[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon I

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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Gossamer on June 21st, 2010, 2:21 am

The 2,000 Post Ramble

I have no regrets.

I know that sounds strange, but when we embarked on this endeavor called Mizahar we never were really sure it would be successful. Heck, we weren't even sure what our definition of successful would entail. Did we start with low expectations? I think so. We truthfully just wanted a place to play that made sense. And after combing the internet, we couldn't find anything that remotely appealed to us. Why? Awkward rules. Hitler-like dictator Admins. Or, the worst sin of all - very unappealing writers who tended to post one or two lines. We wanted to WRITE! We wanted to storytell in an environment of our own creation that had some appeal to us. We aren't fan fiction types. You'll never catch me writing fan fiction for Twilight or Star Trek, though I forgive you if you are the type that wants too.

We were tired of elves and fae and dragons and demons and vampires... God I cannot tell you how tired of Vampires we were. Together - GP, Liminal, and myself talked each other into giving it a go. Gillar has always been involved too. But he never gets excited. He just has this quiet confidence that always firmly reassures me that hes supporting us and that its not in his mindset for us to even remotely fail. And because in order to do so we had to withdraw from other projects elsewhere, I eventually - a few months down the line - told Cayenne and Columbina about our secret project and they jumped on board. It was nice to have the help and with them they brought their unique flairs and unusual twists to their own regions. Cayenne always had a thing for jungles, birds, and the cultural architypes she works with. I think Colombina has had a similar bent.

But what did I specifically want?

I wanted shape shifting that made sense with a backstory as to how it came about. I wanted magic that could be playable and yet flexible enough that creativity could come shining through. I wanted interactions with Gods - gods that were all to human in their wants and desires, that could be contacted and talked with and interacted with. I wanted a realistic environment where you could have complex character interactions, both simplistic and highly mature, and no one would freak out. I wanted dark mixed with light. I wanted to tell tragic beautiful stories of people overcoming or falling to insurmountable odds. I like that sort of thing. And it was interesting how the others went absolutely wild on their own interests as well. I like the Nuit. They are sorta mummy meets body snatcher invasion. Tragic and twisted, their stories are as epic as anyone elses. I love horses and wanted a world full of them. And perhaps equally I love raptors, and am thrilled i finally have a city that is completely devoted.

And secretly deep inside, I wanted others to like it enough to come play. Right now, as we speak, I have 504,535 words written on this site. And, I think I can safely say that I've done a large share of the wiki lore articles and writeups - which would double that word count at the very least - probably more. I'll keep creating more stuff, building, developing, and adding layers onto the site. I enjoy them.

I recently went back to the old site that inspired me to come here along with my friends to create our own place. I thought there'd be a certain sadness in the visit there, because the people who felt in competition with me have done just about everything humanly possible to erase my presence there, including rewriting my articles and placing their names on my work - plus reversing some of the things we did to open up their previously narrow minded attitudes. I can't say they really have done much but fool new people though. When you have pettiness in your heart, it tends to shine forth in a way that's hard to conceal. The same goes for their writing - same recycled book plots - same stolen material. Same website cut and paste writeups. Writing should be for the joy of creating - the beauty of something newly discovered - it should always be fresh and interesting in a way that leaves you hanging on the edge of your seat demanding more.

I think thats why I pour so much of myself into my characters. I tend to play strong, self-reliant individuals that can carry on alone. My current character obsession is just about the perfect blend of what myself lacks - and I would think she's the opposite of an author avatar - and for that I admire her. She truly cares about what others think and feel. She's a healer. She's considerate to their feelings and their needs. And shes deeply wounded. I don't think she understands (though she is realizing it) how deeply she needs others. She tries to take care of everyone and everything to the total expense of her own agenda. Jen in real life isn't like that. I take care of me first - as bad as that sounds - and hardly stop to consider what people might think of what I say or do. Its hard admitting a flaw like that, but I had a rough childhood, and when you go through something like that, you tend to make sure nothing or no one can ever really let you down or bug you in how they think or react ever again. Why? Because your tough as nails and don't need anyone. My current pc isn't. She's desperately needy whether she knows it or not.

