Flashback Kids Will Be Kids [Sedele]

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A surreal cavern city inhabited by Symenestra where stones glow and streets are reams of silk. Cocoon like structures hang between stalactites and cascade over limestone flows in organic and eerie arabesques. Without a Symenestra willing to escort you, entrance is impossible.

Kids Will Be Kids [Sedele]

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on May 28th, 2013, 1:04 am

41st of Autumn, 507AV

There was no sound up ahead save for the excited whispers, she was trying to keep her own wheezing to minimum so the other two would not know they were being followed. She scanned the darkness to try and figure out where they went next, wondering how much longer she could keep up with the two boys. Sosicly had heard them back at the Grotto, whispering about who or what their brothers would bring back from the harvest. It was her own thoughts, and she had watched them quietly from her corner, then followed them after hearing about their ‘secret passage’ by the entrance. They would have a perfect view. And so would she.

But now she was tiring, and she was not entirely sure how she was supposed to get back the way they came let alone continue forward. Sosicly was so absorbed in trying to keep quiet, she hadn’t even noticed she had lost sight of the other two until they were behind her.

“What are you doing?”

“You going to tell?”

The young girl would have screamed if she could have, whipping around with her knapsack in surprise and no little amount of fear. They would be in trouble if they interfered with bringing in the surrogates that they hoped to catch a glimpse of. Already she disliked them but they were a means to an end, and she slowly shook her head negatively.

“It’s the one that can’t talk.”

“So she won’t tell?”

“Who would she tell?”

Again she shook her head, and scribbled in the book before showing it to them but they ignored the words in favor of making themselves look taller. Trying to puff themselves up into authority and they looked ridiculous.

“Go back.” She shook her head and gestured the way they were headed.

“You’re not going to tell?” Sosicly shrugged, she wouldn’t tell on them so long as she wouldn’t get in trouble either.

“She can’t come! What if something happens to her? I’m not watching her.”

She tried to keep her face blank, but she decided that these two should be the ones who couldn’t talk, all the words and phrases they were taught, and they insults were barbaric at best. But they still stung. Gritting her teeth she took out her book to write, ignoring the twinges of pain from her chest. It was then that one of the boys made to slap the book out of her hand, hitting her in the process. Her vision was as poor as any humans’ for a chime, her breath stopped entirely and when things returned to their normal pained inhales, her hand was burned furiously, and she was looking up at them from a smooth ledge.

Sosicly stared at the blood in shock, an automatic prayer to Viratas entering her mind silently, thanking him for all he had done for her this day before their bickering reached her ears.

“I didn’t mean to! She had no balance.”

“She’s invalid! What did you expect?!” The other snapped, before coloring brightly, when he did dare to meet her gaze again, he quickly looked away. His voice was not even slightly reassuring.

“Give us your hand and we will pull you.”

She held up her bad hand still trying to understand that she had fallen and showed them the gash, unless they could pull her up with one arm and not lose their balance themselves…

“Wait here, we will bring someone.”

She glared up from where she sat, clutching her hand tightly, and contemplating how she was supposed to move. Her initial assessment held, they were both idiots and not worth wasting her paper on.

“We will come back.” He insisted, and she let the glare lessened a fraction.
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on May 28th, 2013, 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Kids Will Be Kids [Sedele]

Postby Sedele on May 28th, 2013, 5:17 pm


Pitter, patter. Pitter, patter. The sprinkles of rain continued to fall. Her father was sound asleep in their tent when Sedele thought it best that the time was right to sneak in and find out what Kalinor was all about.

She’d admit that she was very nervous about sneaking away from her stubborn, harsh Symenestra father, but her will to learn about the culture he’d never teach her about drove the fear out and replaced it with courage and honour. She knew she’d have to climb into the cave and overcome all of the walls to get into the silky palace, but she could care less. This was going to be a challenge her guardian had never given her, and she was proud to call herself a rebel.

She first silently sat up from her sleeping position in her own bedroll next to her father before nimbly removing the shroud of blankets that covered her ashen skin.

She found it refreshing and calming to sleep more nude than most would please. The only thing she found herself wearing as she tip-toed over to her clothing on the other side of the tent was her silken underwear.

She strapped on her bra, followed by dressing her upper body and then her bottom before she put her boots on, her pace more agile than she had ever done before whilst dressing herself in front of her own sleeping father. She quickly grabbed her pack of necessary items and her father’s katana (for you never know when you might get into trouble) before slipping outside.

She was out of the tent and into the misting rain before she had time to take a second thought or another opinion. The rain laced itself onto Sedele’s leather apparel, making love to her buckle-strapped boots and her seemingly tight corset. She felt free, she felt wild, and now she felt adrenaline pump through her body as she was next to a wall, frightening, yet solitary all at the same time.

