[Location] Citizen Registration Office

Here you can register as a citizen of Ravok.

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

[Location] Citizen Registration Office

Postby Irriari on May 31st, 2013, 11:03 pm


1st Day of Summer, 513 AV
Irriari snarled at the large grouping of humans that stared at her. A young child spoke aloud, unaware of how foolish he was for doing so,

“What is that thing, Mommy? Why is it here?”

Irriari clenched her poison coated claws, wishing that she could rip the childs fat face off. The fat could serve as a means to condition her bowstring, while the mother screamed in agony as an accompanying soundtrack. The zith clutched the citizenship paper in hand, ignoring the squiggles that decorated the page.

When it was her turn in line, Irriari offered the paper to the attendant and spoke,

“I would like to become a citizen of Ravok. I am apprentice of the Ebonstryfe, and with luck, I hope to become a soldier. I also can’t read. Can you help me?”

Last edited by Irriari on June 13th, 2013, 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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[Location] Citizen Registration Office

Postby Verilian on June 11th, 2013, 4:55 pm

Normally Jill might have denied a Zith the request for citizenship, or made them jump through a series of annoying hoops. But.. as soon as Irriari said the word Ebonstryfe things changed. One of the paladins who were always on duty was called over to confirm, and after a glance at Irriari the paladin nodded. Jill quickly took Irriari's form and began to help her fill it out.

"I just need your name and place of birth, and if you know them, the names of your parents, though that isn't necessary if they aren't from Ravok. Since you are an apprentice, the other requirements have been waived."

Once Irriari gave her the appropriate information, Jill finished filling out the form and readied her citizenship papers. All that was left was the oath.

"There is one more thing.. I know you are an apprentice, and may have already done this before, but all applicants are required to swear an oath, in their own words, acknowledging Rhysol as their lord and agreeing to abide by the laws of the Black Sun."
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[Location] Citizen Registration Office

Postby Irriari on June 13th, 2013, 6:21 pm


Irriari spoke her name quickly, then paused when the woman asked for her place of birth. While the colony was in the middle of the Sea of Grass, it was near impossible to pinpoint its exact location with words.
The oath was even more problematic, and Irriari searched for the correct words that would convey obedience and servitude in the Common tongue. She began slowly, hoping that her words would fulfill whatever requirements they wished of her.

“I pledge my body and self to Rhysol, as I once did to my colony. I will fight in his name as I did for the Elders and my race, and I will seek to destroy those that oppose him. I will follow the rules of the Black Sun, as the will of the god commands.”

After her oath, Irriari added in a few words in her native tongue, knowing that the girl in front of her wouldn’t be able to register the addendum.

“Service, obedience, and loyalty past death… you have my wings, Rhysol.”

Irriari blinked and looked upward to the human girl, waiting for her to acknowledge or deny the oath.


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[Location] Citizen Registration Office

Postby Verilian on June 13th, 2013, 8:52 pm

Jill nodded with approval. The oath was a good one, and while she couldn't understand, or even hear parts of, the last part, she assumed that it was something in the Zith's native tongue. But the oath was done, and that was what mattered most. All the woman had left to do was finish it up, and then she slid the paper across the desk to Irriari.

"Congratulations! You are now a probationary citizen of Ravok. After two seasons, you will be considered a full citizen. They both have the same benefits, but if you break any laws, or leave the city for an extended period of time before your probationary period is over, your citizenship will be revoked and you will have to reapply. Thank you for choosing Ravok as your home. You're free to go."

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Ravok Citizenship Papers*Please add these to your inventory.
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[Location] Citizen Registration Office

Postby Sisas on November 22nd, 2013, 8:01 pm

46 Fall, 513AV

Sisas carefully approached the desk, explaining his purpose in requesting citzenship to the clerk sitting there. He was asked several questions, to which he gave his answers.

Name: Sisas
Race: Dhani, Viper
Parentage: Dhani from Ekytol
Place of Birth: Nest near Ahnatep

Primary Trade: Torture, Interrogation
Known Magic: None
Financial Holdings: 55GM

Please state your reason for being in Ravok: Looking for employment and place to further torture and interrogation skills

Once he'd given his answers, Sisas waited for a response.
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[Location] Citizen Registration Office

Postby Inoadar on December 7th, 2013, 7:57 pm

30th of Winter, 513

Inoadar felt good about Vera's chances. With the past destruction of the CEB and the mix-up of so much documentation, he felt it likely that no one would think twice about a little girl applying for citizenship. Also, the fact that 'solid citizen, Nolan Parnell', would be vouching for her only added to the likelihood of success.

