Location: Lormar Tower - Northern Cobalts
Purpose: Marcus Kelvic & Kelvic Lore Acquisition
Nya wandered into her mother's library, if it could truly be called that. The library was more accurately described as a converted section of the tower that was waterproof, windproof and housed the large collection of books her mother routinely scrounged, bought or wrote herself. Zilvia had given her permission to use the space if she felt curiosity, and practice her reading. Long since, Zilvia had tried to encourage the girl to more scholarly pursuits but she'd always had a hard time getting Nya to focus. The only reason she'd managed to teach the girl to read at all was because the girl had an avid curiosity that often ran rampant. When Zilvia had started refusing to answer her questions, Nya had turned to books and with her mother's help, she'd eventually grasped the rudimentary of language and reading. And while she'd never be a great writer or perhaps even a passable one, Nya did slowly start to enjoy escaping into books to learn new and unusual things.
Fortunately, due to the relationship with Nya's father, Zilvia had begun to amass a rather significant journal full of notes and information about kelvics. Surprising to Nya was that she also had managed to come up with a plausible explanation for their origin. The notes themselves were taken from other literature, some examined from texts ranging from Zeltiva's great university, to Ravok's influential overreaching histories, and surprisingly from Mura's healers library. Nya was a little surprised to learn how well traveled her mother was, but she suspected it was because of her father's bond with Zilvia, that she did so successfully. Opening the first page of the journel she'd discovered in the 'library' Nya began to read.
![]() Origins The first true mention of the word Kelvic was not of the actual race itself, but of a man from Taldera called Marcus Kelvic. Pre-Valterrian, this mage was noted as being extremely skilled in the magic of Morphing. And while suspected to have perished in the Valterrian, Marcus Kelvic lived in a fortress called Ironrock in the northwestern reaches of Taldera on the Kalea boarder. Reclusive and isolated from society, Marcus Kelvic was said to transform animals into humans and give them the ability to think like humans so they could serve him. While not human, these creatures were in fact very much the animals that Marcus elevated to sentience with his manipulations. So regardless of how human their appearence is, their first and foremost instinct is that of their base animal. They will think like them, act like them, and make judgments as if they were them. Authors Note This means my lover is in essence a horse. I can see this in his trust of me. If I do not display leadership to him constantly, he often looks for leadership elsewhere. This also means my daughter is a large man-eating forest cat. She does not respect leadership nor look for it, instead seeking it for herself. I suspect this is the difference between a herd animal and a predator. Ulvik is far more honest in his dealings with me. When it comes to Nya, I am never certain if her wants are because they are indeed her wants, or if her wants have a secondary purpose - to please me, to please herself, or a larger competition to see if I will indeed fill them. Their origin explains so much, though I do wonder what Marcus Kelvic was thinking in giving sentience to large predators and the ability to walk amongst humans undetected. Nya is dangerous, whereas Ulvik is simply useful and social. Origins Continued Marcus Kelvic was said to have different animal types for different tasks. He used mice to clean and do is information gathering. He made dogs to protect and guard. He even made horses to carry him around. That makes sense. But why big cats? They seem far too independent and prideful to make good housepets. Culling He did cull a multitude of failures. Since no graves were ever found, I suspect he used the big predators to dispose of his failed experiments. He also seemed to have sired a multitude of normal children on his Kelvic servants, and those ended up fostered in a nearby village or if they were not of his own direct blood, sold as slaves. Reproduction The literature suggests that a mating of a kelvic to a kelvic always produces a kelvic. I found heavy evidence of this in Ravok while I was visiting. They were housing kelvics and keeping them for breeding purposes. The more aggressive types were used in pit and cage fights there. I witnessed a few myself, and have come to the conclusion that Nya would be an extremely valuable possession to someone involved in that business. I would not do that to her, however, but I suspect she would enjoy the fights. I cannot find any direct evidence that kelvics breed true to their types, so there is no reason for me to suspect my daughter would produce more predator types. Ulvik has offered to find Nya another kelvic for when she is mature so I can surround our home with shifters that will protect me. However, I simply cannot bring myself to allow my daughter to bond with me. Nor, being her mother, could I condone her being bred as if she is an animal. It is unthinkable. What I have done is warn her away from Ravok and explain to her exactly what would be done with her if she was caught within the city. |
Nya closed the book on this, a bit surprised and a little confused. Her mother was a practical woman, both out of necessity and personality. But the fact that she was curious enough to take the time to look up and actively search for information on the kelvics was a surprise to Nya. The information and thoughts she had about it was even more surprising.