Solo Hallucinations hurt

Xi steps out side the city to his usual stomping ground to train...And then?

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

Hallucinations hurt

Postby Ximal on May 3rd, 2013, 3:34 am


39th Spring 513Av

The sky was grey...Thick cloud cover, odd for this time or at least from what Xi'd seen of the city over the last few days. The wind was chilling and something felt off...Xi didn't quite feel right with what was going on. His mind was slowly reeling and he began thinking about things that had happened and had transpired...He needed to think and his best way to think was out in the middle of nowhere...By himself...Xi slipped his cloak from his shoulders and leapt up onto a branch lifting his legs and curling them behind him holding all his weight on the branch of the tree. His exercise was his way of helping clear his mind, he slowed his thoughts as he pulled himself up and down rhythmically. The slow motions up and down coupled with the pauses helped ease him into a state of thought. Before long though he found himself thinking about...His slave days...And about the one person whom had been kind to him...The one person he'd left alive from that family...Quela...His mind ran rampant with thoughts and ideas...And then...He heard a soft familiar voice call out to him.

"Hello Ximal..." Xis' eye's snapped open and his dropped from the tree. His mouth hung open as...She stood before him. His hands rubbed his face pressing his finger tips onto his eye's lightly. He opened them again and saw her before him...She hadn't changed...Well...Not much...She looked a little older and a little fuller of body and face. "Are you going to say something or just stand there?" A small smirk pulled at her lips. His hand reached out slowly, and he felt his fingers brush against her cheek. Just the tips but the soft lightness and the warmth of skin was there. Th-This can't be real...What would she be doing in nyka ? More to the point what would she be doing outside of nyka? "I know what your thinking..."Why am i here, why would i be out here?" Truth is...I've been looking for you..." A small red tint crept up her face slowly with a small smile following it's rise. Without warning Xi closed the gap wrapping his arms around her and squeezing tightly.

"Gods above...I missed you..." He buried his face into the side of her neck and closed his eyes. A light teardrop forming in the corner of his eyes. and then before he could stop himself, he felt one slowly run down from the outer corner of his eye.
"I know...I missed you too..." Her arms lifted up and placed upon his shoulders from behind. "And i'm not the only one..." Xi opened his eye's and leant back, looking into her eyes's and then followed he small gaze down to her side. In that split second he almost felt his heart jump up and out of his mouth. a little girl looked back up at him with light brown hair, and large blue eye's which mirrored his own. A confused expression looking at him...Xi felt himself drop to one knee and crouch down to look at her. The little girl tucked away behind quela's legs, and peered out from around the to look at Xi. He could barely believe what was happening, he felt himself ask.
"Is she..." before he could even finish he saw quela nodding lightly and Xi's left hand reached up to his face pressing over his mouth, his beard brushing against the roughness of his hands. The little girl peered around and looked up at him again. "Wh...What's her name?" How...How did i...
"Acella" Quela smiled lightly looking back at Xi wo had risen back to full height, a stunned expression on is face and then ace looked up at him, her soft eyes looking into his.
"Daddy?" Xi's lifted his hand up higher pressing his fingertips into his eyes. Don't...Don't cry... His breathing became heavy and almost strained.

He had a daughter? No...he had the one thing he craved more than anything else...He had a family. He had the one thing he'd been denied, he'd been longing for. Wanting for so long. He had a family and what was worse was what he'd done to them...H'd walked out on them...He'd left them alone in the middle of a godforsaken city for so long. Hot cared, not even searched for them. The only think he could feel was guilt, pain and remorse. He was sorry, sorry for leaving them alone. for walking out and leaving them to fend for themselves. Sunberth was no pace to raise a family, no place to live at all. Even if quela had been inside the gated community. And within it was safer than the rest of sunberth. The true horrors probably wouldn't have made it inside...Then again with kolin as the example...The real monsters already lived there.

The petch are you doing? Not now liro, cant you see i'm with my daughter? With who?, there's no-one here but you and me. Or have you finally lost it ? Xi shook his head his eye's still closed. It wasn't possible he'd just seen them liro was lying, and being a jackass...Xi opened his eyes' and...Nothing...Both Quela and Acella had vanished. Xi sank to hsi knees and slumped...Lifting his hand up high he slammed his fist down hard into the ground. "Dammit!. Why, why can't that be real! Why am i being tortured like this...Being shown the one thing i want the most and then having it ripped from me!? Dammit all! Xi hunched over pressing his head into the ground lightly. His face...a mixture of sadness and pain...The one thing he truly wanted...Just a figment of his imagination...What manner of cruel god would do this to him? Give him visions of something he wished he had. Give him a glimmer of what he dreamed of...and then snatch it away from him in the blink of an eye. Xi's hand hammered into the ground again, the tightly compacted earth throwing up plumes of dust as his hand slammed into it. Dammit...I miss her...

"Common" "Myrian" "Nari"
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Hallucinations hurt

Postby Abstract on June 20th, 2013, 8:23 pm


Ximal :
Acrobatics - 1
Observation - 1

Confronted by a person from the past
A... daughter? A family?
Close to tears
Hallucinations of a family

Short and sweet! It was interesting to read something about Xi's past... there wasn't much I could award for skills though. Please PM me if you have any questions, concerns, or comments!
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