For some odd reason Souris attempted to jump to avoid his attack. If he had been aiming low that might have worked, but even if he had aimed for her chest, it would not have. So his slap at her side hit, which undoubtedly stung. However as he swung in to trip her up, her jump did work, and went over his leg. But she still messed up, and landed wrong off center, making one of her legs go out and sending her to the ground. "What, your giving up so easy? We just started!" Rykanis shook his head, at the girl, who was clearly not meant for fighting. Not because she messed up, but because she gave up so easily. Rykanis had gained more bruises than he could count, been knocked down so much his rear was bruised from one side to the other. But he still had not quit. A fighter had to be indomitable, and never quit. "By the way, you can't jump to avoid all attacks. Only if I am aiming at your feet or something. Now why don't you try to stand, and see if you can. If you can't it is broken. Otherwise... We will see if you are well enough to continue. But don't quit so easily. A warrior is not a person that never gets knocked down, a warrior is someone that never quits, and keeps getting up." |