As the hit the mid-morning air the smell went away. During the walk down the stairs there were times when it was over powering. “It smells like cat. It would have had to have been a big one too.” Tallis took in a deep breath of air to clear his head. His tone turned serious. “Do Kelvics also take the form of big cats? I have no idea why one would be in my building. It’s just odd you know.”
Tallis was almost sure that he was mistaken. It was probably one of his neighbors having too much to drink and threw up everywhere. Only thing was, the smell didn’t match. He had had a time or too when he had partied too much. A sheepish grin crept its way across his lips as they walked. He was remembering the moment when his friends had to carry him home and try to sneak him past his parents. He was still living with his parents at that time, but what memory.
Tossing Marx a curious look he wondered if she felt any of his thoughts. She may not be able to guess what he was thinking, then again maybe she could. Not that there was anything to hide. There were a lot of women at the party and he certainly had quite the time dancing with most of them.
Tallis clearing his thought with a quick shake. “It’s probably nothing.” He said calmly before continuing. “I bet the smell will be gone by the time we get home tonight. Are you planning to do some running around after we get you some clothes from my sister?” He was already planning on his next pick pocket in his mind and what part of the city. There would be a lot of tourists neat the temple around mid-day, and he would be there right in the midst of them. He could almost hear the coins dropping into his pocket.