Location [Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Artur on June 5th, 2013, 3:23 am

Spring 20th 513 AV, 12th Bell

"How much longer is this trail?" Artur's legs cried uncle as he sluggishly carried onward to the gate, still wobbly from the feeling that sailing had induced after constant days spent on ship. For the first time sailing across the sea it was the worst for the bear, constant sea sickness made it hard for him to stomach any meal he ate. Thus his arrival on land ended up on him kissing the very shore as he vowed to never sail again. Still his company had been interesting enough, he even learned a little bit of jokes he would've found funny at the time had he not been so sick.

At his sluggish pace it took about nearly a bell before he found the gates, when he arrived though he found his excitement began to bubble. The stoney wall that stretched forever on this warm beautiful day didn't seem to ever end as he pressed on, but at last the bear had found the entrance into the city. Upon further approach two men stood watchful at the gate, he assumed they were the knights he had been told about before coming here. "State your name and business in Syliras."

Artur felt a bit intimidated by the knights, a nervous grip on the strap of his pack as he mustered up the courage to respond. "A-Artur. I came here to see the city."

"Are you sick? You look a little pale."

Artur shook his head anxiously. "I got sea sick. Sailing wasn't as fun as I'd thought it'd be." He stated bluntly while he avoided looking directly at the knights. He never really interacted with people who had authority before, so naturally he didn't know how to interact with them.

"Hmm," It took about several chimes of him standing there before he got an answer, "All right, go on in. " They allowed him to pass on through, and with a respective nod Artur quickly made his way into the city.

"Artur's Words "or thoughts.", "Other's words."
"Artur's words" Artur's thoughts "Others words"

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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Markus Andres on June 5th, 2013, 4:14 pm

9th of Summer 513 AV.


There it stood. Untouchable by evil. Dominating the countryside with it's mere presence. The majestic fortress-city known as Syliras. Home of the Windoak, home of the Syliran Knights. Tall and powerful walls. Bustling with activity. He could see proud knights standing guard at the entrance. A pleased smile crossed his lips. It had been almost a year since he had last seen the strong Syliran walls, a year spent with war and heaven. The island of Mura, if he ever had the chance to return there, he would. Looking at the proud city, his smile grew. He was home again. At long last. Home. He averted his gaze from the city and looked to his travelling companion. A beautiful Konti lady. A lady he had been charged with protecting ever since Sahova. He knew she felt different about this reunion with Syliras. Very different. But he cared little, in time she would learn to accept and thrive in her position in the city.

"Welcome to your new home."

His gaze returned to the city which he had sworn his life. He barely felt his aching muscles. Tired from the road. A long road on horseback and on foot. Through the wilderness. His armour heavy and his gear heavier. He could already feel the warmth of the soothing waters, the warmth of his own bed. A mug of good Syliran ale. And best of all, get to take off his armour and not worry for his safety.

Ser Andres was finally home.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Ximal on June 6th, 2013, 8:49 pm


10th Summer early morning 513AV

Xi stretched as the pair of them drew close to the city, the morning rays still cresting into the sky as she'd made the pair of them rise early, over the last ten day's they'd only gotten four hours of sleep a night. And with ana that was at her best. Xi shook his head and yawned. Seeing the city loom in the distance the high stone walls making a very evident and prominent figure in the skyline. Xi yawned out out loudly before half speaking out with ana to hear. "Right...Looks like we've arrived."

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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Ana Sol Starris on June 6th, 2013, 10:05 pm

Entering the Gates w/ Ximal
10th Summer, 513AV

As the both of Xi and Ana entered the gates, the thief let out a sigh at finally arriving to their destination. Personally didn't like all this travel, but it was necessary. They were but two weary travellers, who looked gaunt, and thin, as if they could use a good meal and rest. Which was true, on their way to Syliras down the North Kabrin Road from Nyka, food was hard, water was rationed, and sleep was scarce. It was a relief to be where danger was not lurking, a hungry predator always looking for its next meal, or a stray monster that so happened to amble along the two's path. Not like Ximal couldn't handle it, but there were some close calls.. They were lucky.

