(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role play forums. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)
The player scrapbooks forum is literally a place for writers to warm-up, brainstorm, keep little scraps of notes, or just post things to encourage themselves and each other. Each player can feel free to create their own thread - one per account - and use them accordingly.
I've a knack for plotting it seems, as I have two going on now. (Ricky's estate and inbound family) Which is why these two plots are gonna be my ongoing, and my next plot for Summer will be the last I plan for him. As far as I can tell he's set for the rest of the year plus longer, so I definitely won't be making any more plots for him.
It feels good to have completed my Character Sheet, really good. If this is the satisfaction of a simple writeup, I can't imagine the sense of accomplishment actual authors experience, having poured years into their craft.
There is still plenty to do before I will be able to relax and settle down into the season. I need to piece together my gnosis request into an equally acceptable submission. From there, I think I'll get started campaigning for thread partners and set up some timetables for Summer.
After that I should be able to soak up the awesomeness of Mizahar as it was intended. I'll allow myself to fuss over these last few items on my to-do list, but then I'd like to promise myself a worry free collaborative storytelling journey.
You should feel special. We did this together. But... like mentioned in chat.
But in all seriousness, Jabari, this looks pretty good. We only found two issues with it!
In order to have the Wilderness Survival skill, you must have an associated Lore having to do with survival to go along with it. Such as Lore of Making a Fire, or Lore of Poisonous Plants.
Being Vantha, I'd suggest setting the color of your character's hair to black with colorful reflections or highlights. It is one of their traits. Though this is up to you, it's something that is special about the race. On top of that, I recommend making a chart of what emotions or meanings the different eye colors mean.
You should end up in Avanthal or Wind Reach. We want to write with you.
Now, you knew this was coming. You did. Once you're done reading this and have changed the lore, let one of us know and we'll get rid of this post! Also, can't wait to see you writing your heart out or in chat making everyone feel comfortable!
~Jupiter and Stardust AKA Jardust
I sigh now with a smile on my face. Part of me was sure I had covered all my bases, and the perfectionist inside shakes their fist. But then there is another, MUCH larger part of me, that loves the above quote so much that it was totally worth making those tiny! mistakes.
Congrats on finally finishing your CS, Jabari! May you finally end your chase someday and grasp your dreams!
If you ever found yourself to be in Syliras City. Just PM me and we'll plan a thread together! We're both Vanthas (Well, at least Kouri used to be one...)
"common" | "vani" | thoughts
Important Note: I'm not accepting new threads unless I promised you beforehand, I'm sorry for any inconveniences caused.
I'm not sure how often this question will come up, if at all, but I thought I'd address the whole "know without knowing" aspect of Jabari Dreamchaser.
It we go back in time a handful of weeks, you'll find me coming across the Konti and Avalis lore pages of the Mizahar wiki. You may or may not hear a squee depending on your observation level. >.> Needless to say (and yet I still do!) I fell in love with both Avalis and her daughters, the Konti. I already had a sliver of an idea of who Jabari would be, but this was the point where a lot of his history started to develop.
So anyway, fast forward to a desire to have Avalis active in Jabari's journey (as a gnosis request early on and perhaps if I am good, a modded thread in the seasons to come) and I started to wonder what does a goddess say to her favored. More specifically, what does a deity who is aware of past, present, and future say to someone she marks?
"Go get em buddy?"
I don't think so!
Hmm, then I would need something awesome, and epic, and mysterious for her to say. I don't know how many of you all have seen Princess Monoke, but there is this really cool goal that one of the main characters has: "to see with eyes unclouded by hate." I still get goosebumps.
The quote is just over a minute in, though I'd suggest watching the whole trailer, and then the whole movie!
Right. One liners. Of course, that's how the gods roll. And then somehow it came to me.
"to know without knowing"
I may get around to posting my gnosis request thread eventually. It actually feels really private to me right now, which is strange considering this site is all about collaborative storytelling and character development. What I can offer is that at one point Jabari ask Avalis what he must do to return home, to which she replies... wait for it.
"When you know without knowing."
Yeah. So. I'm pretty happy with it.
Long story short. If you see Jabari mention or think about his quest to "know without knowing," you will now have a bit more context.
I was clicking around on the site and saw you posted on a thread. So I immediately creeped on it and came to bother you in your scrapbook. Because that's how Jupiter rolls-err, spins. Rotates. Whatever.
Anyways, this is another way of me saying "Hi! It's been a while!" So yeah. Hi.