Closed Not All Doves are Perfect (Corneliun)

Leila returns a poor bird to Priskil's Spire

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

Not All Doves are Perfect (Corneliun)

Postby Leila on March 12th, 2013, 7:45 pm

Timestamp: Spring 80, 513

Leila was laying on her stomach, propped up by a pillow, with her journal open in front of her, while she tried to consider a meal that Shaco might enjoy, and would be good for him. She knew that meat was really good for dogs, especially raw, and fresh. She'd never gone hunting or anything like that before, but surely there was a shop somewhere that sold those sort of critters. Maybe a butcher would sell her some leftovers. She wondered if dogs should have vegetables or not. She'd seen Shaco try eating grass when he was bored or not feeling well, so it couldn't be too bad.

"Shaco Dog Food Recipe:
Leftovers from a butcher, raw
Maybe learn how to fish? Lots of fish here.
Can dogs eat fish? Find out.
Can dogs eat vegetables? Really should ask someone.
I'm not even sure what sort of meats he prefers. Should start trying them out."

As she finished jotting down her thoughts, she noticed that the wind was whipping up violently, with no clouds out to signal a storm. She started packing up her things, and was about to climb down the ladder on the side of her flat when a small bird cried out in desperation above her. Leila threw her hands up, which held the pillow she rested on, to keep her from being attacked. Thump. There was a weight on the other side of the pillow, not heavy, just something foreign. She put down her arms, cradling the pillow, and saw a dove laying there, chest rising and falling, one of its wings at an awkward angle. It had a note tied to its leg, and Leila, as most residents of Zeltiva would, knew where it came from. Priskil's Spire.

She untied the note, read "Enry Leifson, East Street," and sighed. The bird was really far from where it's destination was, and it was injured. Realizing she'd just gained an errand, she set down the pillow, and finished packing up everything into her backpack. Then carefully holding the injured bird on its soft carriage, she climbed down the ladder and began the trek to the tower of the Light Goddess.

Several chimes later, Leila was standing in front of the Spire, in the Old Quarter. "Hang in there little birdy, you're home now." She stepped inside, and called out, "Hello? I have one of the doves, it's injured. Can someone help me?"
I'm accepting threads only for Summer 513 AV or Flashbacks with Leila. If you'd like to thread, PM me with a date and a basic idea of what you'd like to do! Thanks!
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Not All Doves are Perfect (Corneliun)

Postby Corneliun on March 12th, 2013, 9:00 pm


How many days has it been now? Three? Four? No. Five days. By the gods, this city is a maze. How do people make their way around here?
It had been five days since he had landed upon this distant shore. Five days of being lost within the bustling port city. Five days of being lost and making mistakes. And in all honesty, Corneliun was at his wits end. Not that he let it bring him down too much, even with the unusual glances received from the locals. He after all looked like a foreigner to them, from the strange clothes to the pale skin, even with the bastard sword attached. Did he really look that strange? Did he really stand out that much?
Like Ahnatep all over again, he mused as he pushed himself on A big city and a lot of questioning eyes.

For a while Corneliun made himself wander, and it was through his wandering that he found his sense of direction lost once more. A cruel state for a foreigner, but what was perhaps more concerning was the rushing winds that raced through the tell tale sign of a brewing storm. Or at least to the locals, Corneliun for the most part was oblivious to the thought until the grey storm clouds rolled in on the horizon. He stalled for a moment, back straightening as he turned on his heel. He had to get back to the inn, or at least find somewhere to shelter in. A curse rolled from his tongue, before he quickly walked in the direction he thought would take him to shelter.

How very wrong he was.

Before him stood Priskil’s tower, a beacon of hope for some. A beacon of confusion for Corneliun. The mixed blood gave a sigh and hoisted up his backpack, his golden eyes turning to the sky for a moment before he hurried himself on. He traced his way around the outside before ducking into the entrance of the tower. The first thing that hit him was the smell, the scent of birds and dust filling the air. He gave a snort, followed by a loud sneeze that echoed throughout. The cooing of the doves answered him, and almost hesitantly he stepped in to look about. He heard the voice of another, talking in common a tongue he had yet to hear properly in a long time. A question, a woman seeking an answer. He paused again, thinking for a moment on how to react.
I mean, I could go over. But it’s someone new! Isn’t this supposed to be about seeing the world? But you’ll look like an idiot! Oh, be quiet.He swallowed, “Uh… um… Ah… Hello? I’m not sure I can help as such but uh…” Smooth… real smooth.