"Stop yawning, Xi" Ana muttered, feeling one wiggle its way into her lungs and wish to be exhaled, such a contagious act. To yawn, was to signal the brains need to sleep, as Ana had noticed way back when she crawled into the insomniac stage.

The both of them were stopped by a man in armor, Ana eyed the figure warily, and the hand he had used to halt them "what is your business in Syliras?"

Ana could only assume this was an authoritative figure.

Before Xi could cut in, Ana answered, cranky "we're here for a little while to grab rest, food, somewheres to shake the chill from our bones."

"Right, you'll be looking for the Travellers Row.. and the Rearing Stallion, good room, good food and drink, and if you fancy a bit of gambling or fighting, the Spinning Coin is for you, looks like it would do you some good too, oy, big guy." The man gestured at Ximal, and then to the both of them, examining, and getting a smidge closer "you both look..clean.. You may enter, but don't go causing trouble in our fair city."

"Hear that Xi?" Ana said, just before she would nod to the man, a polite nod. They would finally enter into the city, and go where they needed to go. No need to mention the real reason why either of them were there.

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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Yuri Forsin on June 7th, 2013, 12:49 am

19th Bell, 2nd of Summer, 513 AV

Yuri Forsin stood, no floated, in front of the imposing gate of Syliras, gazing with with a sad gaze of longing at its walls. The ghost was deep in remembering past memories of when he was still alive, the times he had spent with Aya and his father Landar, but that was long past. It has already been an year since his father Landar and himself died and Aya was kidnapped. Since then Yuri had wandering through the wilderness in complete solitude, until he came back to Syliras today/ The ghost slowly approached the gate, trying to stay close to the ground to give the illusion of walking; he didn't want to scare the guards.

The knight on guard duty at the moment saw the phantasmal man approaching, but hardly a flicker of any surprise was shown in his stern face. "Halt! What is your name ghost, and state your business here." The guard scrutinized the ghost carefully and suspiciously. Yuri bowed his head politely to the knight, "Yuri... Forsin... I have come here to... er..." Yuri hesitated briefly; why had he come to Syliras anyways? "I have come back home..." Yuri calmly answered. The guard raised an eyebrow looking quizzically at the ghost. "Very well then. Welcome back home." The guard replied in a somewhat cold manner to Yuri, but Yuri took little heed as he glided past the guard and through the still closed gate without a single word.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Rhuryc on June 11th, 2013, 9:36 pm

Summer 1, 513 AV

This was familiar. Rhuryc glanced up at the city spires, just over the gates, a sight he was content to linger on for a time. Only when the guards gave him an odd glance - he was dressed as a vagabond, armed, but in great need of a bath - did he step forward and offer them the common pleasantries. He smiled, gave them no trouble, then continued forward into the boundaries of his home. The passing felt no different, though the air was perhaps heavier than he remembered. How odd.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Dolnad Cud on June 12th, 2013, 11:03 pm

The clamour of the city was deafening. Dolnad Cod shuddered, he did not like people. Gazing quickly around he realized that nobody was noticing him. Fortunately.

Dolnad seldom ventured into the city. Deep in the Bronze Woods, where his home was, he managed quite well by himself. The reason of his visit was that he could not mend his old cauldron anymore, and therefore had to visit the tinker. He made his way into the city, melting into the seemingly endless stream of people going to and fro, minding their own business.

He paused a while outside the tinkers store, catching a glimpse of his reflection. Dolnad was a short, round man with greasy black hair, bushy eybrows, bleak skin and the ugliest nose imaginable. This was exactly what Dolnad saw peering back at him, and it did not encourage him one bit. With shaky hands, he opened a little flask with brownish content, emptied it, and with a sigh he went inside.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Kaizar Hearthglen on June 15th, 2013, 12:35 pm

A young man stood panting near the city outskirt, he was tired after running of from the bandits. He sit for a while in the dusty road not far from the city gates,
A peasant woman and her child walk pass him, he called the child, the child look at him, he toss 1 gm, and he just smiled at the boy, the caught the coin, and he ran to his mother with great joy.

