A Pretty Pet (Poison)

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A surreal cavern city inhabited by Symenestra where stones glow and streets are reams of silk. Cocoon like structures hang between stalactites and cascade over limestone flows in organic and eerie arabesques. Without a Symenestra willing to escort you, entrance is impossible.

A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on May 20th, 2013, 3:14 am

71st of Spring, 513AV

It was the strangest building in Kalinor, stranger even than the empty portion of the city that waited to be filled. Yet the haunting here was different, it seemed forbidden, even to a Symenestra or maybe it was more like a grave for those soon-to-be-dead. And wasn’t that an appealing thought? Getting there was no picnic either, requiring much more effort, and scaling than swinging from the silk roads. One could not even imagine how a non-symenestra could get there, and for a chime Sosicly felt strangely in awe of those who maneuvered around the city without help. The surrogates would not be so lucky. There was no escape, as pretty as the inside of their prison may be it was a prison with a lock on the outside. To some of them it was a place worse than death.

To Sosicly it was hope.

These women, cattle, surrogates, and whatever other names befitted them would give her people life in a literal sense. But upon meeting some who worked there, seeing the empty parts of the city, and hearing the ever loud protests of the Esterians she had wanted to see for herself. She needed to see.

Entering the Nest was like entering a dream. Silk curtains decorated everywhere, sofas and chairs creating tents everywhere with the heady, and overpowering vapors making the Symenestra woman dazed. It did nothing for her lungs, wheezy breaths, and the lack of air that seemed to come with every inhale brought on a smattering of panic. For a chime she only stood, watching the silk spin, and feeling the pressure that started in her head then bleed everywhere else. When her common sense did kick in and she managed to take normal sized breaths, the harsh breathing not going to change unless the incense did.

It was stifling, truly only a pretty holding cell.

As she gathered herself up properly seen an attendant approaching, likely wondering why she was even there. He would have to get in line for that answer. Reaching to her ever present knapsack with her handy-dandy writing tools, she held up a hand to forestall any questions while she wrote.

It took what seemed to be a bell for her to figure out what to write, flashing the attendant an over-exuberant smile. I am Sosicly, Krova and I am here to meet a surrogate. Can you escort me?
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on May 27th, 2013, 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Poison on May 23rd, 2013, 7:11 am

The Nest was one of the strangest buildings in Kalinor, but it was also one of the most beautiful ones. It was simply lovely. It was warm, well lit and cozy, as if one wasn’t in a cave deep underground, but outside, under the sky, on a warm summer day. It looked like something out of a dream, a small palace. The surrogates were prisoners, but they were treated like queens, and the attendants fulfilled every one of their wishes – within reason.

As Sosicly entered the central room, one of them immediately appeared. She was an older woman with long grey hair and red eyes. Her claws had been filed short so that she wouldn’t accidentially hurt the women in her care. Her dress was made of silk, but it was practical rather than elegant. At first she smiled at Sosicly – the attendants were always happy when somebody came and offered to help with the surrogates or entertain them – but as she took a closer look, she furrowed her brow.

„You don’t look well“, she observed. „Do you need a doctor, Enda?“ Her eyes widened as she read Sosicly’s message. She had heard of a mute girl in Kalinor – in a city of less than 1.000 inhabitants everybody eventually heard about everybody else – but she hadn’t realized it was her. „Yes, of course I can escort you. There is a girl from Syliras here that would appreciate some company. She’ll probably find your manner of communication quite fascinating. But are you sure that you are up to it?“

It was then that something occured to her, and she added, „Is it contagious? I don’t want you to make the surrogates sick. They are too valuable!“
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on May 28th, 2013, 1:13 am

The young woman gathered her barrings slowly, her body slowly getting used to the incense but it was obvious to her that it would be something that would irritate her throat on every venture. Looking to the other woman she gave a small shake of her head to the first question then nodded to the next before shaking her head negatively again. It was dizzying, and she finally just scribbled out a few replies in her book.

I am used to writing, it will be no trouble, and it is not contagious, the incense only bothers my illness. Thank you for your concern, Enda, their health is priority. Only after she wrote did it dawn on her properly that she was actually going to meet a surrogate. One from some place that could be very far away. Excitement bubbled, and a pleased smiled bloomed across her face.

