The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on June 7th, 2010, 1:54 pm

“About my past” She looked at him and said simply “you haven’t asked”

She sighed “Do you have any idea what it means to be not free? To wake up every day knowing that tomorrow will be the same painful day. To count the bruises when you wake and watch them fade to a sickly yellow and feeling them being replaced with new ones. To have no hope, they say hope is the last to die. It’s not entirely true, you have no hope when you are born a slave and supposed to die one”

She trailed off and said “I was born, I never knew my mother. My father was also a slave, he died. When I was 8 I think Ash joined the circus he was gone after some time. At 12 my duties changed. At 17 I get my mark and then my owner dies and” she paused “wham! I’m free.” She looked away “Great life mmm?”

She snorted and shrugged tilted her head one side thinking about what he had said how come you are so stiff all the time?

She chuckled “Stiff?” Of all the adjectives she had heard said about her, stiff was not one of them. “You are calling a contortionist stiff!?!?!” She opened her mouth and surprising even her she started laughing a small, strange silent laugh she covered her mouth with her hand and grinned through her fingers, it was so absurd...
Last edited by Fade on June 8th, 2010, 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on June 8th, 2010, 9:58 am

He litsened to her words slowly and in silence, as the already wide grin was slowly cutting down in size, half of it missing, gone. He did not want to laugh anymore, but he sure as hell was not gonna let her be sad over irversible things, and ones that happened too long ago to be of much significance at the present moment.

Slowly raising his arm up to her shoulder and resting it there gently, he ducked a bit so he could see her face to face now, and so he spoke: "You sound almost like as if you are ashamed of being what you have been? You sound almost as if the whole trip was not worth it? And hell you even sound like the troublesome past is an excuse for having an unhappy life?" he paused briefly, as he gave his silent voice some time to calm down before continuing: "Why don`t you just smile and let all those fears and pains float into the nether abyss and be done with it, for one thing, a smile brings nothing but good things, so if a mere smile can do that, imagine what laughter can do" he finished unsure why using so many words to say something as trivial as that.

He was being amused by her reaction after he called her stiff, as she was now fighting it so hard it was fun to watch. He rubbed his eyes slowly before speaking: "I meant, you are stiff in here" his words ended with a hand patting his chest. Even as she was a bit worn out as if it would seem, he could still not stop the smile that was once again spreading across his face.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on June 8th, 2010, 3:31 pm

She smiled at him and said “My heart is stiff because it hasn’t been used much”

She frowned as she listened to him “I am ashamed its only normal to be ashamed even though I had no control there’s always a choice a difficult one but there’s no white and black. There are always at least two sides to every question to every argument. It’s an absurd world this is.”
She shrugged “I don’t know you but I have no nether abyss in which to cram all the darkness, wounds heal but the scars remain. You should never forget, maybe forgive but never forget.
A smile can help bury the pain but the mere fact that there is something to bury is a reminder” She looked at him “How can a smile win the past, the fury, the hate and the pain?”

She closed her mouth afraid she had said too much and to quickly voicing the things that troubled her, she sighed eyes down cast. “Thus the not so silent Fade speaks” She muttered.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on June 12th, 2010, 9:54 pm

He looked at her as if he was looking through her as he was too fixated on what to say rather than how his expression looks. Not used much? No creature in it`s right mind had the right to say that, for everyone uses it on a daily basis, some people just do not want to admit to doing so.

Looking at her, for real this time, he started laughing as he knew what he was going to say, it was worn out and completely useless even to him, but hey, it was the best he could manage, after all, her pressence was an entoxicating drug.

"You need to relax, you think too much. You are here, now, feel it, treasure it, and for Zulrav`s sake, stop looking over your shoulder all the time, just to check up on the haunting memories. Don`t think of the consequences of your actions in the future, rather than that, live in the moment, live for it, for once it is gone all you will have is regret for missing it" his face lit up a faint smile as he in silence agreed to his inner voice saying: "Damn that actually sounded cool".

She was even funnier than he thought, even after saying all of this, she was not worried about the things she said, but rather how many of them she said to him, and that amused him, and made him laugh a bit as he awaited for her voice to ring up the silence once more.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on June 14th, 2010, 10:02 am

She listened to his soft laughter willing it to never stop, but it did and she had to open her mouth and let words slither out of her mouth however lame and reluctant they were.
Fade smiled and returned his stare her eyes portals to a new, cold world.

“Live the present, remember the past but don’t think about the future because the future is…” She stopped talking raised an eyebrow, looked around and said “now” she grinned lopsidedly.

She said “I guess I like wallowing in my pit of despair, but why not explore the world around?” She smiled her eyes sparkling with an inner fierce, cold fire. She took a step closer to him and said “live for it, for once it is gone all you will have is regret for missing it” using his exact words, she looked at him straight in the eyes “You’re quite right”
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on June 17th, 2010, 10:27 am

As his laugh was rubbing off, he realised she was now staring back at him, her words making him smile, or at least feel some extatic feeling of joy, why was it all that good, that question was beyond him, but like he would care even if he knew. As long as it does not stop.