Ever since he acquired her, after making the deal with Vanari that served as an impromptu adoption, he had been subtly ingraining an appreciation for Rhysol into the girl's psyche. He outlined the tough upbringing that had made her strong and brought her to Inoadar, who now was giving her a real chance at a stable and worthwhile life above what many others settled for. That her slavery had NOT broken her, and in fact made it so those things which others would cringe at in fear, SHE would not even deign worthy of notice.

He'd compared his own legitimately painful childhood and how it had served HIM the same way. That Rhysol "tested" us all this way, and that she, like Inoadar, had been found worthy and been elevated beyond the mere rank-and-file citizenry of common laborers and whores. He truly believed these things, and knew that it was better that she not try to memorize some pledge speech, but speak from her heart, with devotion for the one true god above all others.

So when they entered the Registration office, he was proud to see her appear unaffected by the sense of being watched that pervaded the institute. 'Another test' he had warned her. 'Another opportunity to show our Lord Rhysol that you do not give in to fear and that your devotion is genuine'. She was completely living up to his hopes. 'What a fool that fat merchant was to ignore her potential.' he thought with satisfaction. 'Rhysol did me another service by providing her to ME, not just me to her.'

He handed her the registration form, and felt yet another surge of pride that she knew her letters and wanted to fill out the form herself.

Name: Verennia Melling
Race: Human
Parentage: Barrett and Charnelle Melling, both dead
Place of Birth: The Wilds outside of Nyka

Primary Trade: Apprentice to Nolan Parnell (Adult citizen vouching)
Known magic: None
Financial Holdings: None, but provided by Mr. Parnell.

Please state your reason for being in Ravok: To serve Mr. Parnell, and our Lord, Rhysol.

He guided her to the office door and held it open for her. He shook his head when she looked the question at him. She now registered some fear for the first time. It was nothing to be ashamed of, he new. "I will be right out here, Vera. You will be fine. You belong here, you will contribute, and you believe. Nothing else is necessary."

He did not know which registrar she was getting, nor if he would be asked to enter as well, to vouch for her, but he repressed the butterflies in his stomach and sat down to wait.
I would prefer you called me "Nolan Parnell"...In fact, I insist.

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[Location] Citizen Registration Office

Postby Abstract on December 9th, 2013, 11:33 pm



Tawny read through the application, frowning at the second statement. A Dhani? That was a problem. Going through the rest of the writing caused his lips to curl into their usual, slightly disturbing, smile. He stared up at Sisas for several moments, watching the Dhani and his moves. "You don't look like a Dhani" he mentioned, one eyebrow raised in apparent interest. "And you don't seem to have enough money to pay the usual... security fee."

In an attempt to explain the concept, he continued. "As a non-human, you are more likely to cause problems in Ravok... so it's required to place a two hundred gold miza deposit fee during your application..." He let on a dramatic pause, still staring straight at Sisas. "However, I could quite simply... change... your application for a different price. Say... how does fifty-four gold mizas sound?" He grinned widely, teeth showing in a slightly disturbing expression. He wasn't going to say 'all of your money' and '55gm' would have been too forthright... though there was mockery in his statement that practically laughed at the amount of money the Dhani had.


Jill smiled shyly as the girl approached. She took the offered application and read it through, nodding as she went through it. Human citizen, young, devoted to Rhysol... with a respectable citizen at her back as a voucher. There was no reason to deny Verennia her papers, so the woman set down the sheet of paper and glanced over the girl.

"Well... are you ready to fully become a citizen? You must swear an oath to Rhysol as your lord, and to follow all the laws of the Black Sun. You can say it in your own words." She gave the girl a reassuring smile, though watched Verennia carefully.
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[Location] Citizen Registration Office

Postby Inoadar on December 10th, 2013, 1:06 am

Verennia's eyes were bright, but her nerves were dancing nervously. She wanted this so much, but she wasn't sure what to say, she'd never sworn an oath before. She'd made her promises to Master Nolan to be an obedient apprentice, but she thought this was supposed to be more than that.