Just like Father kept trying to teach you, Sedele thought to herself as she jumped onto the first rocky wall, jagged pieces of earth trying to cut into her armour. She felt the small hooks in her skin clasp onto the verticle rock before she descended the wall.

Time ticked by, her heart in her throat racing at an impossible speed. She kept envisioning a racing horse speeding on the track for first place, merely missing Sedele as she was standing in the middle of it in awe. How stupid a thought, but her mind was a turmoil as she continue to descale the wall.

An obstacle bravely opposed its position to the agile Symenestra; a crack in the wall very large and hard to fall past. She would never make it down to the other ledge, yet grab hold of the ledge. Her stomach made flips, her feeth tingling from the awkward position of which they were holding onto the wall.

Shit, she cursed to her self-conscious. How the hell am I expected to get down there? Suddenly her father’s voice boomed into her mind so loud and so real that Sedele just about dropped to the cavern floor some million miles down in looking up to see if her father truly stood above her looking down upon his creation in disgrace.

Look at your surroundings. Feel the earth beneath you and use your surroundings to your advantage. But how could she? It was just her and the large crack in the earth beneath her. But an abrupt shock of realisation hit her like a rock had fallen from above.

A noticeable ledge was to the right of her left foot. If she could jump down slightly so that her left hand could reach in and grab it for support, she could lower herself down to the bottom lip.

Sedele held her breath, closed her eyes for a second before opening them again to see what she was planning on doing. She jumped, but she couldn’t feel the ledge. Her right foot had become a nuisance, hitting yet another ledge, causing her to lose balance.

She was falling, falling to the depths of the dark cavern below she had heard so many fearful stories about. The monsters that roamed below, the trash that rotted near the bottom, everything evil coming out at night to howl and scream at their master up above.

But something stopped Sedele’s retreat to her grave below. Her right hand’s hooks caught a rock and held tight, having her arm receive a treacherous pain, but keeping her body well maintained and alive else wise.

Thank the gods.

Slowly she crawled down, slowly she dug her boot into crevices in the rocky wall and slowly her hands became tired, and partially bloody. How did other Symenestan do this? Was there something she was doing wrong that others would do differently? Sedele didn’t know much of an answer, but when she started seeing people and somewhat amount of lighting, she grew excited.

She had reached Kalinor!

She had located a patch of webbing to land on, when she kicked her right leg forward, flipping in mid air to land smoothly onto the silken flooring. The feeling was strange, almost as though she were walking on water or clouds.

The atmosphere and surroundings were different too. Everything looked abnormal and different to someone who had been taught and warned to stay away from such a place.

Even the voices sounded strange. Sure, her father and her had only spoken to one another using the Symenos tongue, but to hear the eerie calls coming out of other people’s mouths was special and unique, something that Sedele had long wanted to experience for herself.

The voice was speaking to another person, the tone seemingly male. He sounded close to around teenage years, a little younger than Sedele herself.

She quickened her pace, her strides long and wilful, finding yet another wall, outstretched from its family to create a barrier, serving as a curtain that separated her from the two boys she heard talking on the other side.

She caught a glimpse, straining her neck to look over the lip of the barrier, to see that the two boys were arguing over a girl.

“I didn’t mean to! She had no balance.”

And then, “She’s invalid! What did you expect?!”

The voices sounded harsh, threatened and maybe even a little frightened, yet Sedele had no entire clue what or who they were speaking of. Obviously it was a she or else they would have refrained from speaking about a specific gender, but Sedele didn’t see where the young girl was.

The boys then assured to be back as they left for help. Sedele saw this as her time to explore, so she slipped out of her hiding place to sneak closer to the area the two boys had previously been fighting in.

All she saw was the clearing they had been in, but a soft wheezing sound told her different. She looked over the cliff to find a young girl crouched down, eyes shut, sitting on a ledge a few feet below where Sedele stood.

Intellect took over as Sedele reached over her shoulder to grasp her katana’s blade. She thanked her smart preparedness for remembering to bring it before she lowered the handle part to the girl below. The weapon was still in its sheath, as to not cut herself as she held the part where the blade would have been.

“Here you are,” she spoke kindly, her tongue touching her teeth in a soothing way as she was finally able to speak to someone of her same race besides her father. “That wasn’t nice of them to leave you like that.

She knew for sure that those boys wouldn’t be returning. She had seen the looks on their faces and had experienced something of the sort before to know that they were indeed lying.