Her panicing reaction amused him to some point, but her words, yes, they made sense to him, probbably more than she will ever know. But now when it was his turn to speak, a sudden feeling of shame started sticking onto him, cause he knew all too well what he wanted, and he knew even more that he had no gutts to do it or at the very least say it. Maybe in time he will be worthy of the words he was spilling out like some second hand wisdom cookie, bur right now, he was just a hypocrite. His lips opened as much as a mere second only to match her voice saying: "Now..." a truly horrid and short word, but a true and lasting one.

Looking more and more at her with every passing minute, he thought of many things to say, to do, but none seemed appealing enough to be taken into account by a reasonable being. Many wishes swirling in his mind, he wanted to be more skilled in seduction, rhetorics, anything that would stop him from sounding like an idiot every time she tries to really talk to her.

Her smile covering her face ocassionaly and her laugh still echoing inside his head, he spoke only as softly as he could: "We all....." No, there was no way he could continue this second hand madness, his lips closed only to open up again in silence as he was too mad at himself to actually say normal words, normal thoughts.

"So, what now?" out loud or not, this was more a question to himself than anyone else, but still it was too late to take it back as it already had broken the silence around them.

OOC: Im sorry my net was screwing me for the past few days so i could not post a decent reply, i apologize for taking this long, and i sincerely hope this will not happen again.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on June 17th, 2010, 3:00 pm

OOC no worries

She returned his gaze her eyes never faltering almost never blinking.

Inside her tumult reined as if every drop in a storm had something to say, that was the confusion in her head voices with nothing to say but willing to say something.
She followed the silver threads that made her mind, they showed her infinite possibilities yet they were all useless they were all meaningless they were all seeds thrown into the wind. But then a smile formed on her lips a real one as she though out loud the words a soft whisper “who throw seeds to the wind will make the sky blossom.”

Her eyes twinkled in the last rays of day.
She frowned slightly as he didn’t finish what he was saying she prompted gently “We all…what?”

She watched him and then eyes one big question she said “What now all depends on what do you want” her smile widened “What do you want Elliot Skythorne?” It was a question that needed, no, commanded an answer maybe it was the tone she used but the question rang in the silence and in her head.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on June 27th, 2010, 10:27 am

Looking at her without any special reason was pretty much what kept him smiling up until now, but now, it seemed as if even her frozen and shackled mind started to melt. Well he hoped for it at the very least. Now her words sounded as if they were coming from a poet, and it would be one that truly enjoys life, he never saw that side of her before, at least not so.. so.. warm.

Elliot was never the one to read much, but from time to time, a healthy mind comanded to be fed information, there was no difference wether it was life saving or simply useless information, as long as it was valid. His eyes smirked slightly at her as he started to laugh at the sight what he thought was her relaxation, well at least in some forms of it.

Indeed.... what do we all do? That silver line of clear thought was now lost somwhere inside that thick head of his and it sure as hell was lost forever. He shrugged as he realised he was back to the last and the most significant question, what did he want? He knew all too well of all his wishes, of all his desires, but some words are better left unspoken, and some thoughts are better left wandering, his mouth opened spilling out the only reasonable thing he could grasp: "I want to see you again" easier said than done was the thought that crossed him as he spoke.

Looking back at her unsure what will happen he was more calm now, for even if something bad does happen, it was good while it lasted.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on June 28th, 2010, 8:18 am

She replied softly “That’s easy” It was, at least for Fade who had no place to go and to whom a place to go was a certainly to hold on to then she said simply ”Don’t walk away”.
It was that simple for Fade who simplified everything knowing that things were already complicated without messing them up unnecessarily.

She looked at the sky and imagined it blossoming, it would be a fine sight indeed a gentle smile formed on her lips as she gazed up. Her gaze following the petals and the small delicate veins that covered them. She looked away abruptly suddenly afraid that they would wilt, but of course they wouldn’t they were figments of her imagination they couldn’t do what they wanted. She glanced up and smiled a small little secret smile.

She then turned, took a step closer to him and peered at him as if for the first time standing on tiptoe she reached her hand out as if to touch his eyes she smiled and said “Has anybody told you that you have…” she fought for words “beautiful eyes” Even standing on tiptoe he was taller than her, Fade was also very thin and pale of limbed almost like a doll.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on June 28th, 2010, 9:05 am

And she was right, it really was as simple as that, but could it all be done like that, on that basic level of desire...could it? Too much thinking, indeed, that was what was repressing him from simply acting as he should from the start, acting casual. Just as he was about to relax, he felt her getting closer, her hand on his face and the entoxicating smell of her pressence.

It was not so much the fact that she touched him that threw him off guard completely, what did it was her words. At the sound of her voice slowly spreading, he shivered a bit as he raised his hand to touch her forearm gently, kneeling down before her, he kept staring at her, barely blinking still unsure what kind of a thing was he to say now. But it`s not like he was ever sure of much.

"Both of them at the same time? You would be the first. There were many jokes about the way i look tho" a small smile formed on his face only to vanish the next moment as he was trying to speak up: "Don`t get something mixed up, you are the beautyful one here, and as far as i can tell that goes beyond your eyes" he started laughing while kneeling in front of her, and when his mind started processing his position, him kneeling before her, he was laughing louder and louder.

As his outside appearance started to calm down slightly he looked up at her smiling as he did, remembering how short she usualy is.

OOC: yep, told ya he was a whimp of sorts xD
"there" most everything is nothin'
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