Its a refreshing change, an interesting twist, and causes me to think in new ways that I myself might have never gotten around to doing. Yes, my PC is her own person. Just like my writing is my own. Just like my plot ideas, while they might not be original (stuff gets lost all the time, people go on trips all the time, gods get angry, spirits get angry, etc etc)... they are written from the heart and not taken verbatim from a book.

That's what being a storyteller is all about, I think... unleashing your inner tales.

And I might hit bumps in the road occasionally - like that thread I NEVER want to touch again because the PC sent me a bitchy PM once upon a time about how the thread wasn't going THEIR way.... but I'll eventually get over them and get moving again. I have a tendency to NEVER forget certain things. And since I'm not an ass patter or a cheerleader, it tends to make me probably one of the people that are considered 'least approachable' when it comes to frank discussion... which is sad. I'd like to be considered totally approachable. But.. too many people are too sensitive for that to exactly work out. Face it. Not everyone thinks your work is SUPERDUPER. Not everyone thinks mine is. I can take it though, when someone points out all the reasons why its not. I like hearing that stuff so I can improve on round two or three. Or ten... But it routinely baffles me when people refuse to take advice in the light it was given - not to tear them down but to make what they are already investing time and energy in... worthwhile.

The World Development forum is a great example of this. I seriously have this philosophy that no article is unusable. But, the author needs to be willing to FIX it for us to use it. Most aren't. Unfortunately, we do get a lot of unhelpful narrow category lists or creatures that are not completely thought out. There's only so many times and ways we can say 'No more intelligent races - creatures - etc'. Then, someone posts one up, and seems absolutely shocked when we reject it or ask for improvements before it's passed through. If one of us Founders makes a comment about what we think needs to be done to improve it... guess what? You need to do that to get it passed. Seriously. That's the whole reason there's a Founder's Review. If you want to argue the point, that's all well and good, but your article still isn't going to get passed and your time could be used better in a rewrite. Why? Is this unfair? No, not really... we created Mizahar. We have creative control over Mizahar. If I don't want flying ten foot tall giraffes that eat people's brains as part of our Canon, they not going in - regardless of how many people the author rallies to petition for it. The only hard thing about that is breaking it to the author in a gentle way that their idea isn't suitable for our game world.

We want Mizahar to be a collaborative storytelling environment. We want it to be a group effort. But unfortunately in the parameters of group and collaborative, we want originality and suitability to be a priority. If neither fit, then the project gets declined. I don't know about you people, but I'd rather someone be honest than gush at how great something is and then have it try to be forced with a crowbar into the setting and mysteriously appear out of thin air in a heavily populated area. If that causes someone to depart in a fit of rage, there's very little I can do about it. I can wish them well and hope that they eventually find a place where their giraffes will be welcomed and fit intot he setting.

It reminds me of another friend - Zac - who spent countless hours writing up alchemy because he thought it was a needed skill. Zac isn't familiar with the other founders. I played with him ages ago on another game and had a blast! Anyhow, when he put up this article, I just cringed because I knew alchemy was Tarot's pet project and he was hard at work on it. Zac did a tremendous amount of work for his writeup, but when Tarot told him we couldn't use it because Alchemy was going a totally different direction - what did he do? He shrugged, said he'd had fun giving it a shot, and went on to write other things. He still plays. He still has a blast. I have a thousand times more respect for the Zacs of Mizahar than I do the people that put up writeups, find its in conflict with something one of us are doing, and then delete it in a fit and are rarely heard again on the game. I think, sometimes, this makes the World Development forum an entity generates more hard feelings than goodwill. Why? Because there's no easy way to say certain things when there's no will to compromise on quality. As it stands, the World Development forum has a dubious uncertain future - one I definitely see change forthcoming in regards too.

So, that being said...

What is the in store for the future? Can we do more? We're coming up on our year anniversary and that amazes me to the core. What projects do I want to finish? Wind Reach for certain, and I think in the next year its not unreasonable to have all the gnosis' finished for all the deities in my care (I cant speak for others of course). I want to keep growing the playerbase with quality writers and interesting friendly folks. I'd like to grow the storyteller base too, adding new ones at least monthly in terms of assistants that can eventually gain enough experience to move into Domain positions. Storytelling for a domain is incredibly rewarding, and once people get a taste of it, there's should be no holding them back.

