75th of Spring, 513, AV
Soothing Waters Bath & Massage
Favik didn't seem to notice the looks that Zadok was getting from her mother or a few of the other people in the room. To her, he was just another person, and of course, since it was her birthday, he was there to see her. Simple as that. Her smiled dropped from her face for a moment though as he told her to hold on a moment and darted out.
"Wha... I thought birthdays were supposed to last longer..." She said, her eyes shifting over to her mother, then Nida then to Wanda. Laura shh'ed her daughter while patting Nida on the head.
"Maybe he forgot something. Its alright though, you have much nicer friends here." Favik hmmed a little then nodded, her smile quickly returning as she moved back over toward Wanda.
"So how many birthday's have you had? This is my first. Not really sure what to do, but I know its supposed to be fun. What do you do for your birthday?"As Zadok ran through the main bathing area, several attendants gave him reproachful looks. Not because of his looks, no, they were too busy doing their work to really get a good look at him. It was because he was running. People had to move out of the young man's way or risk slipping and falling themselves if they were bumped.
When he returned and dumped the money in Faviik's hands, her conversation with Wanda stopped as the feline gasped along with her mother as he said how much was there.
"Oh, no, Favik, give that back. That's much to much miza to accept as a gift." Favik looked to her mother, her fingers curling around the money.
"But he gave it to me... Its mine now, isn't it?" Laura looked at a loss. Of course she was now eagerly happy for the money as it would really help the family, but was worried if there were perhaps strings attached to the coins.
Her worry over the money was short lived though as Zadok introduced himself and then shot some fire up into the air. Laura let out a loud gasp.
"No! You can't do that in here!" She said, her voice getting louder as she tried to keep it quiet. The older woman's arms wrapped around Favik, and in turn Nida as the girl was still attached to Favik. The feline was in aw though. She'd never seen any sort of reimancy before and well, the flames had matched the color of her hair.
"Oh wow! Do it again!" She called out as she tried to struggle free from her mother, the coins wrapped tightly in her fingers.
From farther back in the room, the older Syliran Knight cleared his threat and moved forward. He was a average height human male, but he was thick with muscle. His hair had long ago started turing grey and he was now left with salt and pepper colored hair.
"No, little kitten, he won't be doing it again." He said in a deep, gruff voice. Dressed only in the towel wrapped around his mid section, his body was also covered in scars, his were aged though, not fresh.
"Young man, I'll have to ask you to not do that again. One, you seem to have upset Mrs. Primton, and two, reimancy really isn't a welcome magic in this city. Favik seems to like you well enough, so you can stay, just don't do it again."From behind the Knight came Richard.
"Alright now, enough of this. This is a party for my lovely daughter, is it not?" Patting the older Knight on the shoulder, Favik's father quickly pulled his hand away at the look he received. He was a friend of Laura's, not Richards. Moving over to Favik, he held out his hands.
"Let me have the miza for now so you can have fun." Favik willingly handed over the 19gm Zadok had given her. Laura let her daughter go and let out a sigh.
"Oh, don't worry darling. Its a fun day. Right Favik." Favik brightened up instantly.
"Yep! It sure is!" And with that, Richard pushed Favik and Nida, both of whom were now screaming in laughter, into the water.
"Now, you other two get in there with them and have fun." He turned to Wanda, his gaze looking the young girl up and down before he smirked.
"Or I could push you in as well." Laura let out an exasperated sound, smacked her husband then smiled before pulling him away from the younger girl.