"...He dares to be a fool, and that is the first step in the direction of wisdom..."

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Not All Doves are Perfect (Corneliun)

Postby Leila on March 12th, 2013, 10:08 pm

She heard a sneeze, followed by a clumsy introduction. It seemed like all of the men in this town were clumsy when it came to speaking to her, better than all those suitors her mother tried to get her to go out with though. A worried look upon her brow and in her tone, "Do you work here? This bird is injured, he landed on my roof, and I think he belongs here."

While she awaited his answer, she studied him quickly. Foreign definitely, not human, fairly certain, but not unusual for Zeltiva. Many different races traveled through here to get to other lands, or to come to the University. But Leila wasn't really sure what race he was exactly. No matter. "Please, this bird needs help, can you help it? Or find someone who can?"
I'm accepting threads only for Summer 513 AV or Flashbacks with Leila. If you'd like to thread, PM me with a date and a basic idea of what you'd like to do! Thanks!
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Not All Doves are Perfect (Corneliun)

Postby Corneliun on March 13th, 2013, 8:57 am


“Uh, no I don’t work here,” Corneliun responded to the question, feeling those eyes looking upon him with study. It was perhaps almost instinctual that he made himself straighten out, as he felt those eyes analyse his frame. He looked for the most part human, and would no doubt be easily mistaken for one. He gave a smile, his eye brows raising as he heard the pleading tone.
I have to do something right? I mean, she needs help? Cornelun, activate the rogue already! But this is a new-

“I don’t think I can help, but uh… this is a bird cote right?” It was at this moment that he turned his eyes up into the floor above and the source of cooing “So, there should be someone nearby who can help? Like a keeper perhaps? I’ll see what I can do.”
To be honest, Corneliun would not have been surprised if he was accused of talking nonsense. He after all was a foreigner in this place with little knowledge. Stepping back he gave a frown, his eyes searching for a possible way up if need be.
“Oi!” he began. He sounded more brutish as he spoke, but when raising ones voice and shouting there was little else he could do “Anyone about?”
He listened to the silence for a moment, ears pricking to the sounds other than the cooing of the doves. The quiet sound of scraping came from above, the patter of something or someone, moving about. A response to the call, he could not tell, so he called out again “I’ve got business with the tower!”
“Well… not really,” he gave a shrug “But it seems the best way to get people to move these days.”

"...He dares to be a fool, and that is the first step in the direction of wisdom..."

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Not All Doves are Perfect (Corneliun)

Postby Leila on March 13th, 2013, 8:45 pm

Leila was about to give up on the man, she was sure he wanted to help, but frankly he seemed a little useless in this matter. He probably hadn't been here long, and knew nothing of the place. But help did find her in a roundabout way.


A very angry woman was glaring at Leila as she stormed over to the newly met pair. As the woman got there, Leila started trying to explain, and was answered with a slap across the face, bringing stinging tears to her eyes, "AND YOU HURT IT?!"

The woman took the pillow with the bird from Leila's arms, leaving the auburn haired girl looking lost, and extremely upset. She muttered, extremely quietly "I was just trying to help..." as tears slowly flowed down her cheeks. The woman huffed and stormed off elsewhere into the tower, "Some people..."

Leila turned to her companion, using her sleeve to wipe the tears from her face, her grey-green eyes shining through the dampness. "I'm sorry for pestering you like that, I could've done it myself." She moved toward the door, shoulders slumped, nose sniffling, much akin to a kicked dog.
I'm accepting threads only for Summer 513 AV or Flashbacks with Leila. If you'd like to thread, PM me with a date and a basic idea of what you'd like to do! Thanks!
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Not All Doves are Perfect (Corneliun)

Postby Corneliun on March 13th, 2013, 10:14 pm


Before Corneliun had any real chance to react. He watched the woman storm over, words of rage filling her tone, displaying actions that surprised him for this more human ruling city. Ahnatep he could perhaps understand it, the culture was different there. But here? Zeltiva? A place prided on education and learning? He felt himself at a bit of a loss. Part of him wanted to shout out and stand up for the woman, the other made him wonder if it was the correct custom to do so. His temper flared for a moment, but for the most part he pushed it down. He gave a swear in Arumenic, a string of insults which no doubt sounded like nonsense to the others, before his voice became suddenly little more than a purr.

