Completed Won't Back Down

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Won't Back Down

Postby Tallis Ishtari on May 25th, 2013, 5:25 pm

“I wasn’t really thinking about drinking, although I may have one, but I was thinking more of dancing. You do dance don’t you?” He may have been presumptuous in asking Marx if she could dance but even though she was young for a Kelvic she sure knew more than she let on. Dancing with her and getting the chance to hold her close in a public setting would be fun. It would let some know in the area that she was with someone and not to mess with her.

He was relying on his organized crime connections for that. The fact that they had made contact with him since he had been back in the city on the water bothered him. Had his sudden disappearance made him a liability in their eyes? After all he had not said a thing when he left Ravok that night at his father’s insistence. He had no reason to leave that he knew of, but his father, Razor, knew much more than his son when it came to the goings on in the city.
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Won't Back Down

Postby Marxander on May 25th, 2013, 6:05 pm

She nodded "Yep. I know all kinds of dance moves." She bumped her hip into his "So you better watch out." If he had thought she was graceful on the docks, he would be completely surprised when he saw her dance. Her uncle had taught her lots of dancing, from everywhere. Wolfishly grinning, she kissed him. She couldn't wait to see the look in his eyes when she did.

Trust and believe, by morning, everyone in Ravok would known that she belonged to him. Though the mating heat wasn't as strong as it was in her season, and he would defiantly know when that little trip occurred, it was still there. She knew humans mated all year 'round, so she couldn't wait to see what it was like. She wondered if he had ever mated with someone before. He probably had, he was still in that age. She had seen lots of boys that age back in Zeltiva. She had even seen boys her 'age' before she left.

She must have looked about 13 or 14 at the time. She use to play with boys a lot since she could be rougher with them than girls and a Dhole's childhood often included tons of rough housing. But she was developing at that time, and boys were noticing. She stopped playing with them then. They made her feel uncomfortable and said weird things and tried to grab her. It was normally ok when they grabbed her, but that time, it was different, and when she yelled no, and they didn't stop, she shifted. It was one of the only times she had bitten a human.

"Live Fast. Die Young. Be Wild. Have Fun."

"Death cannot kill what never dies."

"You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
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Dholian Huntress
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Won't Back Down

Postby Tallis Ishtari on May 25th, 2013, 10:58 pm

As the boat started to move further away from the shore, Tallis spotted a red spot it the water. It had been a while since he had seen a school of bloodfish. He had spent so little time away from the docks where there we so little of them to for a school large enough to make part of the water red. It was nice to be out of the city to see more wildlife. First the squirrel and now bloodfish, and he was going dancing.

It was a life that his parents would have liked him to live. There expectations were for him to marry a nice merchant’s daughter or even better a noble’s daughter. It really his mother that behind the plotting to see him married off for political reasons. It would have helped their busy threefold. They were lucky they had two daughters that would work just as well if they wanted to further their goals for the family.

Tallis cocked an eyebrow. “So you can dance then!” He said in half disbelief. It would be an interesting night because he did not know any dances that were of the people. He knew a few dances that the elite of Ravok danced which was not much but he would have none the less. “You seemed more cultured than more of the elite in Ravok.” A crooked smile appeared on his lips. “Then again most of the rich of the city wouldn’t a good time if it were happening right in front of them.”
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Tallis Ishtari
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Won't Back Down

Postby Marxander on May 26th, 2013, 12:15 am

"Of course they wouldn't! But it's not that I'm cultured, I was just fortunate to have someone to teach me a lot about the world. The world is so interesting, unlike words and junk." She laughed and spotted the pool of red. She licked her lips, twirling around in her seat again. Her hips wagged, arms crouched was if she would pounce. And pounce she did. Her face dunked into the water and when she came back up, her hair was wet and a bloodfish flapped around, clamped between her teeth.

"Live Fast. Die Young. Be Wild. Have Fun."

"Death cannot kill what never dies."

"You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
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Dholian Huntress
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Won't Back Down

Postby Tallis Ishtari on May 26th, 2013, 12:38 am

It happened so quickly that it was too late for him to react when Marx dipped her head into the water. It was amusing but also frightening. Explaining this to the other passengers and boatsman was going to be interesting. When she came up with a fish between her teeth he almost laughed but settled for a smirk and a shake of his head. The women on the boat where shocked but the men were fascinated.

Tallis quickly reached for Marx to seat her quickly. “Nice catch… but uhmm…” He peeked over his shoulder and gave a little wave to the other passengers. “Are you planning on eating that?” He was having the feeling that living with a Kelvic was never going to be boring and he was going to have his work cut out to keep them out of trouble in the big city.
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Won't Back Down

Postby Marxander on May 26th, 2013, 1:08 am

She nodded "Uh huh." She grabbed a knife from her pack and cut open the fish, gutting it. Then cut off the head and ripped out the bones before she proceeded to eat it. She wasn't totally an animal after all. She had manners. The fish tasted good, but she did make a mess of herself when she did eat it. She would have to put on her shirt and pants after this little incident. Not that she cared much.

She held out a piece to Tallis "Want some hun?"

