Time Stamp: Day 17th of Spring 513 AV
Where: Wind Reach
Who: Alori
Where: Wind Reach
Who: Alori
On this day the little huntress could be found in Thunder bay roaming the forest there for food. It wasn't as dangerous as the Unforgiving and yet the place was still inhabited by animals fit for game. The Avora had gotten better at the hunt in the last seasons and was even now learning tricks used by older, more experienced hunters. She carried her bow with her, and had the quiver strapped to her back. She kept the kopis blade and hunting dagger on her belt, but left her back pack close by so that she wouldn't have to carry it during the hunt.
Alori had gotten up early that day, as most hunters did and made her way to Thunder bay. She decided for a change in style and paired her hair down the middle and twisted a braid into each side. The teen still had the arrowhead glass beads that she had made before and wore these as well. It wasn't often that she dressed herself up, but after returning to the city, Alori had realized all of the privileges that she had lost and how much she missed those simple things, even those that she hadn't partaken in much before.
She started off by taking out one of the traps that she had and securing it very close to a thin bush, where she could tie off the rope and make a noose that would sit open and wide enough for the head of a small animal to fit through. Afterwards Alori traveled a bit further into the forest so that she could set her second trap. She figured it best not to put them too far apart or she would likely forget the location of at least one of them. Once that was done, Alori was ready to search for tracks.
She walked the land, keeping an eye out for any broken twigs, bent leaves and foot prints on the ground. This was the hardest part, and since she was still learning to track, it was hard for her to determine the fresher tracks from those made long before, which ended up with her following a ghost trail. It happened at times, when the winds were silent and the forest wasn't as busy, old foot prints could last over a day if not disturbed. A sudden squawk caught the Avora's attention and she looked up to see Skye descending from up high, lightly bathed in Syna's light. "The gauntlet! The gauntlet!" Alori cried as she quickly threw her arm upward to catch the gyrfalcon.