Sedele continued to lower the sword down until the girl paid attention, her expression one of surprise and confusion before it slowly turned to recognition and gratitude.

“Don’t worry,” Sedele continued as she waited for the other Symenestra to take hold of the blade. She just hoped she wouldn’t pull Sedele down past her and into the depths of hell.

Geez this sucked. I hope you'll forgive me for the lack of detail and the quick work I put into my reply. I promise you they'll get better, and shorter, haha!

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Kids Will Be Kids [Sedele]

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on June 7th, 2013, 10:23 pm

Sosicly was not sure if they would come back, Viratas willing they would and if not she would only ask that Viratas show them what it meant to betray one of your own blood. Already she had begun to paw at the face of the stone but to lean her weight on the cut was bothersome, and she was tired as it were. Needless to say the blade surprised her, her relief immediate as were her hands and she reached to the sheathed weapon only to pull back quickly. The girl was not one she recognized from school, not even faintly, and she could not be much older than Sosicly herself.

But the young Sym had no book to even question the girl, and even the newcomer thought the boys would leave her. Sosicly hesitated for a few chimes, staring from the girl to her hand before coming to the decision that she had no decision. She pulled up the edge of her shirt to cover her cut awkwardly, curled her hand around the blade and placed her good hand on the wall. Hopefully it would give them leverage and not send them both onto the edge to wait for help that may or may not come.

Looking up at her savior Sosicly nodded her thanks, and allowed the other girl to pull her up, while Sosicly, used her good hand and feet to push and grip the edge. It was easier said than done. Twice she felt as if the other girl would drop her, or that she could not keep a grip on the sword as her hand burned in aggravation. Even that bit of effort had left her winded, wheezing painfully, and feeling as if there were something lodged in her throat. But her good hand was finally hooked onto the edge, and she released the sheath, holding on now with her elbow hooked over.

It was then she heard the voice, but she doubted the were help, it sounded like people come down which meant someone was back from the harvest. Eyes wide she squirmed, and pleaded silently for the other to help pull her up because this was as far as she was getting. Her good hand was slapping impatiently against the stone, while her legs kicked, and her feet tried to summon the strength to push her up and over.
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Kids Will Be Kids [Sedele]

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on September 16th, 2013, 12:24 am

Sosicly was more than shocked. The voices had not been coming down, they had been coming up. The two boys had actually gone and gotten help. However, things quickly deteriorated from there. Seeing the sword, Sosicly’s cut, and her dangling from the ledge and the two Ochya were speaking calmingly to her savior, as if the other Symenestra were something dangerous.

So surprised by the strange turn, Soscily released the sheath and plopped back down, staring up in surprised at events. She still thought the boys were idiots but they were not murders, however involuntary. So she watched, with growing parts amusement and annoyance as her would-be-rescuer attempted to explain why she was pointing a sword and why Sosicly was bleeding on a ledge so far from home.

It a took a few chimes for things to get straightened, and by that time Sosicly’s cut had clotted and was throbbing painfully. A moment later she was hauled over the edge, flashing the other girl a grateful smile, throwing the boys a dirty glare then being picked up by her very unhappy mother.

“Sosicly! If you would not wander off so—why are you bleeding?!” her mother demanded. Sosicly only shrugged, there was no reason to throw the two idiots off the proverbial cliff. Besides, it would be much more interesting for them to wind up on the wrong end of one of Savidis’. pranks Not to mention the guilt trips, perhaps she could even get a few free piggybacks around the city.

She grinned at the thought. Then turned to look for her almost rescuer again.
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on September 21st, 2013, 7:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Kids Will Be Kids [Sedele]

Postby Sedele on September 16th, 2013, 11:53 pm


Sedele watched plainfully as the pale woman hoisted herself up over the ledge. A few small boys started to traipse over to them wearing concerned faces. This caused Sedele to fall back slightly and watch as the girl she had saved was smothered into a hug by an older looking mother.

Sedele assumed the lady to be her mother.

Being welcomed into the shadows, Sedele waited. The girl had acknowledged and thanked her for her help, but it was an awkward time for Sedele, for she did not belong with all the others.

Should she leave or should she wait and see what was to happen? She didn't know and instead of leaving like she should have, she leant on her blade, now safely tucked under her arm and out of plain view.

Sedele disliked speaking to anyone and only did so when she was forced to or asked a question. It was difficult to stand there and see such a unique girl who could not speak either being tackled by voices who seemed to find her familiar.

Sedele missed a true family. She missed the laughs and the games they played, like families of human or Vantha or even Svefra origin did. Her life revolved around fighting, hunting and learning essential woodland techniques and she hated it.

