Time Stamp
90th Day of Spring, 510 AV
Location: The Unforgiving
90th Day of Spring, 510 AV
Location: The Unforgiving
No one knew his real name anymore. He went by a silly nickname, and everyone made fun of him. He called himself "Seeker".
Kanri believed people were quite able to call themselves whatever name they liked. It was a little weird, admittedly. It wasn't something most Inarta did. But Seeker wasn't most Inarta. He was different. He seemed to have trouble disguising the "right time" for things. Most Inarta were pretty loose about those sorts of things but even Seeker seemed more unaware than the rest. Seeker was fairly handsome, with sleek red hair that he kept neatly surrounding his face. He had the most stunning golden eyes as well. But he was also a very strange child. He was always loud when you wished he could be just a bit softer. But sometimes whispered when you couldn't hear him. He was happy at all the wrong moments but strangely depressed in others. He also loved to play games, all the time, yet not the same games as the other kids. He was sick and couldn't run very far without going into terrible bouts of coughing. However, as much as the other kids had all decided he was only worth their time to tease, Kanri liked Seeker. She like him and felt sorry for him.
Their relationship often seemed to consist of a series of business trades, but they were still great friends. He told her great stories and, in return she would play his strange word games, wait for him when he fell behind, and sometimes, she would buy him little things with her allowance. He seemed to have no clue how to spend his. He was awful with his money.
Their Yasi Class went hunting one Summer's day. It was raining, but their teacher insisted they go anyway. Kanri loved the rain and didn't mind getting wet but Seeker, sadly, wasn't so fortunate. He didn't mind getting wet, except that he got cold unusually easily, he coughed when he got cold, and his coughing fits were too bad for him to be able to do anything but sit and rest for a moment. But Kanri trailed behind the others with him down, into the Unforgiving. The teacher would periodically call the group to wait for him but for the most part, he was left to fend for himself. But Seeker was cheery, despite the gloomy weather and his constant coughing.
"Say Kanri," he said out of the blue. He hadn't spoken for most of their few hours on the trail yet. "How would you like to play a game?"
"You're going to make me play the game regardless of whether I want to or not. What do I get for it?" Kanri asked back.
He grinned devilishly. "I'm going to explain the instructions backwards. Fi uoy tnaw ot niw siht emag, irnaK, uoy tsum--"
"WHOA! No you're not! Just explain them normally please!" Kanri protested quickly, grabbing his shoulder before he could go on.
He gently clasped her hand and stared her in the eye. She blushed a little. He was so strange and hard to read, but he had random moments of being the most charming person Kanri had ever met. "Alright, little sparrow, I'll explain it forwards for your sake. If you want to win this game, Kanri, you must guess my four letter word. You must guess it before we are back in Wind Reach. In return, I'll tell you stories to help you guess the word."
Kanri quickly snatched her hand from him and walked on. She was being used. "Fine. Tell your stories."