And as for all the friends I've made in the last year. Thank you for the offers of friendship and all the hours of writing together. I would do the tacky thing and list you all, but then I'd forget someone for sure and really have to grovel to apologize. So, to all of you - thanks for putting up with me, indulging my beliefs and feelings, and hopefully I'll keep indulging yours as well. Here's to another two thousand quick posts of fun.

*raises glass*
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Alice on June 21st, 2010, 7:16 pm

*clinks glasses with Jen*

You're amazing. I keep telling people who fear your criticism that you're amazing. Some might still be in the middle of some heavy spiritual development and that's why they can't appreciate your work in the world development yet. Give them some time. ;)

Recently I've restarted playing the "other pbp site" again. I honestly don't see as much bad writing there as you seem to and I'm enjoying my PC, but of course there are certain things that are obviously not fun. And Mizahar has been more open and creative and original from the start than they'll ever become. Apparently I'm not yet ready to give it up, maybe I will in the future - because here I really have the motivation to make an impact that's as lasting and inspiring as possible!

That's also why I like watching your post count ... every single post is dedicated to the fun of the group and the improvement of the game. That's a breathtaking accomplishment considering you've done 2000 of them. I hope I can say the same at my 2000 mark. And you're right, no regretting is very cool! Go girl!
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Gossamer on June 23rd, 2010, 5:55 pm

Alice - just to clarify.. I didn't say 'bad writing' - I said recycled plots and stolen material. It was prevalent there, especially with certain mods and in their monster manual or whatever the hell they are calling it today. 85% straight out of D&D or worse yet WW. I once wrote a three thousand word complaint to the admin about one particular mod where I pointed out each of that mod's plots verses the books they were directly stolen from - totally unchanged. :P His response "I'm sure it wasn't deliberate." It still amuses me today.
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Gossamer on June 23rd, 2010, 6:29 pm

Struggles in Life and Moderation

I'm having a little conflict internally. I have been all week. When I can't decide what to do about something, I tend to get a little grumpy and come off gruff. When something is bothering me, it drives me to distraction, especially when its bothering me and it shouldn't. Don't you hate problems that aren't problems? And the thing that bothers you the most is that you're trying to figure out just why its a problem? So the problem isn't really the problem but its the problem behind the problem that you can't see. Does that make any sense?

There's two issues really.

Both involve Mizahar. One is an Admin issue, and another is a pc issue. I feel a lot of stress over the first which I shouldn't. Any of the other admins are probably going to read this, know what I'm talking about, and bust out laughing and say... "Jen... my god... your upset about THAT?" Well.. If that's the case I'd have to blush, scuff my food, stare at the ground and mumble 'Yea kinda...' Then that would be followed by peels of laughter because the problem arose because of my constant bitching about an issue and thus the problem exists because they are trying to fix the issue for me. I'm such a great neurotic friend. Maybe someone will let me borrow their meds.

This has happened before. I'm sorry guys. I really am. I'm crazy. I know it. You don't have to say what you're thinking. I know what you're thinking. What can I say? So what is the real problem? If the problem isn't really the problem and the real problem is something else... then what is it? I'm clueless. I don't know. I'm still waiting for it to strike me somewhere deep in the heart of 3am. In more layman's terms, this is a shit or get off the pot moment. I don't know who invented that term, but its a truly great one. I really dig it. I use it way too much, I think.

Something happened the other day at work that drove the point home that something was bothering me. Sometimes things on Mizahar really effect me in real life because I was thinking of something. A friend posted a thread in one of the forums here that was titled with the gist of my problem and then a discussion set off after that. I read it on my phone but didn't participate - I can't usually post from my phone. So then, later that day I was still thinking about it and I drove my goat (which is an awkward thing to drive down a road) to the local fuel stop about three miles away to fuel up. I just pulled into the empty fuel island to fuel, and this guy in a diesel truck pulled up behind me. It was a dodge ram dually.. the big kind.. with all these fog lights on the front and a row of lights up top. He turned them all on. Now this was a trucker fuel stop but there were no other trucks there. I'm friends with all the gals at the station, and they tend to sit around and BS with me a little or hand me a coke or hot cocoa and a donut on the house. So I can take a while there, if I want... I usually don't. I'm in and out in 15 minutes with fuel paid for and drive time included.