“I heard, doves are very nice to eat. I’ll be sure to come back and acquire one to test this,” he gave a charming smile as he said this, full of air and confidence. His shoulders rolled back, and with a solid stride he went after this new companion of his without hesitation “It is fine. It seems some people are very quick to judge without asking questions and listening in this city.”
He watched her wipe away a tear, those saddened eyes look upon him. He had to at least try and improve the situation. His golden eyes glimmered for a moment before he reached out and simply tapped her on the back. He flashed a smile, his eyes meeting hers as he bent slightly to her height “Perhaps, Tira would possibly like to try and help this fool instead? If that is alright?”
It had indeed been a long time since he last had to use common tongue, he was certain his words and phrases were off, more so when he had to remind himself to not talk in a foreign tongue. Never the less, he needed help anyway, if anything to help him gain some bearings within this maze of a city.

"...He dares to be a fool, and that is the first step in the direction of wisdom..."

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Not All Doves are Perfect (Corneliun)

Postby Leila on March 14th, 2013, 7:24 pm

Leila chuckled through her tears at the man's comment about eating a dove. "Tira? Who is Tira?" This man was at least a polite and kind foreigner. Her face still stung, and she still had a bit of venom left in her for that woman, but him making her laugh was allowing that to dissipate. "I'm sure she was just overly worried, if she's one of those that takes care of the doves. Maybe she just needs a joke played on her, laugh some more in life. Thank you... Oh, I don't know your name. I'm Leila, Leila Hughes." She stuck out a delicate hand for a shake.

She began looking around the spire, having never been within it before. Her parents were the furthest things from religious without being extremists. Maybe her companion would like to join her, "Would you like to tour here with me? This is my first time here." She looked over at him, her eyes clear of tears now, a small curve upon her lips.
I'm accepting threads only for Summer 513 AV or Flashbacks with Leila. If you'd like to thread, PM me with a date and a basic idea of what you'd like to do! Thanks!
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Not All Doves are Perfect (Corneliun)

Postby Corneliun on March 14th, 2013, 8:55 pm


“Ah, apologies. Tira from where I come from means, ‘Miss’,” he gave an awkward smile as he explained his words, before listening to her own. He played attentive, his eyes unwavering from hers. It was best to play alert in these sorts of situations, to be able to take gentle verbal steps around the person. By doing so he would catch on to how to act accordingly, if not to her but to the other people of Zeltiva. Mannerisms and traits were useful to learn in order to fit in. He gave a nod to the woman as she spoke her name, before speaking his own.
“Corneliun, Corneliun Frik,” he gave an incline of his head and stretched out his broader hand to shake hers.
Wow... you got her name without asking? That's a first.

There was a lot one could tell about hands, employment, personality, where they stood. Her hands were small and delicate indeed, smooth in comparison to his larger and rougher ones, the hands of a fighter and a swordsman – to a degree at least, he would not call himself skilled. He released his hold, and took a step away.
“Join you? It would be a pleasure Ti- I mean, Miss Hughes. But firstly I need you to answer a question for me,” It was at this point he turned and gestured to the tower with a puzzled expression upon his face “What… is this place? Other than a dove cote that is. If you know that is.”

"...He dares to be a fool, and that is the first step in the direction of wisdom..."

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Not All Doves are Perfect (Corneliun)

Postby Leila on March 16th, 2013, 11:45 pm

She blushed slightly as his large, rough hand enveloped hers. Handshakes always had a way of making her feel even smaller than she actually was, though she rarely minded. She'd never had any notions of romance to a real man, just girlish crushes on boys her mother never allowed her to talk to, but she always had this thought that if she were to fall in love, it would be with a man than made her feel small. Then the man looked quite confused, which upon his brow, was quite cute.

"Even though I've never been here before, I've heard that this is a shrine to Priskil, as well as... what did you call it? A dovecote? I've not heard that term before, but there are doves here. People, mostly politicians I think, use them to send messages all over town. Now come on, let's look around. Do you think they'll let us up at the top?" Her enthusiasm to learn more of the building quickly squashed the hurt from the woman earlier. Once more her small hand grasped his, pulling him further into the building, not entirely sure where she was heading, a playful smile adorning her lips.
I'm accepting threads only for Summer 513 AV or Flashbacks with Leila. If you'd like to thread, PM me with a date and a basic idea of what you'd like to do! Thanks!
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Not All Doves are Perfect (Corneliun)

Postby Paragon on June 13th, 2013, 12:52 pm


Skill XP Earned
Writing 1
Animal Husbandry 1
Socialisation 1

Lore Earned
Trying to Help an Injured Dove
Corneliun Frik (acquaintance)
Location: Priskil's Spire

Legend Becomes Reality

Thanks for helping the dove! If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, please send me a PM and we can work from there.
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