[Verified by Jupiter] Jonah Telemnar

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Jonah Telemnar

Postby Jonah Telemnar on June 13th, 2013, 12:16 am

Jonah Telemnar



Race - Human
Age - 29
Birthdate - Summer 484 AV
Birthplace - Ravok
Location - Ravok
Occupation- Sailor

Jonah is a tall broad shouldered man, nearing 6'2". His hair is short brown and is nearly always messy. He has inherited his fathers storm grey eyes and his skin tone, a warm tanned brown. His jaw is covered in a light stubble which he keeps trimmed. A large scar wraps around his right elbow and he limps, due to an injury in his left knee, which causes him pain during cold weather.

Character Concept
Jonah is first and foremost a family man. He is extremely loyal to his family, friends and loved ones and loves water, which is the primary reason he still lives in Ravok. Unlike the majority of Ravokians he is not loyal to Rhysol, regarding the god with respectful indifference, a fact that he very rarely shares, even to his family.
He adores his youngest sibling and only sister, Ireth, and has taken it upon himself to look after her as their father would if he were still alive.
He is ambitious and bold, focused mainly on one day buying his own ship and starting his own trading business. He also see's no problem in taking up less than moral odd jobs here and there.

Character History
Jonah is the eldest of six children and has picked up his fathers occupation after his death. Though the family was by no means wealthy they were happy, all close to one another and rarely fighting.
Following in the steps of his father, Jonah took up work as a sailor and fisherman, despite his mother's pleas to reconsider, as she feared he would suffer the same fate as her husband.


Primary - Common
Secondary - Fratava
Poor - Nari


Skill Experience Level
Sailing 30 SP Competant
Fishing 15 RB Novice
Weapon, Spear 10 Sp Novice
Flux 10 Sp Novice


Lore of Street Layout in Ravok
Lore of Ravokian Culture


-One set of clothing (Shirt, pants, underwear, boots, cloak)
-One Waterskin
-One Backpack (1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap), Food for a week, 1 eating knife, Flint & Steel)
-Long Spear
-Hist Fathers Great Sword (heirloom)


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Spear -5 GM 95 GM


Location: Ravok

House: An average sized, single room apartment with a bed, table, a couple chairs, wardrobe, and complimentary chamber pot.

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Jonah Telemnar
Posts: 7
Words: 679
Joined roleplay: June 12th, 2013, 5:39 am
Race: Human
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