This guy would not turn off his lights though. All the nozzles were free for use, though he couldn't use the ones for big trucks. Only the end ones on the islands would fuel common passenger trucks. So anyhow... I took my sweet ass time. The headlights from his truck were blinding and I felt like I was on stage - it was dark. Goats look weird, out on the road, and normally people ask me 'WHAT IS THAT THING?" when I come driving in with it. They might wait 20 minutes to get a pump turned on. I just honk and wave at the girls and they throw my pumps power.

So anyhow, instead of pulling forward after I was done fueling... I just walked into the building. Then I walked up to the counter and told Mary to take her time... I was 'pissing the guy off behind me' because he was such a jerkface. She looked out, saw the situation, and started laughing. I went and got myself a drink, some gum, and then paid for the gum while she rang up the big bucks in fuel on my company card. Yup. The guy got pissed. He came in and started lecturing me on common courtesy. I smiled and then did something totally uncharacteristic of me... I absolutely unleashed the fury on him. I went after him with a wagging finger and started lecturing HIM on common courtesy and how big of a dipshit he was and how I was probably going to be another hour.

Yea.. I was mad. Really mad. And I took more time. He eventually drove off pissed... even after Mary told him the other nozzle was free had had been the whole time. She's such a good sport. I apologized to her from my outbreak, but she just shook her head and laughed. He wasn't from the little town we were in. He was off the freeway somewhere probably headed back to the nowhere he came from. Big city, I'd imagine, because his dodge didn't have a spot of wear on it and was an older model. If you work a truck it shows. If you drive a truck once a year to pull your silly ass camper, it shows too. So he spotlighted me for 10 minutes.... and I stole another 30 of his life he'll never get back. My reward? Dave, The Bread guy came in and gave us all free bread after learning of what happened. I love Killer Bread. That's what its called. Prison guy gets out of jail, starts his own bread company after he's done his time, and does amazingly well in the organic breads department. Delivery Dave isn't Dave Dave, but hes just as cool.. and just as covered with prison tats. I got Rockin Rye this time. Mmmmmm.... And he gives it to us free because food is love and he loves the crowd in our tiny little hometown.

But I think I got off topic again. I do that sometimes.

So, fits of rage at work resulting in scenes at the Shell. Gotta love it. Coupled with 'back to school' which means at least one entire load of Crayons - all 10,000 cartons of them will indeed fall on me sooner or later, adds up to a lot of stress. I still don't know why. It's not that time of the month. It's not money. It's not relationships. Its not free time... I've had 3 weekends off in a row. Hrm... I'm still trying to figure it out. And, since this has already gotten so long - I'll skip the PC expose until the next blog.
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Gossamer on June 30th, 2010, 9:39 pm

Awarding XP

So I thought I'd give you folks who might be curious to know how I go about awarding XP a glimpse into my brain when I'm reading a thread. What brings this on? Well, not only do I moderate and admin this site, but I play this site too. Yup, that might be shocking, but I have characters and recently I've felt an increasing frustration in regards to asking people to award my PC's XP. It's got to be bad if I'm an admin and find it a little frustrating when I get my XP awards for my PC and find them pathetic to non-existent. Recently, I turned a thread in and got zero XP awarded for it and felt really really let down. Even more recently I did a 5,216 pure core training thread and received 3 XP when I had talked to two other founders, had them read it, and they were like 'oh yea.. your totally at 5xp - break it off and start your next training thread from there'.

I have the option of going to the storyteller and saying 'What's your justification for this?' Most PCs feel too intimidated to do that. And frankly, where I'm sitting right now I feel really bad about that - both for them and for those that are just about ready to give up asking specific individuals for XP or posting threads in areas where specific folks have to read them for awards. And when I talk to folks - I feel like they tend to change them to shut me up rather than truly understand how to go about awarding XP. Which isn't fair to the other people they are going to short XP on. I love XP. I really love Lores. I want people to realize their writing matters and get great awards for it to post towards their character's advancement.


Here's what I do. Someone asks me for a thread review and award.

I open a separate window in notepad or Word, cut and paste my XP template in there, add additional fields if its more than one player involved, so it reads something like...