"Live Fast. Die Young. Be Wild. Have Fun."

"Death cannot kill what never dies."

"You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
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Dholian Huntress
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Won't Back Down

Postby Tallis Ishtari on May 26th, 2013, 2:17 am

Tallis grimaced slightly and shook his head a few times. The fish was not big enough to share and he preferred his fish cooked. “No, you caught it. I think you deserve to eat all of it.” He could only think of what it was like when her father taught her to fish. That was the only explanation for what he just witnessed. It was amazing. He had never seen anyone fish like that. Most everyone that fished in Ravok used a rod and bait or fished using a net, and that was usually from a boat.

“It’s a good thing we’re going to get cleaned up before we go the tavern tonight.” Tallis said as he leaned back on his hands with his arms extended to prop himself up. “You can launder your dress in the sink when we get to the apartment. Uhm… you do have an extra set of clothes, right?” If she didn’t… Well he might be able to procure something of his sisters. Marx was about the same size and his youngest one.
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Won't Back Down

Postby Marxander on May 26th, 2013, 10:28 am

"Yes, a shirt and some pants, it'll be fine." She ate the last of her raw fish, licking her lips when she was done. She was glad that she had got some hunting done that day, it made both herself and her tummy feel a lot better. It was a plus too that it was fish. She hadn't had fish in a while. And yes, her father did have an unconventional way of fishing and it was fun. Though, he did prefer salmon to most fish, which was fine by her.

She wiped her hands on her dress, it was dirty anyhow and she wasn't very trained in the behaviors of being a 'lady'. Most in the group on the boat were a bit horrified and displeased with her very apparent lack of grace while eating. Or catching her eating by that manner. She thought one would say something about it, but the boat docked and instead everyone filed out rather quickly.

"Live Fast. Die Young. Be Wild. Have Fun."

"Death cannot kill what never dies."

"You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
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Dholian Huntress
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Won't Back Down

Postby Tallis Ishtari on May 26th, 2013, 11:19 am

Once on the dock and off the boat Tallis felt at ease. He was back again in a surrounding that he was comfortable in. He had already been scanning the shoreline was they were near enough for him to make out the people milling about and look for familiar faces. He hadn’t seen anyone that looked like a slaver or anyone from the darker side of Ravok. Not seeing either was a great relief to him although he did worry some about the passengers that disembark with them off of the Miss Sandy. He kept a wayward eye on them to see in which direction they would go. Most of the women were still in a bit of shook and the men they seemed more interested in Marx’s figure under her now even dirtier dress.

The city itself was alive in a different way than the forest. It breathed noise and emanated smells that to Tallis told him he was safe. The surroundings were familiar having been born and raised on the island city. Every canal and back alley held a memory for him. It was his playground. He didn’t have forests to run through, he had bridges to dart over and barely wide enough alleyways to squeeze through. It was home. It was also the same feeling he had when he had returned to Ravok just a handful of days before he had met Marx.

Tallis held out a hand to Marx to help her from the boat. Although she was certainly more than agile to disembark on her own he wanted to give the appearance at least the she was just another human. Perhaps a human with a few quirks but nothing out of the ordinary that anyone should be alarmed about. He had to chuckle at his last thought. Marx was definitely different than most humans but all of her quirks made her all the more special to him.

“Pants and a shirt should be fine for tonight, but we might have to get you another dress if the one you’re wearing doesn’t wash out.” He said warmly as he also caught himself admiring her form under the dress. The difference between himself and the other men admiring her was that he and Marx were bond mates. He was certain that she could see his affection for her but he wondered if she could feel the affection that came from his soul. “If it doesn’t then we’ll stop and see my sister Taja in the morning to see what she has for dresses that you can have.
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Tallis Ishtari
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Won't Back Down

Postby Marxander on May 26th, 2013, 11:34 am

"That sounds nice. I'd love to meet your family if they're as fun as you." She let him let her off the boat. Being discreet about what she was wasn't a very top priority thing for her. She didn't care who knew. Being a Kelvic was just that, being a Kelvic.

She had noticed the other men stare at her, just as those boys of her past once had. She had long since ignored them. She refused to feel uncomfortable around them even as their eyes continued to leer. It was a body, and more importantly, it was her body. She shouldn't have to feel embarrassed for it, nor should she have to look proper, nor should she have to cover it up. If men wanted to stare, fine. If they dared touched her, then she'd touch them. With her teeth that is.

Tallis' hazel eyes though were different. It was an allowed look. She wanted him to appreciate her body. And it was most certain that he did. She liked his look, it wasn't a leer. It was kind, and loving, and showed his own bodily lust for her. She couldn't convey lust all that well when she wasn't right in the moment of it, or unless it was her season; but her season was a much more pure, raw side of that lust. Thinking about it made her smirk. she wondered if he could handle it. She would be in quite the state.

Behind her, the sun was on it's way to setting, setting off the vibrant red tint of her rustic hair. She took his hand "Which way is it?"

"Live Fast. Die Young. Be Wild. Have Fun."

"Death cannot kill what never dies."

"You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
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Dholian Huntress
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