Completed A Mistaken Port [Ximal]

Ariann arrives at Nyka, thinking that it is Syliras.

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

A Mistaken Port [Ximal]

Postby Ariann on June 3rd, 2013, 10:02 pm

Timestamp: 37 Summer 513AV, Night

Ariann's travel had taken a long time. Longer than it should have. Ariann had run into many troubles; a whirlpool almost suffocating her, an octopus that did not like Ariann passing by and trying to kill her and a dangerous encounter with a shark that Ariann barely got away from. Exhausted and run ragged, Ariann finally caught a glimpse of Nyka from a distance as the sun began to set upon the horizon. Ariann smiled to herself, knowing that her travel was almost at an end and managed to push herself for the next three hours as she swam to the docks.

Night had fully fallen when Ariann reached the port, which had a half-dozen ships docked for the night. Ariann's emerald, cherubic eyes blinked as she surfaced, reflecting the light of the moon and causing them to glow slightly. She spotted several people on the docks, but none of them payed any attention to her as she swam closer, stopping a few yards from one of the docks. She wanted to try out something and so she began to sing in Char, a melody that was made for the water. Her lips remained beneath the waves so the sound would not be so gutteral as it was out of water. It was a soft, soothing melody, one that would cause sailors to reminisce about the seas and one that would cause children to stop and look around in wonder. The song only carried a few dozen feet, to the end of the pier before it faded.

Ariann went quiet then, her eyes above the waves and waiting to see what the melody would do to those who heard it.
Last edited by Ariann on June 5th, 2013, 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to play Ariann until my life stabilizes. Sorry in advance to whoever ends up loosing out on threads because of this :\

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A Mistaken Port [Ximal]

Postby Ximal on June 3rd, 2013, 11:12 pm


Xi strode through the streets of nyka, the tight streets of the city a welcome familiarity. It was good to be back, even if he hadn't been back for all that long but everything he'd been working on and working for was falling into place. His school had gained some students and he'd successfully been on a recruitment drive in nyka, it'd been a short campaign, but still. Xi headed out and around nyka at night not because he didn't trust the monks if anything he had to work his backside off to avoid them. They were good at theri job he could openly admit that. But still a walk around the city at night helped clear his mind and help him think about things in perspective. During his stay he'd earned some ire from the monks of laat but still it was only from retribution but all the monks knew his standing as a strong fighter in the city. Or at least he hoped they did. Still Xi headed for a walk along the dock front.the silent night unyielding before him even with the dimlight of the sparsely placed torches.

Before long something caught his ears a light music a small tune barely anything but enough to catch Xi's attention. Xi flicked his eye's back and forth in wonder of what was going on but still Xi couldn't find the source of the sound. Before long the sound faded and Xi was left alone in the silence again. Xi sighed and lifted his hand to his face, pressing his mailed fingers onto his closed eye lids lightly. "You know your steadily going mad...Why the heck are you trying to deny it, after all you just heard something that was completely out of place. Xi exhaled and then turned to face out over the ocean... His thoughts returning to his school.

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A Mistaken Port [Ximal]

Postby Ariann on June 3rd, 2013, 11:49 pm

Ariann glanced up and spotted Ximal as he neared the docks, which intrigued Ariann. He looked similar to Ricky, one of her friends from Zeltiva. Joy and happiness surfaced in her thoughts as she quickly slipped under the water, swimming down to the bottom before launching herself towards the surface. She swam so fast that once she reached the surface, she skyrocketed into the air, aimed directly at Ximal. In mid-air, her trajectory lowered as she flew, the bone-like appendages on her wrists and ankles acted as wings that helped her fall... right into Ximal.

With a happy squeal, she landed on the man, toppling him over and causing the two of them to tumble back. Ariann didn't wait to see if the man was okay, sitting up on top of him as soon as they came to a rest, smiling broadly and revealing several rows of jagged teeth. "Ricky! I'm so happy to-..." Ariann's eyes went wide as she realized this man wasn't the same person she thought he was. His hair was longer and his eyes were a cute shade of blue. The color drained from her face as she realized that she had just toppled over a stranger and was now sitting on top of him.

Ariann blinked, looking down at herself. She was naked. Again. Her cheeks flushed red once more, remembering how embarrassed she felt before but now she felt three times as embarrased. "Uhh..." She fumbled for words, blinking. She could only expect the man to beat her up for landing on him, or at least call her a name for being naked. She was prepared for the worst.

Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to play Ariann until my life stabilizes. Sorry in advance to whoever ends up loosing out on threads because of this :\

I am now an official Grader of Mizahar! Happy squeals for all! ^_^ I will be focusing primarily on Zeltiva, but if another region needs cleaning up, let me know! I have a TON of free-time and I always enjoy reading other's threads!

