Tallis changed shirts and was ready to leave as soon as she was. He had been thinking the entire time if it had be Rhysol that had brought the two of them together. It was a crazy thought that the god of chaos would have brought them together and for what end. He was not overly religious, at least not during this stage of his life, but random thoughts like he just had would upon occasion cross into conscious thought. Mentally he shook his head. It was a crazy thought.
“You look stunning.” He said when his beheld her beauty in the simplest of outfits. She was graceful and elegant in the simple dress but now in the pants and shirt she was more. The shirt clung to her and left nothing to his imagination. He had already seen her without clothes a few times but there was something about a woman that was dressed a certain way that let a man use his imagination.
He smiled and let it touch his eyes as he held the wooden door open. “I’m not sure that Ravok is ready for you though. You’re so beautiful that there is hardly a woman out tonight that will match you. You will be the life of the tavern.” He hoped his words were not too prophetic. He said a silent prayer to The Voice that only good attention would be brought their way this evening.