The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on June 28th, 2010, 9:37 am

“Of course both eyes” She said slightly puzzled. His comment struck her as oddly sweet but she didn’t say anything about it she just smiled but then she opened her mouth and the words spilled out “I can get as mixed up as I want” She said it in a mock stern voice but her eyes and smile betrayed her mirth and playfulness.

He knelt and started laughing for some reason she couldn’t quite fathom, she looked at him a quizzical smile on her face, her head slightly tilted to one side, but he just kept on laughing, she covered her face with a hand and shook her head and said in a light playful voice “Does this always happen when someone compliments you?”
She made a face and continued as he finally started to calm down “And please get up”

Her face relaxed somewhat and she suddenly became serious “Don’t be so tense when I get near to you, there is no reason why you should…”

She sighed but her face suddenly lit up for no apparent reason, but of course there was a reason the only problem was to find it. She took a step and in her head she heard a crack, her smile widened even more: the ice was weakening.

OOC page 8!!!! yay
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on June 30th, 2010, 11:37 am

He slwoly got up as he calmed down completely and now he was looking down at her again, smiling only as slightly as her face was kinda different than usual. He wanted to ask what happened to her all of a sudden, but it`s not like he wanted it to stop, so he just washed his mind of thoughs, curious thoughts. She truly was quite a piece of work, but to question such a masterpiece would be equal to questioning one`s self, so he just played along carelessly.

"Not every time, but i have my nutjob moments i guess" he paused briefly to give himself room for a wide grin before continuing: "I am not that tense, it just isn`t easy to stay calm next to you sometimes" he put on a playfull smile as he didn`t really want to say that, but what`s done is done, no time for regrets anymore.

Still smiling at her he pulled her hand gently, yet playfully as he started wandering around the almost empty street. Stopping a few yards away, he spoke in less than a shout, but more than a whisper: "Come on, let`s roam for a while longer, i have trouble at staying in one place for too long".

If he knew about the ice weakening he would probbably keep hammering it, but as it currently stood it was just a bunch of moments, happy ones, and they needed to be lived, to thier fullest.

OOC: yay for the ice xD
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on June 30th, 2010, 4:19 pm

She grinned back at him as he wandered around the street.
A little shiver had run up her spine as he touched her bare skin but she didn’t care. She let his comment pass uncommented, she wouldn’t judge him,she had already done that and if she was still in his presence there was a reason and anyway if you judge people, you have no time to care for them and love them.
So she just smiled and followed him making short work of the distance that divided them, she didn’t run just walked on the balls of her feet, perfectly balanced.

“Sure we can move on” She glanced behind her then shrugged and faced forward saying with a cryptic edge “ After all we cannot waste time, we can only waste ourselves” She looked at him and smiled to show her mood hadn’t fallen from a building, because in reality it hadn’t, she asked charmingly gesturing at the street “Where to?”

A strand of blonde her fell in front of her face, she pushed it aside but it fell back, her smile widened somewhat.
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on July 2nd, 2010, 1:08 pm

Looking around the street, he was barely sure it was the same street as the one in wich their day passed. His mind eased on the idea of being lost as he saw a few merchants pulling up their carts past them and disappearing in the midst of night. Looking around at the dark that surounded them, he was confused on wich path to take, for they were all leading into an unknown, dark world.

It was not fear, more the uncomfortable feeling of being alone in the dark that made him feel as a kid again, until he heard her footsteps closing in and banished the dark thoughts from his head. Pointing towards the alley that still had some moonlight covering it, he started to walk in that direction slowly as his head turned, without him stopping: "Come on, or do you wanna waste yourself?" the last comment struck even him as an odd one, but he was too childlish to be sure if it made any meaning to her, it was funny therefore he laughed.

He saw her smile at a glance, but than turned back quickly, failing to cover up his grinning reaction. As his grin continued to shine back at the dark, his lips parted to ask the most strange of questions: "Ever been afraid of the dark?" his head turned to her while he smiled in waiting.

OOC: somehow i have a feeling someone is gonna kill us if he/she has to review this thread xD
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Fade on July 2nd, 2010, 4:32 pm

“It’s inevitable” she chuckled “the wasting away part…we all waste away whether we want it or not!” It was not a depressing thought since for her it was the truth and the natural way of things, it was inevitable so why fret and stuff?

She followed him thinking about his last question “No, I was never afraid of the dark even as a small child” It was true and strange, usually all children were afraid of the dark, but not her.
She continued talking in a halting and almost reluctant voice “But I’m uncomfortable when there is a half moon in the night sky…waning or waxing, it’s a precarious balance…on the edge of things…” She frowned a bit racking her brain for a better explanation which of course she couldn’t find so she just let it be.
Then she asked him “What about you? Do you fear the dark?” She eyed the street he had chosen and smiled, it was the only one where some moonlight still shone over it, it made her pale skin look almost silver. She looked up and her smile widened.

