10th day of Summer, 510 AV
It was once said that the best storyteller is one who has experienced the tale for himself. I am unsure as to how I was able to tell such great stories when I was both an outsider and unwanted in the hold. My life has been bland thus far filled with mischief, loneliness and pain. Shunned because of my Inarta roots and pained because of my mother's illness, I have always been lonely and prone to mischievous behaviors. How else was I to make use of my time but to sneak off to the stables where my dearest friends lived. I was told that my mother would never get well. I know that her health is in Morwen's hands but I cannot help but think that maybe I could do something for her. Mother used to tell me that even though I was different, no one could tell a story quite like I could. Knowing full well that I bore the mark of Morwen on my body, she would urge me to tell stories to the people of the hold. Even though I could make even the hardest person cry, I felt my stories to be missing something. "Experience," is what great mother Eislinn would tell me, "Experience is what you are missing." Being the mother of my mother and the oldest of the hold, she was easily the wisest person I knew. I now take her words with me as I enter a new world and live a new life outside the hold. I will no longer be shunned or ignored. I hope that one day, the Wyntermoon hold can see me for who I really am and listen to my stories not because they are the tales of our ancestry, but because they are tales that I have experienced. Tales that will leave them in awe of the girl behind the words.
Everleigh paused to touch the intricate flower patter on her neck that trailed down her back, shoulders and waist. Looking up from her journal, she reached up a hand to smooth the hairs from her face and wipe the sweat that lingered on her brow. Her eyes, now a warm and content brown, gazed up the well worn path at the gates of Syliras. With a loud sigh, she stood up from her seat against the tree situated a few paces from the road. Starlight grazed contentedly not far away. Her ears perked up at the sound of Everleigh's movement.
After the journal and charcoal stick were safely tucked away in a saddle bag, Ever led the mare to the road. It was about midday and the road to Syliras was crowded with travelers, vendors and citizens alike. She hesitated at the side of the dirt path, her eyes shifting from a warm brown to a wary green. An eerie feeling shivered down her spine. A quick survey of the area revealed a darkly clad rider. His icy blue eyes set in a handsome chiseled face bore into her own from underneath his dark cloak. The horse he sat upon in a regal manner was as black as midnight. As he passed, he winked once and turned away. Ever's eyes flashed an icy blue in response as panic made every muscle in her body freeze. Starlight, sensing her unease, shifted uneasily beside her. "Easy," she soothed in the common tongue accented by her Vanthan roots.
When the shock of his flirtatious gesture had worn off, she cursed herself for not considering how much of a beacon her bright red hair and pure white mare were. With quick movements, she merged with the many bodies, animals and carts and forded her way through to the gates. A quick nod from the Syliran Knight allowed her inside the safety of the city's walls. She breathed a deep sigh of relief but was instantly swallowed up in the crowd of people inside. Her moment of peace lasted for only a few short seconds as the sounds of the city greeted her and the weight of the adventure she was embarking on began to sink in. Life was about to change drastically for Ever. With one last glance at the gates, she nudged Starlight through the endless throng of bodies and carts.