Svan's Travel Box (journal)

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Feel free to start IC Journaling in this forum. Each character is allowed threads here where they can store notes they learn IC, facts, or even talk about their feelings and inner thoughts. Journals don't need to be in written form, they be anything you as a player thinks suits the personality of the Characte.r

Svan's Travel Box (journal)

Postby Licearsvansan on June 2nd, 2013, 12:41 am

A nondescript, brown, leather bound, and (mostly) waterproof box that Svan uses to store all the papers he would rather not get wet. It was origionally the packaging to one of Svan's maps, but due to its sealed nature he now uses it to hold all of his precious papers. Upon opening it a person will find papers of all sorts. Namely [maps], [letters], and [drawings]. However, easily the most valuable item in this box is Svan's journal, or the [travel log] as he calls it. The purpose of this page is to shed extra light on Svan's thoughts after certain threads, and/or detail the actions that he is taking between threads. If your character writes Svan a letter please leave it here with the tag [letter] in the letter's title along with the date that he recieves the letter. (for organization and stuff...)
Last edited by Licearsvansan on August 9th, 2013, 4:53 am, edited 6 times in total.


To hide his dhani nature from anyone, Svan has taken measures to hide his lisp. As such, he will not have any extra "ssss" on his words unless indicated otherwise.
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[Travel Log] First entry

Postby Licearsvansan on June 2nd, 2013, 12:58 am

Spring 3rd 513

Um okay so I'm not quite sure how this works. I mean seriously, why would anyone waste time talking to a journal. You can't even reply. Or can you?! You are from Alvadas.... Okay if you can write back then show me right now.

Okay I guess not. I guess thats best. I wouldn't trust a book that can judge me for my secrets.

Lately I've been having some memory issues. It seems that I have suffered a few too many blows to the head. I've always had an thick skull, but I've also taken more shots to the noggin than a moutain ram. I still remember most things, but certain parts are...cloudy. People especially. I'm not sure how much I'm missing, but I hope this will help keep me from forgetting anything else in the future. I hope I won't need this, but its better to be safe than sorry right? If I'm going to be perfectly honest though it worries me. The years with my family are foggy, and I think they have been for a long time. However, lately I've been wondering if I blocked it out on purpose or just lost the memories like the others. I remember enough now to know that I can't return home, and that I shouldn't want to. But I'm worried that I will forget why I left. I still can find my way back, its like some strange pull in the back of my mind, and I know that if I if forget why it is I left then I will return there for answers. So before anything else is said I must right this.

Svan, do not return to your Nest. It is not your home, and they are not your family. You are not a Dhani, you are a follower of Caiyha.

By the Goddess if anyone of my kind find this book I am so petched...
Last edited by Licearsvansan on August 10th, 2013, 7:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.


To hide his dhani nature from anyone, Svan has taken measures to hide his lisp. As such, he will not have any extra "ssss" on his words unless indicated otherwise.
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[Travel Log] Samantha

Postby Licearsvansan on August 10th, 2013, 5:48 pm

Spring 13th 513

Well ... you will never guess what happened to me last night. I slept with a tiger I slept next to a tiger. Specifically, a tiger kelvic known as Samantha. I met her once in the beginning of last year's winter and...we didn't get along. We bumped heads, talked trash, and the next thing I know I'm standing in the middle of a field completely unarmed with a tiger at my throat. Well after more than a little cunning I managed to escape, and set both her and the field we were in on fire. (on purpose this time) I did it so that the warmth could restore my strength but...

Last night I met up with her again for the first time since our fight. We got off to a rough start, but then we started talking. I found out that her mother died in a fire, and that the memory still haunted her. I don't usually feel guilty about defending myself, but I didn't mean to make her relive that. Just the look in her eyes when the field caught aflame- I don't have words to describe it. In the end I told her about the time I nearly died in a fire myself. I haven't told that story to anyone in at least five years. It felt good to get it off my chest. We are both headed to Lhavit now so I think we are going to travel together. The mountains are full of dangers, and it will help to have an ally.

Still, I just can't get over it.

I'm sleeping next to a woman I nearly killed, and I don't think I've ever felt safer.
Last edited by Licearsvansan on August 10th, 2013, 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.


To hide his dhani nature from anyone, Svan has taken measures to hide his lisp. As such, he will not have any extra "ssss" on his words unless indicated otherwise.
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[Travel Log] So I'm traveling with a Myrian now...

Postby Licearsvansan on August 10th, 2013, 7:21 pm

Spring 40th 513



To hide his dhani nature from anyone, Svan has taken measures to hide his lisp. As such, he will not have any extra "ssss" on his words unless indicated otherwise.
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[Travel Log] I think I have a crush on a snake-killer.