"Yes, Ma'am, I very much want to be a citizen..." she swallowed hard, closing her eyes tightly as her hands wandered. She did not know what to do with them, so she finally placed them on her heart. Her voice shook slightly as she began. "Lord Rhysol...I thank you for Master Nolan...And for Aunt Vanari...And for the chance you're giving me..." It felt good to her to say this, it felt right, and her voice became steadier. "I know now that my time in the orphanage, and my first master, was to make me tougher...And it worked. I'm not afraid of things anymore, and Master Nolan says that's how it's supposed to be, so I'm glad you did it. I think you're the best god of all, and I want to be your best girl, and learn everything to make people know that you're the best, and the strongest. And anything you tell me to do, I will do, even if it hurts Master Nolan, he will understand...I don't know if I'm supposed to talk for a long time...Oh yeah! If the Black Sun is your people, I will obey them just the same, I promise."

She paused uncertainly, then opened her eyes, blinking a few times. "Is that okay?"
I would prefer you called me "Nolan Parnell"...In fact, I insist.

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[Location] Citizen Registration Office

Postby Abstract on December 10th, 2013, 1:59 am

Jill listened to the girl's short speech, lips occasionally twitching into a small smile. While it wasn't technically pledging Rhysol as her lord, Verennia had done a good job at it anyways. The hasty bit about the Black Sun was lacking, but vaguely humorous... but she was just a girl, and laws didn't matter as much to those her age. Still, she seemed truly and utterly devoted... a perfect addition to Ravok.

"Thank you. Here are your papers... you are now on a two season probationary period... to prove you are worthy of being a Ravokian citizen." With a small nod of her head, Jill passed Verennia some papers to prove her citizenship, and sent the girl and her companion out.

Awards :
You have received Verennia's citizenship papers! Please add them to your inventory (if you're keeping her stuff in your possesions, that is:))
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[Location] Citizen Registration Office

Postby Piraen Saneka on January 6th, 2014, 12:50 am

I'm so very sorry for the huge hiatus! I went on a kind of sabbatical, and am just now getting back to Miz.

Here's the last post to Pi :
Tawny looked at the Kelvic as if he couldn't quite make up his mind. He did not detect any deception from Piraen, and it didn't really matter where he was from as long as it wasn't Syliras. Still, being a Kelvic presented a bit of a challenge. "Heh heh, yes, well, here's the thing." He lowered his voice, which was mostly for effect since the room was soundproof. "The folks who make the rules, not me, but them, they don't really trust non-humans, see. They have some silly nonsense baout how all non-humans are animals who would sooner destroy our city than contribute something meaningful to it." He waved his hand like this was all nonsense. "Not me of course, I love everyone, human or not," he said with a somewhat distrurbing grin. "But those higher-ups, they think the animals--that's their word not mine--should have to pay a, shall we say, security deposit, in case they, heh, make a mess."

He leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. He coughed lightly and looked away before mumbling, "The fee is 200 gold." He let that sink in a moment before he went back to the application. "But you don't seem like the sort to cause trouble," he said in an oily tone, "I mean, heh, sewing never hurt anyone, right? And you're clearly a bright kid if Ravok is the place you choose to spend the rest of your life. I might be willing to, say, scribble down 'human' in the race column, if you made it worth my while, say maybe a tenth of the ordinary fee? You don't look like you'd have any trouble hiding your kelvic-ness. Heck, I wouldn't even have noticed if you hadn't written it on a scrap of paper! Ha!" He let out a hearty laugh, which sounded rather out of place coming from such a small man.

Piraen wasn't an emotional person, not in any sense of the word. It was never his own choice; that was the hand he was dealt. Although, Pi often thought that he would have opted out of the whole feeling scene if he had had a choice. Emotions clouded one's judgments, makes people too...everything. Too soft, too hard, too clogged up inside. No emotions means no mistakes. Take this situation, for instance. Pi could have become enraged with the registrar across from him...then been thrown from the city or, if he was lucky, onto the streets. He could have become indignant, but that would only result in the same outcome. Thus, Piraen was left with but one option: pay up.

"Whatever you say, sir." Piraen leaned back in his chair, reaching his lanky reed-like fingers into his pocket to fish out the 20 mizas. "Just don't spend it all in one place, hm?" The right side of Pi's mouth tugged into a smirk as he took out his coins and placed them on the table, separating the coins into two even stacks. Pushing his fee across the desk, Piraen raised both eyebrows. "Will that be all?"

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