The silence wafted around her as she sunk farther back into the darkness of the caverns. However, she didn't leave quite yet, for she was too enthralled in this Symenestra to part ways.

I am TERRIBLY sorry for ditching you like that. I didn't even PM you my delay. I took a vacation and then school started up and things were busy and I am so sorry for not responding to you earlier. I hope you haven't given up on me yet! ;)
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Kids Will Be Kids [Sedele]

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on September 21st, 2013, 7:25 pm

Sosicly finally was able to spot the other elder Symenestra girl hiding away in the shadows, it was not hard to recognize the envious look in her eyes. It was something she frequently had to tell herself not to do every time someone spoke.

Pulling away from her mothers concern she beckoned the other girl from the shadows. Her mother, Enasis, sighed and looked back to the girl she had previously scolded. "Is you friend injured?"

Sosicly shook her head slightly, and Enasis looked the other girl up and down again, before letting out a small sigh.

"You may come with us." The woman said finally, it sounded more like a demand than a request. Sosicly climbed onto her mothers back with a backwards glance, sure the other girl would follow.


Upon reaching the purging Sosicly was given paper, pen and ink, then immediately began to write questions to assault the other girl with.

Who are you? Were you also waiting for the Harvesters? Did you get injured? The last question seemed to be asked as an afterthought, but Sosicly's gaze didn't stray far from the girls sword. She wondered if the girl was the child of an Ochya member or wished to be one. It seemed strange to carry a weapon around so casually, as there was hardly any use for them within the city.

Sosicly finally handed the girl the paper, then gestured curiously to the sword, tacking on the silently question. Her hand chose then to throb, and she pressed it harder into her leg, intent on pretending it did not bother her while she waited.
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Kids Will Be Kids [Sedele]

Postby Sedele on October 28th, 2013, 1:31 am

Sedele continued to notice the elder woman hugging the girl she had just recently saved before she had released her grip. Mother and daughter, she presumed as the mother’s gaze fell onto Sedele, herself with minor hesitation.

“You may come with us,” she spoke to the shadows Sedele filled. Come with us where? she thought with concern. Where must they be going?

Having nothing better to do, Sedele came from out of the darkness and presented herself with ease, bowing ever so slightly to show her respect for the elder.

The girl, whom had been mute the entire time, hopped onto her mother’s back and turned without giving a second thought to Sedele. She was to follow, she knew that, and that was exactly what she was going to do.

Soon after a short trek from their previous position, Sedele found herself in front of the girl who was holding a pen and paper and was writing to her with them. She was surly mute, and part of her accepted this and appreciated it whilst the other found this a great displeasure on the girl’s part.

Who are you? Were you also waiting for the Harvesters? Did you get injured? Those were the questions that filled the paper with the dark ink.

She was soon handed the paper and ink, which Sedele took with slight eagerness, for if she didn’t that would be disrespectful and quite frankly, rude. Gesturing to her sword, the girl continued to ask her questions using body language.

To begin with, Sedele thought to ignore them, getting straight to the point of formalities speaking in a low and quiet voice, “What is your name, miss? I must know your name before I pursue in answering your many questions.”

She hoped she didn’t sound stubborn or uninterested, for this was the first thing she always wished to know: how to address her converser.

Secret :
Sorry that this is late again!

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Kids Will Be Kids [Sedele]

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on November 1st, 2013, 6:04 pm

Sosicly flushed a bit and hastily scribbled her name. in her excitement she had forgotten proper manners, and she was glad her mother was speaking with the Purging attendants or she’d be in for an earful. I am Sosicly Magnolia. I am sorry to forget to introduce myself. What is your name?

She took a tick to make sure it sounded right then handed it off again, squeezing her tight as soon as both hands were free from her writing utensils. However, before the other girl could answer here Enasis appeared beside them. Again she looked at Sedele before giving a curt nod to her and patting Sosicly on the head.

“Both of you will follow the attendant into the room and wait, I will be out here when you finish, Bittaly.”

Sosicly winced at her mothers words, clearly both reassuring and a threat that promised days without leaving the Web. Eagerly she grabbed the other girls hand in on free one, her injured hand she pressed to her chest with her paper things and nearly skipped away from her mother.

When they reached the small doctors room Sosicly awkwardly crawled onto the bed, paper and quill still pressed to her chest. As she situated herself, taking the attendants offered ink vial with a smile Sosicly then patted the bed beside her eagerly. She was excited, in a bit more pain than she had been previously but the girl had a sword! And anything that held off her mothers inevitable scolding was more than welcome in the little girls eyes.

OOCNever a problem, just glad you’re still writing! :D
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