After sitting for a while he stood up, straighten his attire, scratch his head, then take a deep breath, and slowly walk toward the city gate.

He observe a lot of people, people of different age,occupation, and race are there standing in front of the city gates.

He smiled and then murmur to himself "A lot of memories in this city"

Then he walk toward the gates, and entered the city
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Matthis the Winded on June 22nd, 2013, 4:15 pm

The 22nd day of Summer, in the year 513 AV

Matthis couldn't help but grin in triumpth as the gates of Sylira came into view beyond the trees. Finally made it. It'd been way too long since he saw this place--5 years now. 4 years stuck in Ahnatep was a long time, and 1 year on the road in Cyphrus before he could afford safe passage all the way home was even longer.

Not that Syliras was home per se, but the Sylira domain certainly was. How many years of his life had he spent here? 33 minus 8, minus 5. An even 20 years. Curse his luck that his first time out of the domain ended in utter disaster that took 5 years to recover from. But now, as he inched closer to the gates, gaining a spring in his step as he plodded the gnarled branch he had picked up earlier in the day to walk with, he couldn't help but grin like an idiot. Being back in the domain was sweet enough, but to have finally made it back to Sylira--a triumph for the history books.

Well, his history book, anyway.

The guards took notice of him as he approached, but did not bother to hail until he was within several meters.

"Greetings traveler! Entering the city?"

"I'd hope so, or else there's not much use for my being here," Matthis replied. He tossed his walking stick into the bushes.

He reached the guards and stopped to face them, giving them both a wide smile. "So? Am I? Entering the city, that is."

"That's for us to decide," the other guard spoke. He turned to the other. "This one looks seedy. I don't trust him."

"In any case, state your name and business."

"My name is Matthis. I'm a traveling businessman, here to seek my fortune in mankind's strongest bastion of freedom and opportunity." He gave a small courteous bow.

"A traveling businessman, eh. What sort of business?" The stern one questioned.

"Why, you tell me. I have a variety of talents, but who am I to say which of my many services will be most valuable? In any case, I'm here to do an honest day's work, of that I can assure you."

By now the first guard was questioning Matthis' appearance as well. Matthis supposed it was warranted. His clothing was plain and worn from the journey, and his hair could use a wash.

"Look," Matthis said, "I've been away from Sylira for 5 years, had a trade run go bad in Cyphrus. I'm from the Sylira domain myself, spent most of my life here. I'm here to make a good start again, set myself up, you know. My first order of business is scoping out the market here in town, see what's up. I intend to stay at Traveler's Row for the time being." He looked at both of them.

The stern guard rolled his eyes. "Fine. Go on in."

"You've been here before? You shan't need help finding anything then?"

"Well," Matthis said as he began to stroll past them into the city, "if anything's moved, I'll just ask around for it. Oh, but by the way, who runs the Traveler's Row these days?"

"Matilda Owens. She should be in. If not, it's generally not long a wait."

Good to know, thanks." He dug a few silver-rimmed mizas out of his pocket and handed two each to the guards. "The least I can do is buy you two each an ale, at your convenience. May humanity be ever graced with the Knights' watchful eyes." He then nodded courteously and walked into the city.

First thing's first: Secure housing, then start digging for information.


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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Kisetukai on June 25th, 2013, 6:34 pm


55th Of Summer, 1st Bell

 The wind was picking up on the summers night as the young squire sat on his horse, side by side with his patron, it was a tough road ahead. Kise knew what he had gotten himself into when he asked to push it, he wanted his master to give him the deadliest training possible. And as he peered into the dark road ahead, he was ready to accept whatever came, he knew it wouldn't be easy. Turning his head to see his patron with a serious voice, he heard words.

"Kise... You do understand that once we make it inside... We won't be back for a while, are you sure you wanna do this? I already told you that your survival... Isn't guaranteed."

"I was always ready Ser.." Kise said roughly, trying to mirror the same confidence of his master. "Let's go. Yah!" He yanked the reigns as him and his patron flew off in the night, disappearing without a trace, galloping away.

And so went off the young squire...
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