OOC: I wonder
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on July 3rd, 2010, 12:02 pm

"Yea i guess some form of wasting away is inevitable, but it needs to be done, in order for us to rejoice in the aspects of our former selves once we are reborn" he knew she will probbably not understand or accept what he just said so he just drifted onto the other thoughts he have.

So she was never afraid, that made her a rather brave individual, those were his thoughts as they kept going more and more into the street with moonlight covering it. He knew the same question would come to him, but still he had no idea how to prepare for an answer therefore he spoke only the things that crossed his mind: "Always, i may be scared even now, but..... i guess i just stopped caring a long time ago" it indeed was a silly remark, but it is how he saw it, and felt it.

There were no more words for him to say at this moment as he was shamelessly staring at her silvery skin with a glimmer in his eye, almost as a child when standing by an unopened birthday present. He looked away as the few moments passed, but he knew she saw what he was doing, the only question was, did it bother her?
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Fade on July 3rd, 2010, 1:54 pm

She nodded at his remark regarding his fear of the dark, it was only human to fear something after all. She said gently "I dont fear the dark for the simple reason that I beilive that even in daylight I cannot see" She smiled akwardly unsure if what she had just said had made sense, she closed her twinkling eyes for a second.

When she opened her eyes she looked at him catching his, somewhat different gaze and catching the tell tale glimmer in his eyes. He looked away, the very fact he did made her wonder, was he afraid of her reaction?
She opened her mouth, then hesitated in her ears a thousand silent voices screamed. Her face remained the same but her eyes betrayed her. She then managed to say, her mouth still open "No, I mean yes, I mean it depends how you look at it..." She smiled and explained herself cursing herself for saying such a cheesy thing "Just for you"

ooc: sorry for the bad post I had to write it on my friends phone...
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on July 4th, 2010, 12:00 pm

OOC: it is not cheesy, it`s cute, and the only bad thing about the post is that you spelled believe as beilive :P So no major harm done i guess xD

Walking beside her in the moonlit street he let himself stare at her from time to time but never too long, and never too obvious, it was not so much the fear as it was the uncomfortable feeling of her looking back surprised at any moment. He litsened to her speak and it all fell down onto him quite right but those last few words made him rather edgy, made him want to keep poking at it. Even if it had to be done in some clumsy matter.

He knew it made sense in some way, but how? How did she know what was he asking himself? Could it be.....? That`s right, it had to be the gift of her godess. Thinking about it, he figured there is not much point in hiding anything from her until further notice, it was not like he could anyway. But it was not bothering her? Perhaps he heard it wrong? Or understood it wrong? No, no, too many questions, and they were all mostly pointless.

He kept looking at her with even more curious eyes than before as he spoke softly: "You seem somewhat...... nervous?" it truly was a question to be asked now as he had no idea what happened to her firm self all of a sudden.
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Fade on July 4th, 2010, 1:42 pm

She turned to him and answered just as softly as he had just spoken "I woudnt call it nervous...just plain aprehensive. And anyway there would be no reason to be nervous" She had made it plain for him.
She looked at him showing him how she knew. Of course she knew but did he? That would come out soon.

Then she regained total composure and smiled gently at last she didnt have to halt her gnosis so much. It was like throwing of your shoulders a heavy bag and standing beside it knowing its still there but not feeling its heaviness.

During all this time she had stopped walking, she then took a few steps but stopped again and said in a far away voice "You know what? We must be a wierd sight..." She smiled a sly almost cheeky smile and chuckled.
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on July 4th, 2010, 2:24 pm

She litsened to the sound of her sweet silent voice before it disappeared completely, and as it did he just started replying not really thinking much: "Why would one such as yourself be afraid of the future? After all it is but what we decide it to be" he laughed somewhat to himself, he never thought he had that kind of optimism in him.

He took a deep breath as this needed to be said, cause it was only a matter of time until she could sense a lie in his voice or actions.

"You know what? Who cares?" he came a bit closer to her before saying that as he had no idea how quietly will the words flow out of him, and it indeed was not much more than a whisper.

After saying his lines, he turned around rather curious realizing it really is an obscure time to be walking around the street, especially for two young people. But it did not disturb his peace to any extent. His lips parted asking the last question he had for now: "You know, i never asked you, but, what do you want?" he looked at her curious as he was unsure if the time was right to blab out everything he just did, but Zulrav was kind today, so that was probbably a sign.
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