Flashback The Aspirant

Lydan's training into the art of stealth and unarmed (Finished)

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

The Aspirant

Postby Lydan Verdjak on June 12th, 2013, 6:16 am

31st of Winter, 390 AV
It had been a few weeks after Lydan's Rite of Trial, he could remember the smell of ash and smoke from the dark morning by then. He rolled over in bed for several moments, before a knock came at the door. Surprised, Lydan bolted up and rolled out of bed, pressing his palm over the handle before pulling it open. It was early in the morning, and the first personality was deep full of dread over the second's actions just a few weeks ago, he had little desire to sleep. As he opened the door he spotted the face of his father, and a rather slim Akalak figure beside him. Sported in dark clothing, a hood was perched over his face.

"Training starts today."

Minutes passed whilst and after Lydan got dressed, the hooded figure specified, "Nothing more than some sandals and some dark clothing." As he left the apartment and gathered outside, bringing his newly-crafted wooden Lakan with him, he gazed towards the figure expectantly, noting his father's absence. The figure nodded, "I am Mal'than, I will teach you in the profession you've sought after." Frowning and gritting his teeth slightly, Lydan nodded. As they made their way down a dark alley, Mal'than turned around now and eyed Lydan. "One of the most important things you should learn about stealth, be ready to exit out of it pretty quickly, I'll show you one way to do that, put your Lakan away for now." Lydan obeyed, and sheathed the weapon.

He watched as Mal'than spoke, "There are lots of weak spots in the human body, and in the fight, unarmed or not, you can exploit these." He continued, "Fighting isn't about any sense of honor, creed, or those other delusions. Discipline is important, but only because it keeps your head screwed on." He nodded, sighing. "Now there are many weak spots on the human body, but on a male, assuming that's what you're fighting, there are at least four that can be the most painful." He licked his lips, going on. "As you may know, the first and foremost is the groin, a knee to that will cripple a man for at least a minute or so. And it isn't exactly painless for women either, but I think you're going to regret it if your hands or feet come close to that area of a woman's body without her say-so." Lydan smirked, letting him go on, "Now the next," He paused, "Is the solar plexus, directly under the bones of a man's chest and into the top of the flesh on his stomach." He gestured for the particular spot, nodding. "Hopefully he won't be wearing any tough armor, a knee, punch, stab or anything painful to this area will cause -ANYONE- to stop breathing for at least seven or so seconds, if you hit them hard enough." He bit his lips slightly, "There is also the neck, and funny bone, for the neck your best bet is to punch it as hard as you can if you're going for non-lethal, or just stab it. Now the funny bone, hitting that hard enough will leave a man unable to move his arm comfortably for a week or so .. or more."

"Now kid, I don't want you to kick me in the groin or disable my funny bone, so we're just going to have training elsewhere." He said before they set off to the Tuvya Sasaran, the sun was already risen somewhat. And they entered to be greeted by the sounds of flesh pounding flesh, and generaly practice. It was not long before Lydan found a training partner, the two bowing before charging at once another, Lydan's foot quickly scrambled for the boy's crotch before being grabbed by the youth's hand and thrown back. He scrambled to defend himself as the boy charged over, sending a fist into his solar plexus, the boy's eyes widening as he gasped and collapsed over. Another trainee was sent in, someone slightly older than Lydan this time as he charged over, Lydan remained in place and then landed a knee in his crotch. The man clenched his teeth with rage as he grabbed Lydan's neck, his own fist landed on the man's in return and caused him to release. And then the same knee pounding him in the solar plexus.

The next fight, with someone of more experience, Lydan was grabbed by the neck and thrown onto the ground, a knock out. He awoke a few minutes later, outside the Sasaran, "Well, you did good until that last beating kid, head back home and I'll show you the art of tip-toeing later."
Last edited by Lydan Verdjak on June 12th, 2013, 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lydan Verdjak
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The Aspirant

Postby Lydan Verdjak on June 12th, 2013, 3:49 pm

Later that day, 31st of Winter
He slowly made his way outside the apartment, down the steps and into the street as he faced Mal'than now. It was just past dusk now, the way was dark outside and the only lighting was the frequenting lantern and from candles and so on. "Now for the tricks of the trade." Mal'than and Lydan exchanged a smile and nod, before they snuck off into the night. Lydan's back was perched slighty as he copied Mal'than's stance as per his order. Mal'than rose and spoke up as he nodded, "If you want to go around undetected, you're best bet is to do so when the light of day isn't around to hinder you, remain out of people's line of sight and try to not make too much noise." Lydan nodded as Mal'than held a demonstration, narrowing down the streets that faced the waterfall past several unsuspecting figures as he glided between the shadows of candles and lanterns.

Mal'than returned slowly, and with a smile. "Now, if you've been listening and paying attention, I want you to manage your way across the City and to the Overlook Apartments, I've hired a few suckers to start looking for you, if you get caught by them ... remember your training."

Lydan nodded as Mal'than watched him ease down the same way he went, turning and going around Rookery Park as he spotted Wysar's Tower, he made his way to it as close as he thought was safe and then turned down the street, easing down the City Council Building without too loud a noise, just past the light's of Almond Blossom and The School of Earth & Life Sciences, his sandals were started to make too much noise against the rocky street floor, and so he took these off and put them in his pack as he started to walk on his feet and turned southwards past Zulrav's Tower and Labor Aid along with several more buildings and businesses.

He continued his tiptoed creeping over the bridge before he felt a hand grab him by the shoulder,

"Caught you, I'm gonna get so much coin from thi-" The masculine voice had no more time for words as a fist disabled him via crotch-punch, and Lydan begun to jog down the rest of the bridge, hearing footsteps running towards him as he cut for the right and past Crystal's Rose and through the grass and over some road as he bolted past the sides and entrances of several buildings, the rest was quite a rush to him but he eventually eased down to simply tiptoeing the rest of the way.

He finally came across the familiar apartment entrance and fitted his palm over the knob as he walked in, he was greeted by his father and an amused and proud Mal'than. He was too exhausted to take any comment or praise as he found his room and plopped down the bed, asleep within moments.
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The Aspirant

Postby Magpie on June 18th, 2013, 7:25 pm

Lydon :
Observation +2
Unarmed Combat +2
Stealth +1

Stealth: Defending Yourself if Caught
It's Okay to Fight Dirty
4 Bodily Weak Points
Stealth is Best at Night
Barefoot for Silent Walking
Navigating Riverfall by Landmark

Notes :
Be sure to fill out Mal'than's profile and submit him to the NPC Creation thread.

I was glad to see Lydon more out of his depth here, testing his limits and failing when he exceeded them. I wish I could have given you more points, but experience is awarded on a per-post basis. Overall, this was a good, short read of a young man just getting into the stealth business, and I look forward to seeing more.

If you have any questions or concerns about what was awarded, please don't hesitate to PM me.
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