1 Summer 513 It was the first of summer, and still early in the day. The sun had not even risen yet, some might call it night still. But it was morning, and Rykanis was already awake and about for the day. What better way to start the season, than with a jog to the Sasaran, and a spar. Perhaps afterwards, he would visit the other Sasaran, and work on his weapons. But for his first fight of the season, he wanted to fight with his body, fight physically. To feel alive! It was a long route across town, from his home in the Kuahala Estates, over to the twin Sararan. He was dressed in his normal loose clothing, easier to run in, with his lakan strapped at his waist, each in a scabbard, and no other weapons. That would be enough for anything he might need to deal with today. And probably that would be to much. As he jogged, he did his best to keep his breathing steady and even. But admittedly, he was not the best runner even if he was in good shape. So soon enough his breathing was ragged, taken in deep lungfulls. It seemed like his chest was on fire, and his lungs just could not take in air. His pace was a fast one, but he was not quite sprinting. All that could be heard within the city that was mostly asleep, was the rhythmic slap of his feet on the ground. Left hitting. Right hitting. Back and force one after another, as he kept on at a steady pace. Finally the Sararan was within sight, and he put on a final burst of speed, at a full on sprint, he raced right past the door. Once he passed it, he slowly circled back around, now walking. He knew better than to abruptly stop, instead walking around slowly in a circle, his head tilted back looking at the sky, arms stretched out and clasped behind his neck. After a chime or two, his breathing had more or less returned to normal, and he headed in the door. Even though it was early, the room still had a good dozen Akalaks in it. He could feel two of them had marks from Akajia, just as he did. Not that they were of much use, it was far to dark for shadows to exist much. But soon the sun would be coming up, and it would be the perfect time to speak to shadows. Rykanis circled the room, once, twice, his heart almost returned to normal, no longer trying to jump through his chest. He looked about, inspecting the other Akalaks, wondering who he should face first, for his first spar of the season. |