Time Stamp: 65th of Spring, 509AV, Four Bells after Noon
Location: The Cerulean Pier
Who: Alona Halloran, Solin
Walking along the wet cobble stone by the edge of the water, Solin decided to enjoy the hot mid spring day with his shirt off. Solin didn't care much for clothing, but he needed in the city. The kelvic must have looked strange with his bow and quiver on his back and a bag of oats in hand. Normal human fisherman would have a fishing pole and bucket of bait in their hands, but Solin was never taught how to fish with a pole. He was taught out to fish with a bow, so today, he had full intention on shooting a fish even if he had to buy a fish in market and shooting it with his bow or jumping into the water to get it himself. He would! The Kelvic wanted to go out onto the docks to try his luck, but the docks were packed to the brim with travelers, sailors, and crates of goods. Also he didn't like the idea of venturing to the crowd of people and start shooting off arrows into the water. He knew he liked to take risks, but he never wanted to danger the innocent with his carelessness, so Solin continued walking down the cobble stone street. The Kelvic was amazed at the magnificent tall ships docked or docking into Zeltiva's port. He imagined life on ship must be pretty exciting for the sailors because they would get to see the world and meet interesting people in their travels. It was life worth living if you wanted to dedicate yourself to the sea, but Solin knew he was hunter through and through, so his adventure would always be in the forest and mountains of Syliras.
Solin was planning this fishing trip for a long time, so he put a lot of time and effort staking out the perfect spot to practice his bow fishing away from the foot traffic of the port. When Solin made it to Cerulean Pier, he decided not to venture onto the popular part of the pier with the shops, the aquarium, and the restaurant. No, he was more interested the natural environment under the pier. He heard from other fisherman that it was a great place to fish for rough fish in the shallows waters under the pier. However, also fisherman had told him stories of sharks and ocean predators hunting the fallen timbers under the pier. It was exciting place to be if you enjoyed the outdoors, so Solin walked to the edge of the cobble stone, and jumped onto the natural shoreline of the bay. He knew these waters weren't used for swimming because the water was murky and the seaweeds were constantly hitting the shore with all the wave action near the pier. When he made it to the edge of the water, the kelvic looked out into the water, and he saw a couple fish jump out water into the oncoming waves. The kelvic knew it was a good sign if the fish are jumping because his father told him the fish were hungry. He didn't know if it was necessarily true or something his father was making up, but he took his father's words to heart about the fish.
When Solin finally found a dry and sandy part of the beach, he carefully set down his his bow, quiver, and bait in a neat pile on the ground. He looked over at the fishing spots under the pier and saw it was already elbow to elbow with fisherman casting their lines into dark waters under the pier. Solin knew he wouldn't have as much luck outside of the pier, but he knew with the way he was fishing. He would need enough space to fire his bow safety without hitting anyone. Solin started to untie his pants and looked up into the busy pier. He could easily see a few people looking over the edge at the natural and man-made scenery of Zeltiva. Surprisingly, the kelvic could even hear the music coming from crowd, and most noticeably a lone fiddle. When he heard the sound of the fiddle, the kelvic could tell the musician knew what he or she was doing because it seem fit the natural scenery perfectly at the moment.
When the Kelvic finished untying his knot, and Solin slipped out of his pants and tossed them on a dry rock next to him. Normally, he would just bow fish naked outside the city, but he learned from Syliras that humans had odd rules about their bodies and clothing. Solin always thought to himself that human's were ashamed of their bodies, and this was a way for them covering up to make a rule to wear something over their bodies. Solin always thought humanity enjoyed making rules for the sake of them even if the rules restrict their freedom. In truth, Solin didn't want to ruffle any of the humans the wrong way by walking around the city naked, so he decided to fish in his small clothes. Hopefully the humans of Zeltiva weren't stuffy to protest to much about it, but he wouldn't anything past humanity if they did. In the end, Solin thought humanity was a strange race of people with their rules and strange customs.
Solin stood up, stretched, and looked out over the water. He noticed about ten feet from shore. Their was decent sized rock formation not far from him. He took a closer look at it and saw the waves were hitting the side facing the ocean, but the side facing the shore the water was quiet calm. Immediately, he knew it would be perfect for bow fishing, so Solin put the small bag of oats in his mouth, picked up his composite short bow and quiver, and started to walk into the surf. He decided to hold his bow and quiver above his head, so they didn't get wet as he walked to the rocks. The water wasn't to deep only up to mid stomach at the deepest part. When he got to the rock, he put his equipment down on a dry portion of the rock and climbed up onto the rock. He put his hair behind his ears as he looked out over the ocean. The breeze was constant near the ocean, and it felt good on his bare back. When he heard the fiddle again in the wind, he put his hand over his eyes to shield the sun as he looked up onto the pier to see if he could he a better look at the people near the edge of the pier.