Closed A Late Night (Jh'eon)

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

A Late Night (Jh'eon)

Postby Lydan Verdjak on June 13th, 2013, 8:17 pm

13th of Summer
The night was lazy, peaceful and cozy as the waves settled against the sand and caressed the beach peacefully as the large Akalak figure sat in the sand. He was swigging from a waterskin, but swaggering true water and not liquor this time as he stared out into the limits of his depth of view from the sea. He had little desire or patience to process his thoughts, instead taking to a passive inner monologue between the two personalities flowing within his skull.

He faced the south end, gazing upon the seemingly endless wave after waves, endless azure fluid splashing. He wondered where he would end up if he simply got onto a weak boat, and then traversed southwards in one direction for a time. Dead, probably. Well I like your enthusiasm and sense of adventure.
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A Late Night (Jh'eon)

Postby Jh'eon on June 13th, 2013, 8:29 pm

Jh'eon walked down the beautiful beach, looking over the water, splashing. He seeked the beach for his daily visit to a nearby source of water. He walked up and splashed his face with water. Charodae had to have some water to survive. He looked up and saw it was growing darker by the second. He sighed and started to walk off, when he saw an Akalak not far ahead. He eyed him and just continued walking, until he saw the Akalak looking straight at the water - he would undoubtedly see Jh'eon. Jh'eon sighed and spoke politely. He was extremely poor at Tukant and spoke cautiously. "Do you wish speak to me? I not be here too long, or so plans are. I wish I stay..." He groaned and gave up. He was terrible at Tukant. He spoke again in Common. "I beg to the Rainbringer herself that you understand Common. If I have to speak in Tukant again..." He sighed and realised - did the Akalak want to speak to him? He felt like an idiot. He was an idiot.
Last edited by Jh'eon on June 17th, 2013, 7:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A Late Night (Jh'eon)

Postby Lydan Verdjak on June 13th, 2013, 8:35 pm

Gazing upon the Charoda, the Akalak offered a friendly, and consistent smile upon the scale-ridden creature. He did not bother for words, simply shaking his head and gesturing towards the horizon possessing the seas, alluring and tugging at it until it splashed back upon the shores of the land. He took a big gulp from his waterskin and gathered a flow of sand in his left palm, letting the wind tarry it away as he remained silent.

And then he broke the silence now, "I am Lydan, what is your name, wonderful Charoda?"
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A Late Night (Jh'eon)

Postby Jh'eon on June 13th, 2013, 8:48 pm

Jh'eon blinked in shock and pleasant surprise. ...what is your name, wonderful Charoda? He had barely met this Akalak and already he was wonderful! He took a deep breath and spoke, "I am Jh'eon. Pleased to meet you." He paused and continued. "I am here to seek water. Us Charodae cannot live without the water. Hence I am here in Riverfall. The legends were true indeed - some of Mizahar's finest rivers run here! Though I will admit I am not the social Charoda. I have suffered trauma and tried to speak to as few people as possible for about fourteen years..." He sighed and nodded at Lydan. "I apologize for interrupting your peace here. It was completely my fault." He started losing words, and his tongue was slipping everywhere. "My social skills have gone a fourteen...years of speaking to...a select few..." He was stuttering like a fool being questioned for murder! He was an idiot. He wished the Rainbringer could hear his thoughts right now, cause his face must be the darkest shade right now in embarrassment. He was the biggest blabbering idiot ever. No. He had to go now. He could not betray his family again. He was preparing for a journey to the Sea of Grass. He could not hinder with this Akalak. But at the same time something about the Akalak made him want to stay. Something interesting about him. "Wait - did you call me wonderful?" Jh'eon was still struggling to understand how he could be wonderful.
Last edited by Jh'eon on June 17th, 2013, 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A Late Night (Jh'eon)

Postby Lydan Verdjak on June 13th, 2013, 8:55 pm

He waved his claims of being interrupted dismissively with a palm, "I was hardly peaceful, my pacifism is an illusion to the inner displace within." He smirked at his slightly philosophical words, not wanting to sound like an old man already. "It is wonderful, yes, the waterfalls and so on through her."

