[Verified by Jupiter] Enys;

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Postby Enys on May 25th, 2013, 10:23 pm


Enys possesses the resplendence of cracked glass. Beheld at a precise angle, molten tresses devour the sunlight, framing angular features in a shroud of warm light. Topaz eyes stare out from the depths of this shimmering haze, seizing the world in a relentless, unyielding stare. An irregular flash of porcelain quickens the pulse, as painted lips split into mirthless smirk. She is an effigy of fire, glinting among the muck of common men.

But the illusion of grandeur is fleeting. Beyond the sun's grace, the bronze discs braided into her hair dull to rubbish. A threadbare cloak clings to toned shoulders, determined as an aging weed, the copious folds concealing the faint blue sheen of her skin. An extended hand reveals a forearm plagued by scars and spark burns, with jagged nails worried to the quick. Blood whiskey lingers on her breath, suggesting an addiction, and dark circles smile mockingly under her eyes. Here is a broken effigy, a coal left to die in the night.

The Rim, a dimension between arcane earth and savage sky. A realm of vagrants, shattered and strewn across regions, abandoned to empty hearts and listless misery. Men that have lost their element, withering like caged birds, starving like crippled predators. Enys is one such transient. Cradled by Mount Skyinarta, she tasted the brim of the sky, absorbing the turbulent energy bound by careening thermals. Asleep, her Isuran blood murmurs of shrouded civilizations, lacing her dreams with flashes of immense caverns and metal shrines. Yet, neither element shelters her, leaving her chained to the surface of Mizahar, amid humans bereft of heritage.

Fire is her solace, luring Enys into the smoldering depths of forge and hearth, where the pure ring of struck metal is a lullaby to thinly veiled turmoil, and the molten sparks a distraction to aging scars. The mixed blood of her ancestry compels her to pursue unrivaled expertise, despite inexperience, binding her to the smithy for staggering hours. As muscles strain to coax metals and bank fires, a clandestine smirk lingers on thin lips—she was no longer Dek.

Persecution and despair do not cultivate an amiable temperament. Enys is obstinate, fractious, and prone to unpredictable outbursts. Etiquette and courtesy are rusted concepts to the woman, with unguarded snipes routinely soliciting distaste. Further animosity is garnished by her innate racism, fostered during youth. Few, if any, redeeming traits balance the scale. Grit, perhaps, mixed with an inquisitive nature and a feral devotion to her tattered magpie, Ruin.


Please note: Below are event markers for Enys.
I will gradually write flashbacks for each event.

Season of Winter, Day 14, 487 AVThe birth of Enys and her twinborn, Searn. Betrayed by the unnatural blue sheen of their skin, both were damned as polluted bloodlines.
Season of Winter, Day 39, 500 AVEnys and Searn's caste judgement. Condemned as Drudges.
Season of Summer, Day 26, 507 AVEnys' first bleeding. Taken as a bedmate within the same season.
Season of Winter, Day 52, 507 AVSearn engages in a brawl with an apprentice. Dies from lethal knife wound.
Season of Spring, Day 5, 508 AVVral, an Avora that keeps Enys as a bedmate, gifts her with an aged magpie as a cruel jest, which she names Ruin.
Season of Autumn, Day 65, 510 AVThe birth of Enys' twinborn offspring, father unknown. Assigned to nursery.
Season of Summer, Day 9, 512 AVAfter the snows thaw, Enys vanishes from Skyinarta. Children abandoned.
Season of Winter, Day 11, 512 AVWeary from her travels, malnourished, and despondent, Enys arrives at ?.

Navi: Enys speaks fluent Navi. The lyrical notes and whistles are formed effortlessly by her throat and lips, teasing the ear like two birds shrouded by a lush canopy. Her tone is rich and crooning, with a mulling cadence, to impart an altogether drowsy effect. This, perhaps, resulted from an incessant—though one-sided—dialogue with Ruin, who is as capricious as his mistress.

Common: Enys struggles with the Common tongue, stumbling through the quagmire of foreign syllables with grueling difficulty. She is largely restricted to words and syntaxes accumulated during her limited travels, and her diction includes a disconcertingly inadequate percentage of the language. What sentences she does manage are strained by a jarring cocktail of accents: the uncultured clip of a dockworker prone to vice, the galloping pattern of an established spice trader, and the piecemeal cant of a wrinkled millworker.

Folk Lore of the Dek
Lore of Inarta Castes


Skill Level Experience Proficiency
Observation 13/100 13 SP Novice
Intelligence 10/100 10 RB Novice
Birdkeeping 7/100 7 SP Novice
Glassworking 5/100 5 SP Novice
Metalsmithing 5/100 5 SP Novice
Climbing 5/100 5 SP Novice
Wilderness Survival 15/100 15 SP Novice

Ruin, an aged magpie with a filmy eye, acquired during her residence at Wind Reach.

Traveler's Row

1 Set of Clothing
High Boots, Leather
Course Wool Tunic
Course Wool Breeches
Crimson Sash (Fair Condition)
Leather Gloves x 2
Grey Wool Cloak
Undergarments x 2
Dice Set, Ivory
Toolkit, Glassblower
1 Set of Toiletries
1 Eating Knife
Hemp Rope, 50 ft
1 Backpack
Pouch, Belt
Cage, Small
Copper Armband
Carving Knife
Winter Blanket
Fishing Kit
One-person Tent
Copper Chain (1 ft.)


Expense Revenue Balance Transaction
500 GM 600 GM Housing Cashed In
5 SM 599 GM High Boots, Leather
8 SM 598 GM, 2 SM Course Wool Breeches
1G, 3 SM, 25 CP 596 GM, 9 SM, 75 CM Crimson Sash (Fair Condition)
5 SM 596 GM, 4 SM, 75 CM Course Wool Tunic
6 SM, 50 CP 595 GM, 8 SM, 25 CM Grey Wool Cloak
2 SM 595 GM, 6 SM, 25 CM Undergarments x 2
5 SM 549 GM, 3 SM, 25 CM Hemp Rope, 50 ft
1 GM 548 GM, 3 SM, 25 CM Pouch, Belt
5 GM 543 GM, 3 SM, 25 CM Cage, Small
15 CM 543 GM, 3 SM, 10 CM Copper Armband
2 GM 541 GM, 3 SM, 10 CM Dagger
3 SM 541 GM, 10 CM Carving Knife
1 GM 540 GM, 10 CM Rucksack
5 SM 539 GM, 5 SM, 10 CM Winter Blanket
10 GM 529 GM, 5 SM, 10 CM Fishing Kit
2 GM 527 GM, 5 SM, 10 CM One-person Tent
1 SM 527 GM, 4 SM, 10 CM Bedroll
2 GM 525 GM, 4 SM, 10 CM Leather Gloves (2 pairs)
15 CM 525 GM, 3 SM, 95 CM Copper Chain (1 ft.)garments x 2
8 SM 594 GM, 8 SM, 25 CM Dice Set, Ivory
45 GM 549 GM, 8 SM, 25 CM Toolkit, Glassblower


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Posts: 10
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Joined roleplay: May 25th, 2013, 5:40 pm
Race: Mixed blood
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