Player: John Doe

Player: Jane Doe

Additional Notes:

Then I start reading. As John does something, I add in a point for it. IF he fires off a shot with his bow in his first post, I give him a point in whatever weapon he has (shortbow, longbow, archery)... and yes that means checking his CS to see where his skills are. If he makes a great speech about the animals' death in the next post, I might give him a point in Rhetoric... if hes teaching someone to shoot, XP in teaching. Then the next person posts, I see what they do... if they are just watching and learning.. guess what? They get observation XP. So the next post comes up... I read it... if john fires again, and this time Jane joins in... John gets another XP in shortbow etc and this time so does Jane. I might limit how much XP I give if john just says he fires and shoots a bird out of a tree. But if he goes into any detail at all.. I give him more XP. I do this throughout the whole thread until there's a lot of XP handed out. If John explains how to string a bow properly to Jane... John gets teaching XP, Jane gets the lore of stringing a bow properly...

I read the whole thread. I read everything... I keep tacking on XP in each category adding new ones as they come up until I max them out at five or the thread comes to an end. I take into account length of posts, words involved, how they describe stuff. I don't think a class should have 'hands on' when its a class. I don't think a battle scene should focus on technique when its life or death. If I have to award low... like say John posted a bunch of one liners about shooting and firing and I withheld xp because he didn't go into detail about his archery... I will say in my end notes... 'If you would like more XP, if you can go into the details of lining up your shot, breathing, stance, releasing the bowstring instead of where you just posted oneliners, I'll gladly give you more.'. I get that detailed!

So, when I get to the end of the thread, THEN I cut and paste my 'notes' from word/notepad into the end post on their thread giving them the award. It's not a perfect method, but it works for me and a lot of other storytellers I feel give 'great' awards. This tends to work the best because then I don't miss anything or anyone and don't have to remember at the end of it. I don't tend to leave out the 'oh they played pretend or acted there' or... 'they used logic here' or 'practiced medicine' there... etc. I manage to include it all.. even when they sketched in their little notebooks, they get 'drawing' xp too. I'm truthfully just frustrated, tired, and feeling ripped off too much. And if as a Founder I feel this way, I can only imagine what a PC is feeling. I don't want my work missed or skimmed over etc. And worse yet I don't want to stop asking specific people to review threads because they get ripped off.

Things need to change. Seriously. Does that mean we need to write clearer guidelines for Storytellers? Maybe it does. I'm not sure how to write a guideline that will address every issue... but we can try. So if anyone has any suggestions, can you please pass them along?

I don't know what other Storytellers are doing, but I have a feeling they are not following this method because truthfully the awards just seem almost random with whole parts left out. I get asked frequently to review threads and feel like I give XP that is worth what the pc put into it. People ask me because I award fairly. I think they are starting to avoid playing in certain areas or asking certain individuals because of just the opposite reason. I really don't want this to continue.

So its time for a change. Please. This is a game. People work hard playing it. Can't we please acknowledge them accordingly?
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Tundris on July 1st, 2010, 3:45 pm


Thanks for really clarifying what constitutes a genuine effort at description of skill training! This post alone will really make a change for the better, and as a writer who is always curious about how to improve, I was so thrilled to be reading this and can now apply it to my own writing and xp rewarding.

As a mod, one thing I have always believed in is communication. Perhaps I have the luxury of not having hordes of people rping in my domain, but regardless, I am fairly choosy about who I give xp to in the first place. And in my DS office I outline, for all PCs to see, my conditions for rewarding xp. I require that when people request for a thread to be rewarded, they include a short list of the skill types they feel they worked on the most (wanted the most xp from). This really gives me a clue in to what they are thinking, so that I can go into it with that mind frame. I also ask for them to give me an idea of how valueable getting this xp is for their character's development. It only takes a one liner, and it tells me how eager they are to get the most of their experience with their character. I can't imagine how many times active players get their xp awarded over disengaged players who don't put nearly as much effort into their posts and might drop the game in a heartbeat.

