existence. These creatures do not simply resemble rocks and stones, they are rocks and stones, and are affected by reimancy in the same way. Rock Crabs are scavengers and predators of opportunity, feeding on scraps and carrion when available, but also using their natural camouflage to ambush other predators, feeding on them as well as whatever prey they just killed. They have even been known to lure birds of prey into traps, with one Rock Crab acting as a lure to make a gull or eagle swoop down, allowing the rest of the group to swarm in and attack once it is close to the ground. Rock Crabs typically move in packs, but are fortunately too small and too wary of humans to pose too much of a danger. These crabs are frequently found along the coast of Thunder Bay, but some have also managed to find themselves into the Deep Warrens, and other infrequently visited corners of Wind Reach. It is unclear whether Rock Crabs migrated to these areas naturally, or if a person or persons are responsible.
Behavior: Aggressive towards potential prey, but will usually hide (ie. pretend to be a rock) when confronted with humans.
Purpose: None

ImageName: Skreet
Location: Forest
Appearance: Rare
Description: One of the many djed-affected creatures to inhabit Northern Kalea, Skreet are mutated rodents of unusual size, so named because of the strange, eerie sound that they utter. They are solitary creatures, only found in groups to breed and raise young. They are partially scaly, and have prominent incisors which they use to chew through bark and branches in a manner similar to a beaver; however, Skreet build their nests on land. They are primarily nocturnal - though males can occasionally be seen during the day, especially during nest-building season - and during the Spring and Autumn can be heard making their distinctive cry at all hours of the night.
Behavior: Aggressive and territorial, though they will flee if challenged by a sufficiently larger animal (or person).
Purpose: Pest, Food (if desperate)
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[Wind Reach] Community Development and Suggestions

Postby Azira on September 16th, 2014, 12:35 pm

The promised starfish. I think I'm going to start dreaming about the things. More stuff to come shortly

ImageName: Thunder Bay StarfishImage
Location: Rock Pools, Coral Reef, Sea Bed
Frequency: Extremely Common
Appearance: A five-armed starfish of light oranges and browns, the Thunder Bay starfish is an extremely common sight along the shore of Water Reach and in the Bay at large. The creature reaches a fair size, usually growing to be between 6 and 8 inches in size. They often become caught in fishing nets but don’t tend to do any damage to a catch and are in fact often used as fish bait. They do prey on fish and coral however so they are sometimes purposely killed if their numbers grow too large and they become too much of a nuisance. It’s a common sight during the Fall season to see many of the creatures washed up on the shores of the colony after a storm. Smaller versions of the starfish can sometimes be used as decorative charms.
Behaviour: Do not have a visible reaction to a human presence.
Purposes: Fish bait, decoration, food (only by the most desperate Dek as they provide a meagre food source that takes a few days to properly prepare).
Dangers: Mild Food Poisoning if they aren’t properly prepared.

Image*Credit to Khara for the image Name: Jewel Starfish, Colour Shifter
Location: Rock Pools, Coral Reef, Sea Bed
Frequency: Rare
Appearance: A species that didn’t exist prior to the Djed Storm, Jewel Starfish bear the marks of having been affected by the wild Djed that was released when Ivak was freed. They are different from their more common and plain Thunder Bay cousin, smaller at only 6 inches when fully grown and they also have the ability to change their colour which makes them a curiosity amongst the Inarta. Jewel Starfish are always vibrantly coloured, changing their hue at any given time (although a full transformation takes several chimes) for no reason that the Inarta can discern. They are easy to spot at night, even deep in the water, the creatures giving of a luminous light that makes them easy targets for anyone who wishes to acquire such a curiosity. As a result of their unique appearance and inability to blend, the Jewel Starfish has actually been hunted to a point where the creatures have become a rare sight in the waters of Thunder Bay. If it dries out and dies the starfish will be left permanently stuck in whatever colour it last was when alive, hence why the Inarta try to dry them out part of the way through a change.
Behaviour: When confronted by humans, it will pass through a number of colour changes but cannot react in any other way.
Purposes: Decoration, Poison
Dangers: Extremely toxic if eaten. Death will result in a matter of bells if one is foolish enough to try to eat them.