Postby Licearsvansan on August 10th, 2013, 8:15 pm

Spring 44th 513

Okay before you jump to conclusions, NO, I did not suddenly develop a fetish for hawks. Though I guess I could have fallen for a hawk kelvic or something.

Let me start from the beginning. One day ago I was chasing this phirebird through the jungle because petch phirebirds. Well the damnable pigeon got lucky and I sort of tied myself into a knot. It was knot my best day. Well I tell the bird to go get me some help, and it comes back with a Myrian of all things! And not just any Myrian. He had to find the one Myrian that was both Myrian, AND Constictor in the entire jungle. Because apparently the bird couldn't decide which race would maim me worse and settled on getting the rattler hating value pack. If the woman had been part eagle too then I might have saved myself the trouble and cut out my own throat.

When she sees me the woman comes toward me with a bow ready to fire as if I can do shyke to her while I'm tied up like that. In the end I got lucky, and it turned out that the woman was a follower of Caiyha, and I managed (barely) to convince her not to kill me. So, since she realizes that I wasn't there to make chalk out of her bones she decides to help me down, and for the first time in a long time I got to speak with a follower of Caiyha that I didn't end up mugging later. (That how I got the book that taught me morphing) So after some time passes we shake hands, and just as I'm about to leave I kiss her as fast as I can (its kind of a game I play, Svan 3, Myrians 0). After that I run back to meet the others with the sound of a witch and crow cackling like evil villains behind me. Unfortunately, when I get back I find myself completely unable to get her out of my mind, and so I go to train some so that I can blow off some steam. Next thing I know I'm upside down, hanging from a tree, and this girl has an arrow trained at my throat. Deja petching vu! Well I (naturally) outsmart her, but the whole thing gets her angry and she challenges me to a duel. We fight and I get my scaled arse handed to me on a dagger. (I was tired okay!?!)

But here is the weird thing. After the fight is over she comes up and kisses me.
Svan 3, Myrians 1

Yes, I know she said she was just getting me back, but I just don't know. I really don't have the words to describe it, but it just seems like she felt something. Maybe its just my imagination though. In the end nothing else happened. I taught her how to use morphing, and then once she had what she came for she left.

I know this is really childish of me, but it made me sad. Part of me wants to stay here in the jungle and get to know her better, but I know I can't do that. OH! I just remembered! There was something else that happened in the end. Just as she was about to leave she turned around to look at me, and I could have sworn I saw what looked like regret in her eyes. So I told her some thing I thought I would never say to a Myrian. I told her that I thought she was cute.

I don't know what she is doing right now, or how she responded to what I said, but honestly I just hope things go well for her. Considering how I'm struggling to get her out of my head at the moment I doubt I will forget her anytime soon. However, just in case I want to remind my future self of this day.

Svan, remember Tinnok.

When I find the words I think I'm going to write her a letter.


To hide his dhani nature from anyone, Svan has taken measures to hide his lisp. As such, he will not have any extra "ssss" on his words unless indicated otherwise.
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Svan's Travel Box (journal)

Postby Tinnok on August 21st, 2013, 2:51 am

Near the beginning of Summer the Phirebird returns with a roll of parchment attached to its leg, greeting Svan warmly by making his earlobe bleed, he then relinquishes possession of the paper. It is written in Myrian, most definitely a purposeful move on the half breed's part. The curses are generally easy to make out, regardless.

I hope it takes you a bloody year to translate this you shyke eating gutter serpent. It took me half the season just to figure out all the words in yours. Common is a disgusting language, and that is that.

So, as to your story about the platy-whatsis. I don't believe you. Unless you send me one (alive) I will refuse to believe you. That's even a worse story than the petching Dhani that could turn into lions story, and you know it. Things with fur don't lay eggs. Period. I wouldn't mind images of those horned things you mentioned though. At least your story about them sounded fairly legitimate...maybe.

Also I don't need you to teach me shyke, but I will take you up on that petching duel which you buggered out of earlier, and I'll slice up more than your chest if what you said about kissing me was true (which it probably wasn't. You enjoy the satisfaction of my expressions more than that I imagine). But if I am going to get anything useful out of you I might as well ask somethings. Like, how long did it take you until you could shift your hand so fast? Do you always use a model for your transformations, or can you do some by memory? I was able to change my eye color with vivid memories...that has been helping me a lot as of late.

Anyway, hope the phirebird (I've taken to calling him Red) injures you something good on his return. I think he's missed you.

And Caiyha watch over you, because someone petching better.


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