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A Mistaken Port [Ximal]

Postby Ximal on June 4th, 2013, 12:12 am


Xi stared lout over the water of the docks. The calm and still night air was...calming, almost soothing. Xi took a deep breath and exhaled slowly into the night air. Xi sighed and looked out at the night. Xi pulled the steel gauntlets off of his hands and let the heat of them burn forth into the cool night air. Xi smiled and looked up towards the sky, The glow of leth was thin only a sliver of his light still remaining to help illuminate the ground. It's strange, i feel calm...for the first time in a logn time...I feel relaxed. And i like it. Xi closed his eye's slowly tucking his gauntlets back into the body pack he wore. A smile on his face as he let the night air flash and press against him. Before Xi could fully enjoy the moment he heard a lous splash and felt something heavy collide with him, he stumbled not having grounded his feet all that well and fell back slamming into the ground with a loud and hard thud. Xi coughed having the wind knocked from his lungs and gasped for air. Then came a voice. Something about a guy galled ricky and being happy to see...? Before Xi realized what was going on. his hands pressed onto something both very smooth, and still damp.

Xi opened his eye's to see a rather stunned expression of a blue some what fislike person. Semi-jagged teeth, staring at him and within moments the colour drained from this creatures face. Xi was now pinned beneath a...His eye's trailed down wards to be met with bare flesh but still blue in colour. He was pinned beneath a female fish creature. A wet, female, fish creature. Before Xi could think about what he was doing his hand squeezed and he found out where his hand her rear. Xi flicked his eye's back up to the creatures face and caught a dark blush form across her cheeks and caught her mumbling something almost incoherent. Xi's moth hung semi open as he used his other hand to prop himself up forgetting to move his other hand. He was unsure of what to say but before he could register what to say his loud mouthed bravado spoke for him. "Well...i can honestly say this is the first time I've been assaulted by a fish creature..." Xi's deep black-blue eye's looked at her somewhat lighter green ones, and then Xi felt the dampness seeping through his shirt. "Am I that comfortable that you eel the need to stay sitting where you are or are you planning on getting off of me any time soon? "

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A Mistaken Port [Ximal]

Postby Ariann on June 4th, 2013, 12:27 am

Ariann hadn't noticed the man's hand landing on her bare rear until he squeezed it, which caused her to turn bright red on the cheeks. She let out an embarrassed squeal and slapped his hand away from her rear before getting off the man and scooting away from him. "Y-you..." She blinked, fumbling about with her words, "Pervert!" She yelled loud enough that a couple of sailors nearby turned and looked, snickering over the situation she was in.

Her hands began to shake slightly, He's not Ricky... and he touched my butt... She felt an urge to cry, but held herself together as she knelt beside Ximal, curiosity beginning to creep in. "You... aren't Ricky..." She muttered, eyes wide. "Why were you grabbing my butt? You shouldn't do that to people you've just met!" She tried to scold him, but found her voice cracking. His eyes drew her own in like magnets. But he is cute like Ricky...

Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to play Ariann until my life stabilizes. Sorry in advance to whoever ends up loosing out on threads because of this :\

I am now an official Grader of Mizahar! Happy squeals for all! ^_^ I will be focusing primarily on Zeltiva, but if another region needs cleaning up, let me know! I have a TON of free-time and I always enjoy reading other's threads!

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A Mistaken Port [Ximal]

Postby Ximal on June 4th, 2013, 12:45 am


Xi felt his hand be smacked away realizing where it had been he himself was a little perplexed about the state of affairs, however the speed with which she leapt back off of him was staggering. Though the shocking shriek was almost ear splitting as she yelled it. even a pair of near by dock workers sniggered. Xi shot them a glancing look that was sharp and saying quite plainly "try it". Xi shuffled himself back up onto his elbows before glancing at her. Her kneeling next to him. Something about "Not being ricky". Who in the blue heck was ricky ? Xi shook his head and shuffled himself up further. Hearing her trying to berate him for grabbing her backside. Xi keep his eyes on her and then eventually sat up. He even caught the slight crack in her voice.

"Right, firstly. I didn't mean to grab your ass, that was an accident. Having said that i still apologize for it." Even if it is a nice one... "Secondly, what kind of person comes crashing into a person without any gods-dammed clothes, and soaking wet?" Xi gave her a hard look and slipped his cloak off from around his shoulders. the masses of material might have been a little much. But still he wasn't going to have her sitting there in the starkers. His mind, and quite possibly his eye's would end up wandering. Xi thrust the cloak at her and spoke. "Put that on. Please. At least that way you wont have to worry about me doing that again." If she took it Xi would then stand up to his full height, bring his hand up to his mouth and cough into it lightly to check that he was alright. An impact like that cleanly knocking the wind out of him wasn't something he was used too. Xi then turned his head back down to her letting his black-blue eyes meet her light green ones. "Well i think we can dispense with the formalities for the time being. Mind if i ask your name? That is presuming you have one." Xi then offered his hand down to ehr to help her stand up from being on the ground.

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A Mistaken Port [Ximal]

Postby Ariann on June 4th, 2013, 1:14 am

Ariann blinked. The man was kinder than he looked. He was so alike Ricky that it was beginning to scare Ariann. She reluctantly took the coat with a confused visage, draping it over her shoulders and listening to the man. She began to feel guilty for pile-driving the man out of nowhere. She probably should have said something like Watch out, I'm going to hurt you by landing on you or something. She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and nibbled on it nervously, looking up at the man with a cute manner.