Taking the notebook back she gestured for the other woman to lead the way. As she waited for the other to escort her, she scribbled an extra question and flashed it to the young woman.

Do they only eat out food or do they get special solid food?

It was something she had wondered for awhile now, and as she followed the young woman she self-consciously tried to quiet her loud breathing. Maybe if she wore a cloth over her face the next time it would stop the irritation.
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Poison on May 28th, 2013, 9:58 am

„Good.“ The attendant breathed a sigh of relief as she heard that Sosicly’s illness was not contagious. She was about to turn around and lead Sosicly to the surrogate when she noticed that the younger woman had another question for her. She looked at Sosicly’s notebook, and then she replied, „They get special food that is suitable for humans. Most of them unfortunately don’t appreciate a Bruka. The hunters sometimes bring back fresh meat from the surface for them. Of course we also occasionally have a few non-human surrogates, such as Kelvic who have even more specialized needs.“

She waited for a moment to see if Sosicly had another question for her, and then she gestured for her to follow her. They moved through a hallway where Sosicly could see doors that led to the various surrogates‘ rooms. Most of the rooms were not locked. As long as they behaved, the surrogates were allowed to move through the Nest freely. Only the violent surrogates were locked up in their rooms (and sometimes tied to their beds).

The Nest usually housed about a dozen surrogates at a time, sometimes a few more, sometimes a few less. As they made their way towards their destination, one of the doors opened, and Sosicly could see another attendant, this one a young woman with black hair, coming out. She couldn’t see the surrogate that she had been visiting, but she could hear her.

The woman was screaming at her in a foreign language.

„The surrogate just arrived a couple of days ago“, Sosicly’s guide explained and shook her head. „She hasn’t gotten used to the Nest yet. Ahh … here she is …“ Sosicly could see a bench next to one of the doors. A pretty girl in her late teens with blonde curls and big brown eyes was sitting there, her nose buried in a book. She wore a silk dress, like a Symenestra. The wide dress made it hard to guess whether she was pregnant or how far along she was.

„Melina, you have a visitor. Sosicly here wants to meet a surrogate.“ The girl – Melina - looked up from her book, her face unreadable. „Why do you want to meet a surrogate?“ she wanted to know. „I’m already taken. I’ve been told that I belong to the Ivy Web now.“ She didn’t sound angry or depressed, she just sounded indifferent.
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on June 6th, 2013, 7:57 pm

Sosicly jumped at the sound of the shouting, but she had expected it and it seemed to match the Purging more. The thought did not linger in her mind for she was introduced to the surrogate, and her common sense overridden for a brief moment. In that moment her hand shot forward to touch the young womans' stomach, her hand pulling away the moment Melina stated she belonged to another web.

Pulling away quickly, she crouched down, holding up a hand for the girl to wait a chime as she sorted out her questions. She had never actually seen a pregnant woman and had acted on impulse, not a great introduction from her part. Sosicly, set her ink vial on the floor and dipped her quill, making blotches here and there while she scribbled before holding the book up to Melina.

I apologize, my curiosity got the better of me. It is good to meet you. I wish to meet you because I know what my people do but I do not know. Do you not wish for company?

She stared at the girl with open curiosity, she looked to be around Sosiclys age. Pulling the book back to her she already started writing out more inquires, regardless of Melina’s answer she planned on staying. But she did wonder that they all weren’t screaming, they got what they wished for but they also knew how it ended didn’t they?

The Ivy Web is assuredly pleased to have you. How old are you? I am 17.

Facing the book towards Melina she stood, brushing of her clothing briefly, and picking up her vial from the floor. There were many more questions to ask but she would have time to ask the girl, she may even come back another day. Finally taking her book back, she bounced on the balls of her feet and gestured to the bench with a head tilt, asking if she may sit beside the girl. It would be much easier to write that way.
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Poison on June 11th, 2013, 3:36 pm

Melina made a face as Sosicly moved to touch her stomach and abruptly slid away, to the other end of the bench. She didn’t stand up though or complain loudly though, but simply kept her gaze focused on the young Symenestra. She wanted to know what was up. She could tell that this one was different from the attendants or the man that sometimes came into her room and insisted on sharing her bed. She was unusually quiet. Was she some kind of scientist? Was she making observations about women like her and taking notes?