ImageName: Pricklethorn, Spiny Starfish
Location: Rock Pools, Coral Reef, Sea Bed
Frequency: Uncommon
Appearance: The Pricklethorn is a large and ugly starfish with many legs, a purplish body and red spines protruding from it. It can grow up to 1 foot across, making it a difficult creature to miss. The Pricklethorn is the bane of fishermen, the sight of it caught in a net a sure sign that a catch has been made useless. They’re approached with caution and hunted at every opportunity. If one is unlucky enough not to recognise it and choose to touch one, it will push black spikes out from its spines and sting them. Yasi are often foolish enough to dare one another to touch the creatures. The spines only cover one side of its body, the underside unprotected and vulnerable if one can get underneath it. This vulnerability is taken advantage of, the creatures sometimes collected with a special flat shovel and irritated so that their poisonous spikes can be harvested and used to tip arrows destined to kill any unwelcome visitors to the city like the male Symenestra.
Behaviour: Aggressive towards anything that disturbs it. Will puff out spines if anyone draws too near.
Purposes: Poison, Pest
Dangers: If stung a person can be left bedridden with vomiting and partial paralysis for several days. Multiple stings lead to death. Can kill most fish in a fisherman’s net if they get caught in them by accident.
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[Wind Reach] Community Development and Suggestions

Postby Mirage on September 19th, 2014, 6:27 am


So I have just found this awesome thread. Starting next week i am going to start going through these proposed development projects and approving/telling you to revamp it a bit lol. So hold on tight!

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[Wind Reach] Community Development and Suggestions

Postby Bricken on September 12th, 2019, 12:39 am

Name: Tasi
Race: Inarta
DoB: Spring 4, 505 (Age 14)
PoB: Wind Reach
Caste and Title: Yasi
Skills: Falconry 15, Weapon: Longbow 5
Gnosis: None

Tasi is a rambuctious boy who has a natural talent for falconry. He is known among the yasi for being arrogant, but he knows when to back off, especially when dealing with the upper castes.

Name: Avah
Race: Inarta
DoB: Spring 4, 505 (Age 14)
PoB: Wind Reach
Caste and Title: Yasi
Skills: Weapon: Longbow 10, History 5, Falconry 5
Gnosis: None

Avah is a polite girl. She doesn't show any particular amount of talent, but works hard and takes everything she does seriously. She's known to be a bit of a tattler, however.

Name: Kesara
Race: Konti
DoB: Winter 64, 505 (Age 13)
PoB: Wind Reach
Caste and Title: Yasi
Skills: Glassworking 15, Medicine 5
Gnosis: Divination

Kesara is a Konti girl born to an immigrant woman and her Inarta husband. She has often been teased for her pale complextion and hair, or mockingly asked to tell fortunes. Because of this, she speaks softly, but her interest in glassblowing brings out her words. Although she hasn't developed a particular Konti gift due to being so far from home, she still has Avalis' Gnosis and can 'read' the past of chavi very roughly.

Name: Earin
Race: Inarta
DoB: Summer 2, 506 (Age 13)
PoB: Wind Reach
Caste and Title: Yasi
Skills: Running 5
Gnosis: None

Earin was pegged as a future dek since the day he could speak (a few months behind with that); he is slow to learn and talks rarely. It often upsets him that he just can't get smart like the other kids.

Name: Vak
Race: Inarta
DoB: Summer 2, 506 (Age 13)
PoB: Wind Reach
Caste and Title: Yasi
Skills: Cooking 10, Falconry 5, Weapon: Shortbow 5
Gnosis: None

Vak is very studious, and feels sorrow for his twin, Earin. He tries to help his twin where he can, but is too afraid of being seen as unworthy by standing up for him too much. He has a natural talent for cooking and hopes to work as a chef one day.
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