He shifted against the sand, peering from Jh'eon to the horizon once more, "I did call you wonderful, yes."
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A Late Night (Jh'eon)

Postby Jh'eon on June 14th, 2013, 6:46 am

Jh'eon blinked again. Lydan spoke like a philosopher. Then as he continued Jh'eon became more and more bewildered. "Why would I be wonderful? Dear Makutsi, we have barely met!" He then thought carefully. Maybe behind the philosophical words there were truth. Most Akalak were described as a warrior race. Maybe the "pacifism" is an illusion. But at the same time this man spoke as a philosopher. Jh'eon then murmured. "And my peace is another illusion. Within me is great conflict - I cannot betray them - but I have to move on..." With that, Jh'eon sighed and spoke. "So what do you seek with a "wonderful" Charoda? I happen to preparing to go to the Sea of Grass soon..." He stood patiently awaiting an answer. He knew what would come next. It always happened - being called foolish for travelling through the Sea of Grass. He survived once - he can do it again. He was confident. He had hope in his heart, rekindled for what he hoped to be forevermore.
Last edited by Jh'eon on June 17th, 2013, 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A Late Night (Jh'eon)

Postby Lydan Verdjak on June 14th, 2013, 6:59 am

He shrugged to the Charoda, "I merely say that as a compliment to your appearance." His eyes flickered as he turned to the water in between words, taking gulps out of his waterskin. He shifted his rear against the sand and rested both palms on it, looking entirely too relaxed for even an Akalak, perhaps even sloth.

"If you are preparing for the Sea of Grass, then I hope you would have a weapon with you, but do not let me keep you otherwise, good luck." He sounded lax as he looked, there was nothing inspiring him to take action or overly unnecessary concern in the stranger, but a mere word of cautious advice.
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A Late Night (Jh'eon)

Postby Jh'eon on June 15th, 2013, 3:52 pm

Jh'eon nodded. "I see." Then he spun out a spear, carved with snakes and twirled it around. "I have a weapon indeed...though I do not like to kill..." He shuddered. "You have to always be prepared in the Sea of Grass. I know - I travelled there before. It was - an unexpected turn of events, shall we say." He looked at Lydan and nodded. "I thank you for your concern anyway." He then started musing to himself with the memories of an incidence in the Sea of Grass. He smiled for what felt like the first time in ages as he remembered - he had been such an idiot then. Being chased by Glassbeaks and Makutsi knows what was amusing to see how terrified he had been. And then the smile was wiped off his face as he remembered his purpose of travelling through the Sea of Grass. "I travel to the Grass. My cause being that my sister is travelling there at the moment. She is the last family I have..." He then paused. What else did the Akalak want from him? He started eyeing about carefully, and he carefully held a tight grip on his spear.
Last edited by Jh'eon on June 17th, 2013, 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A Late Night (Jh'eon)

Postby Lydan Verdjak on June 15th, 2013, 4:15 pm

"I see, I suppose we all have some family or old friends we must protect." He swigged from the waterskin as if it were a canteen of alcohol, he shook his tired gaze from the horizon, before moving to a stand finally as he stood at his full height of 7'5". The Akalak did a stretch, applying pressure from his palms to the back of his spine as an audible pop was heard, then grabbing one arm and slinking it out in the direction of the other arm and a pop following before he repeated with the next arm.

"Well, I should not keep you from your duties, I have my own I need to attend to, or rather sleeping. And no one in Riverfall takes joy in killing, and lasts very long." He offered a sly smile before moving to march his feet across the sand, and to move away.

"Farwell, Jh'eon. Perhaps we may cross paths again." And then he was gone.
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A Late Night (Jh'eon)

Postby Jh'eon on June 15th, 2013, 5:21 pm

Jh'eon blinked. The Akalak had just gone. What a waste of time. But then he figured something out. That Akalak had been interested in him. Maybe they would meet again. He had a feeling this was not the last time they would meet. This may have seemed a waste of time but Jh'eon felt as though they would meet again. He was nearly sure of it. So he took out the bracelet that was his mother's, and gripped it tightly, and whispered in Char. "Thank you...mother...and Ole'ah, I will not betray you a second time...that is a promise I swear to the death. And if I fail to keep you safe...I will forever cherish the moments all of us had together..." He did not think that Ole'ah was dead. She may be travelling the Sea of Grass alone but Jh'eon knew that she would fight if she had to. She would be more willing to battle than him.

Then Jh'eon spun the spear in his hands. Maybe he could spar with someone before his journey commenced. That Akalak was in no state to spar. At least Jh'eon knew Lydan would come later. He had a feeling and he was sure it was from Makutsi.
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