As Sosicly presented her book to her, Melina looked at her, confused. She didn’t seem indifferent anymore, but at least mildly curious. „Why are you writing and not talking to me?“ she wanted to know. „Are you mute? Or deaf? Can you hear me?“ She accepted the book from Sosicly and read it. „Sometimes it gets a little lonely in here“, she admitted. „But I’m not sure what good company will do me. I’ll be dead in a couple of months anyway.“

„Oh, they are very pleased“,
she replied. „They tell me that my child will be the head of the Ivy Web one day, as if that matters to me!“ Her voice was strangely monotonous once more. Melina had stopped being angry a long time ago. She had realized that she would never escape. If she screamed and tried to run away and hurt the Symenestra, it would only make the few months she had left more miserable.

„I’m nineteen, and I don’t think I’ll make it to twenty“, she replied and shrugged her shoulders, as if she didn’t really care. As Sosicly gestured to the bench, she nodded, but warned her, „Don’t touch me again. I don’t like being touched, especially not there!“
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on June 15th, 2013, 3:17 am

Sosicy nodded as she sat setting her book in her lap and her vial on the extra space. To answer her question she gestured to her throat and shook her head, then gestured to her ears and nodded but her hands fell limp as Melina’s words actually dawned on her. She would be dead, and everything she would know of surrogates wouldn’t really matter because they all ended up at the bottom of Kalinor. For a few chimes she only stared at the other girl, looking hard at her before she began to scribble once more and tilted the book towards the other girl.

When my grandmother passed she liked people around her so she would be known before she left. I do not think I will be good company but I will be company instead of sitting here.

Sosicly then frowned, unsure of how to proceed. It was true it would not please anyone to know they were going to die, it did no please her to know she might be bedridden one day, then die slowly. Was this the same? You are giving life. New blood. It is happy for us, they do not mean to be cruel.

The book wobbled on her knee as she bounced it, unsure of how to proceed for once. She didn’t want Melina to like her but she did not want to be sent away. At the girls words of no touching Sosicly nodded gravely, touching her own arm and shaking her head firmly. Once more she flipped the book allowing her to read everything she had previously written.

What did you do before? Do you have a web?

Sosicly pointed to herself and held up four fingers to imply she had four members of her family. Then she picked up the corner of her shirt and made a sewing motion with her quill then pointed to herself, trying to indicate she made clothes. Sometimes showing was faster than writing.
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Poison on June 19th, 2013, 5:43 pm

„Oh“, Melina made as Sosicly signaled to her that she was mute. „I thought that they didn’t like handicapped people here. When they brought me into the Nest, they checked me for deformities, and the other women here once told me about a surrogate who had six toes one each foot. They threw her off the Web because they were worried that she would pass her deformity on to her child.“ She didn’t sound as if that had shocked her particularly. Or maybe she wasn’t shocked anymore because she had given up on such emotions. „So how come you exist?“

As Sosicly mentioned her grandmother, Melina narrowed her eyes. „I’m not a grandmother and will never be, and I’m not dying of natural causes. Still, I suppose even bad company is better than none. At least you aren’t like those women.“ She gestured down the hallway where the attendant had walked after making sure that the two young women were alright. „You won’t believe how much they get on my nerves sometimes! They are always watching me!“

„Oh, of course not.“ Indifference made way to sarcasm. „If the baby kills me, it’s an accident. There’s nothing cruel about putting a venomous parasite into me. And no, I don’t have a Web. I’m not a Symenestra, see?“ She held up her hands and opened her mouth slightly. „Normal hands and no fangs. I wanted to study at the University of Zeltiva – and go on an adventure, even though people warned me that it was dangerous outside the big cities.“

„I have a mother and a father in Syliras. They probably think I’m dead – or ran off with some guy. He was nice, you know? Polite, like a real gentleman, the Symenestra who captured me. I thought people had been telling lies when they warned me about Symenestra. But once we are on the way to his place, he showed his real face.“

„So you are a tailor? Are you any good?“
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on July 3rd, 2013, 1:33 am

I’m not handicapped. Sosicly wrote with a frown, technically she was but she didn’t need this human to point it out, I just cannot speak. I exist because I am Symenestra. Some do not care for my company but we are bound by blood and honor our Webs. Betrayal is not accepted. She wrote out simply, And my lack of speech was the fault of my father, not the woman who birthed me. Don’t your people wish to have the healthiest offspring as well, so they may live long?

