Being back on the water made Tallis relax and most thoughts of what was going on in the forest were put behind him. He heaved a sigh of relief and settled in next to Marx and rubbed shoulders with her. He looked over to where she was pointing. It became obvious that she did not read common tongue. “It says Miss Sandy. I guess that is the name of the boat. Probably named after someone the owner of the boat knew.”
Tallis reflected for a moment and remembered the boat he had capsized. That had been years ago but he wasn’t allowed near a skimmer to captain since. Before it capsized he swore he could have made the boat turn on a dime but he wind shifted before he could convince the girls to get on the other side of the boat to act as a counter weight. Next thing he knew they were in the water.
“The last boat I was allowed to sail was named Wind Star.” He said with a touch of regret. “That job was fun while it lasted.”