"My kind is called Charoda. We do not wear clothings while swimming..." She explains, "But it's your fault that you got knocked over. You saw me coming." She said, trying to defend herself, but feeling bad. Her voice cracked at the end of the statement, telling him that she was not as defensive as she should be and that she was hiding what she really wanted to say. When the man asked for her name, she glanced away.

"Mother named me Ariannaliese Evisrel, so that I could coincide with the land-dweller's needs for a first and last name." The way she spoke made her appear even more so like a foreigner, as if she was a spy who didn't know she was supposed to blend in.

Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to play Ariann until my life stabilizes. Sorry in advance to whoever ends up loosing out on threads because of this :\

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A Mistaken Port [Ximal]

Postby Ximal on June 4th, 2013, 1:29 am


If Xi'd not been hrough the thingsd he had been through he may have questioned what was happenign but being honest he'd been through a lot of weird stuff. Heck weird was the best way to describe him as of late. Xi looked down at her saw her chewing her lip somewhat nervously. Xi furrowed his brow and shook his head. For some reason hhe was now starting to feel like the bad guy in this situation. After a short while she finally cracked and began to explain things, so she was a "charoda"? a fish person. And much like the kelvics...didn't wear clothes. Faaantastic...I'm back in the petching spires again...Urgh. Xi kept his expression even and then herd her blaming him as if it was his fault that he'd gotten tackled. Xi piped up at that catching the crack at the end of her voice. "How the shyke is it my fault i got tackled by you? I didn't see you coming my eye's were closed. Jeez, pinning the blame on the innocent person." Xi shook his head and then caught her saying her name Ariannaliese Evisrel ....Jeez a mouthful there.

"Right well...My name is Ximal...Just call me Xi. It's easier to remember and it's what everyone calls me. So tell me what exactly were you doing launching yourself out of the water and tackling me? " Xi Glanced down at her folding his arms across his chest, not meaning too but making himself look more imposing than he really was. "Just explain that to me...Then tell me what exactly your doing here..." It's still hard to ask these questions...Even if i'm not being distracted. Xi lifted his hand to his head and pressed his left hands finger and thumb against his temples lightly. He'd come out here for a chance to collect his thoughts, and now they were more scattered than when he'd arrived.

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A Mistaken Port [Ximal]

Postby Ariann on June 4th, 2013, 1:45 am

Ariann frowned, looking off to the side as he pinned the blame on her. "I... wasn't trying to..." She said, a sad hint in her voice as her defensive posture crumbled altogether. Ximal. Not Ricky. She frowned after he introduced himself and then asked why she had launched herself at him. "I thought... you were... cute..." She said, trying to avoid having to speak about why she really had launched herself onto him. She didn't want to explain how she felt about her first true friend Ricky. She felt her cheeks redden again as she avoided eye contact with him. "You might be a land-dweller, but there's no reason I cannot find you cute." She stated, looking away still. Then she was asked what she was doing here.

"Oh, well... I came to Syliras because I thought that I might learn more about the land-dwellers. She stated, looking up towards the main city, "But I'd thought that a capitol would be much larger. For a city, Syliras is very small." She said, obviously unaware that she wasn't in Syliras after all. She had a cherubic demeanor as she shifted uneasily under the man's gaze, pulling the cloak tighter around her thin frame.

Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to play Ariann until my life stabilizes. Sorry in advance to whoever ends up loosing out on threads because of this :\

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A Mistaken Port [Ximal]

Postby Ximal on June 4th, 2013, 2:03 am


Again Xi was being meant to feel like the bad guy...Xi sighed and hung his head listening to the charoda in-front of him. Everything about how she was acting at the moment made him feel like he was in the wrong. Xi was about to ask before she spoke. She thought he was ...cute ? The petch? Xi lifted his head with a snap and gave her a look with a raised eyebrow. Xi hook his head and recalled this "ricky" name that she'd been speaking of. Xi sighed adn let her continue ith her sentiments even catching the reddened blush in her cheeks. "To be honest it seems more likely that you thought i was this " Ricky person you've mentioned." Xi kept his eye's on her even as he looked away from him and back out over the water. Xi was surprised though to hear her say she was going to syliras. xi shook his head and let her finish before speaking about her efforts albeit arbitrarily to the contrary. "Well i hate to be the bearer of bad news but this isn't syliras...this is nyka. A city a long away away from the city of syliras, however i cant really ay this is a bad place, and trust me i know the difference i've been to syliras and i live in nyka."

Xi sighed lightly and watched her pull the cloak tighter around her. Well it was better than talking to her in the nude even if it didn't really help the situation..."I get the feeling you either don't trust or don't like me. Or both. You've not really kept eye contact with me, and you keep pulling that cloak tighter with every second." Xi pressed his fingers into his temples a little harder, and exhaled the rest of his breath slowly. "I there any reason besides the obvious that you don't particularly trust me ?"

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