Sosicly nodded, surprised at the girls growing passion. Melina hadn’t seemed so animated at first but now she seemed more alive. But she shook her head as the girl spoke, making a slashing motion. Sosicly could not say she understood, she would never be foolish enough to give her womb to any male of her kind. But she could understand what was likely underlying anger at the girls current predicament but she still wanted to defend herself, her people. They weren’t wrong. It is not an accident. We go out and find people like you. It’s called a Harvest. It is sad you will die but not cruel, we try to make it painless but we cannot are not great healers. Humans die in birth at times, why is this one so different?

Your studies sound like gleanings, what do you do them for?

Her hand was growing tired of writing, and after allowing Melina to see what she had written she carefully folded the corner of the page then closed the book and set it to the side. But she kept the quill in her hand, and once more held up her shirt once more, then pointed to herself with a prideful smile. She figured the other girl would get the gist of it that she had made her clothes, and they looked fine to her. They were not the most elegant but they were not poorly done either.

Without waiting for the girl to answer she began to ask her next pantomime question. Standing, she gestured to Melina then in a wide circle, complete with two raised brows in question. She then followed this up by pretending to read, staring off blankly like Melina had seemed to do when she entered, then scooping food, and staring at human with an inquisitive expression. She was trying to ask what the girl did all day.
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Poison on July 7th, 2013, 6:36 pm

„No, of course not“, Melina replied sarcastically as Sosicly insisted that she was not handicapped. „You are just somebody special. Do you like that better?“ After she had said those words it occured to her that she should at least try to be a little more polite to the Symenestra. She had decided to keep her company and entertain her even though she didn’t have to. But then again, in a few months everything she did would be meaningless and forgotten.

„You said that you are bound by blood and honor to your Webs“, she remarked. „What kind of honor is there in abducting innocent women? And why is your disability the fault of your father? Was he deaf as well? Was he a drunkard? Did he anger the gods? I knew a man and a woman once. They were both drunkards, and their child was born an idiot, couldn’t speak properly and always threw things at other people. All three of them eventually died.“

She frowned as she thought of that. „Of course my people want healthy children as well“, she replied, even though she wasn’t sure if she wanted her baby to be healthy. Maybe, if her baby was born a freak, the Symenestra would see it as a sign to stop, and no more innocent women would have to suffer.

„Harvest?“ she repeated and frowned. „Like crops? I’m not some kind of wheat, I’m a human being! How dare you? This here is totally different! If I had a child with a human man, there would be a good chance that I would survive the birth! If you really don’t want to be cruel, kill me right now so that I don’t have to suffer through the next couple of months!“

She was very loud as she said this. One of the attendants was alerted by the sound of her voice and approached Sosicly and her. „Is something wrong?“ she wanted to know. Melina’s eyes were suddenly wide. It had just occured to her that they would take her away from Sosicly if she screamed around and they thought she might harm the Symenestra – or herself. She quickly shook her head. „I … no, everything is fine. It’s just the mood swings, you know?“ The woman looked at her doubtfully and decided, „If you have those … mood swings again, you will be taken back to your room to get some rest.“

After she was gone again, Melina turned back to Sosicly. „Sorry“, she murmurred. „It’s just hard sometimes. I try to be indifferent because being angry won’t really change anything, but sometimes it’s all too much. You wanted to know what I do all day, right? Not much, to be honest. I’m always a little bored. I eat, I sleep, and sometimes I talk to the other women here. I would really like to go out sometimes. I’ve heard that you have a great library in Kalinor. I wanted to become a scientist and study the people of Mizahar before … before he captured me.“

„I miss being in a library and studying. And I miss going to the market or having a meal at a tavern … or simply going for a walk. Can’t you ask them for permission to take me outside?“
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