Race: Kelvic (Fox)
Gender: Male
Birthday: Winter 11 AV 511
Birthplace: Spires
Height: 6'
Weight: 160
Physical Appearance:
He has white skin, that is slightly tanned from all the time spent outdoors. His light brown hair is usually shaggy and messy, just long enough that it covers his ears and stays above his eyes. Just like a fox, his eyes are coloured amber.
His fox form is the size of an average male fox, about 95 from nose to tail, weighing about 11 pounds.
Character Concept
Niloc enjoys everything about the forest, whether it is walking underneath the trees, or chasing after prey in his fox form. This has lead him to a very isolated life, and he has never had anyone he could trust. He used to spend his time hunting prey in the woods, equally comfortable in his fox form, or hunting with a shortbow in human form. Events in his past have lead him to be very cautious and not trust anyone immediately. He is timid and always on edge, expecting the worse from any situation and his life alone depends on a "fight or flight" mentality. Through all this, he has always desired to meet someone he could truly trust, a companion that enjoyed the woods or a quiet lifestyle as much as he does.
Character History
-Will complete this later-
Vantha - Fluent
Common - Basic
Hunting: 10 RB + 15 SP
Wilderness Survival: 15 SP
Weapon (Shortbow): 10 SP
Stealth: 5 SP
Unarmed Combat: 5 SP
Lore of Stealthily Capturing Prey as a Fox (Wilderness Survival)
Lore of Being Alert at any Moment
1 Set of Clothing
-Basic Shirt/Shoes/Pants/Cot
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
Set of Toiletries
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 arrows
Heirloom - Shortbow from his father
+100 GM - Starting Package
+500 GM - No house
-5 GM - 100 Arrows
-45 GM - Living Expense 513 Summer
Total: 550 GM
House: Savintar Warrens
Thread List
The Dancer, The Fox, and The Actress -