All of that can be very discouraging to many mods, and I say it because I believe that with an onslaught of requests and just wanting to get through them (out of a responsibility for being a mod) many people are likely very burnt out from reading others threads. Are people skimming? Or was there just not enough solidified information on these methods of awarding xp until you pointed it out? Regardless, I think both will be remedied. Everyone having put their input already and read this, I think we're all a lot more aware and will happily utilize these tools.

One last note I wanted to add is that, when I see a skill I don't know a lot about (whether I'm awarding or writing), I will always do a google search to find out a bit about it. I'll sometimes spend an hour or two just researching a skill so that I can properly get the technique out in my thread. It is time consuming but so worth it and I love adding that kind of accuracy in a thread, it makes it real!
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Gossamer on July 1st, 2010, 4:41 pm



This is what I feel like today. I can't tell you why I feel like this. I can only tell you that I do. It's raining outside and though I didn't a great deal of sleep, I feel like I somehow got a hidden recharge from an unlikely source. I hope it stays because this feeling is helpful and appreciated after the week of having 'something vaguely wrong' that I've been inundated with.
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Alice on July 9th, 2010, 8:40 pm

Thanks a lot for writing this post about awarding xp! I feel like I've learned many important things from it.

I don't skim threads ... but I hadn't discovered the importance of giving xp until now. Both as a mod and a PC I tend to break things up in details and summarize them afterwards, so I might tend to not connecting one issue with the other (i.e. joy about xp my PC gets & shock when someone criticizes my xp awards). Anyway, I can see clearly how important giving xp is. I know that I will spend more time and thought on it in the future.

In my opinion, we shouldn't add additional guidelines to the Storyteller's Guide. Rather I believe that they should be kept as vague as they are now and storytellers should learn through experience. If mods don't hand out xp fairly, players will leave them. But they have the chance to learn and listen to criticism and find out their own techniques to make players stay, so I think that it's good as it is now.
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Gossamer on July 13th, 2010, 8:54 pm

I need to get a few things off my mind.

  1. I am not a posting machine.
  2. If I forget to post to you, its not personal, I just forgot like the stupid human I am.
  3. If you've reminded me a gazillion times and I still haven't posted, there's a reason for it.
  4. I have a life beyond this game.
  5. I work 40+ hours and sometimes 6 days a week. If you don't have a job or are a full time student with no job, don't wonder why I'm not posting. You'll find out when you get a job or graduate college.
  6. I am really tired of 'new' players giving even newer players bad advice and forcing the storytellers and founders to clean up the messes.
  7. Please read the Wiki and all the lore pages. Really? Is it so hard to type your question into the search box and read the pages that come up in regards to it? I mean, did we take all that time to write the lore just to have no one read it and ask us instead?
  8. Do not ask me to list all the gods and what 'good stuff' they grant followers. I will think uncharitable thoughts about you.
  9. I cannot post up new 'writeups' on command. Sometimes they take time.
  10. Please ask veteran players questions. Really... they've made all the dumb mistakes your about to make already.
  11. A veteran player is a player with over a few hundred posts in case you are enthralled with someone who has posted over ten posts and confuse the two.
  12. Somedays I don't feel like posting. I won't on those days.
  13. I'm sorry chat now has rules, but we were forced make them. If you are the one complaining about the fact that chat now has rules, your probably the reason it does.
  14. Don't hassle me with details. Seriously. If a thread is three posts in and I have five posts in my inbox about posting order... that's gonna freak me out enough to bail on the thread already because frankly its a clusterfuck barreling towards a trainwreck.
  15. I make no apology for being this way. You will be too one of these days. Frankly, some folks probably owe me one after this week and their attitudes.
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Orion on July 13th, 2010, 9:07 pm

first of all, i truly am sorry for the 14th point on your list. It`s mostly my fault, since me and Vith lack synchronization. Anyways, i promise we shall stop any further pming about who posts what and where, and im sorry you had to bail the thread because of us. On the other hand i hope ill get less annoying with my next few srew-ups, which i sure will be many xD. To end this, i only want to say that if we made you angry or irritated or both, i am really sorry, and am pretty sure Vith is too, he is just new so he is getting acustomed to all this (not that im less new xD) and if it`s worth you anything, we really had no intention of crowding your pms, and Vith will probbably tell you the same once he gets the chance. That`s all i guess, im sorry i just suck at apologies :(
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